Day One🍁

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Day one without Jisung I guess.

We were all seated in the Café, some with a breakfast meal others with just a drink.

I had no appetite really. I could only worry about Jisung. I wasn't really participating in the conversations happening either despite the topic being one of my favourites - cats.

"And then like I saw this cat in the alleyway" Seungmin was explaining some story about his encounter with a cat which I don't really know what it stemmed off of but we were all very intrigued.

"I swear it was looking into my soul" He continued. "And what happens next? I nearly got knocked down by a fucking truck"

Felix burst out laughing. Everyone else gave him a look. "Oh come on! He's alive" He folded his arms. "It's funny! Right Minho Hyung?"

I was zoned back into the conversation now. "Huh?" I looked around dazed. Changbin frowned. "Hyung are you okay?" He asked.

I hummed. "Just tired"

"The drink your coffee dumbass" Seungmin grinned. I shot a glare "Shut the fuck up" I rolled my eyes before taking a sip of the coffee I had long forgotten I ordered.

"In other news, I wonder where Jisung is going off to!" Jeongin pipped up. "Everyone start placing your bets!!" Hyunjin slammed his hand on the table.

"I think he's gone to Busan" Jeongin smiled. Hyunjin snorted "My bet is the mountains!"

"What mountains?" Chan asked. Hyunjin shrugged "Dunno, mountains, do I look like I know geography to you?" That was his answer.

Felix and I looked at each other while everyone placed guesses on where Jisung went to. It finally came to Felix and I who had been extremely quiet.

"Lix, your go!" Hyunjin smiled. Felix cleared his throat "Maybe.. He's visiting... People?" He suggested.

Everyone hummed as that seemed more like an option than most thrown out on the table.

It was my go now though. And I wasn't gonna sugar-coat anything. So when Hyunjin asked me I just blankly said:

"Maybe to somewhere he fucking hates" Felix looked at me with big eyes as everyone else laughed.

Most of them didn't seem to care after that falling back to conversations but I could see Chan and even Hyunjin were surprised about how blunt I was.

I had expected them to be way more concerned at my option than the others. These were my friends they knew when I was serious and when I wasn't. Changbin was just too sleep deprived to process what I said anyway.

Hyunjin glanced at Felix and back at me. "Hyung?" He asked. One word held so much more behind it then that. Hyunjin was really asking several things. What do you know? Where is Jisung actually going? Why are you so angry about it? Why does Felix look so upset? Why why why.

I shook my head in reply. It wasn't my story to tell.

"Oh my god we should go bowling" Jeongin suggested. Changbin gasped at this "That's a great idea!!"

"You're not too short for the balls are you?" I asked. He gave me a deadpan look. "Kids play bowling Hyung... Kids!"

Everyone laughed.

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We decided to go bowling. Chan had booked us in for a certain time and once we got there we were brought to our space.

"I say we go in teams!" Seungmin announced. Felix scoffed "Nah I wanna win for myself" I laughed at this. "You probably can't even throw!!"

"Who wants the brackets up?" Chan asked aloud as everyone chatted. He brought us back to focus on him though. "We'll play singular, it's just easier on this thing" He pointed at the screen.

Everyone wrote in their names and got ready for their go's. First was Jeongin. He had four pins left but on his second try he knocked two more down.

Then it was Seungmin. Of course he got a strike. He laughed as he turned back around to rub it in our faces.

Felix was up next. He picked up the pink bowling ball and smiled back at us. "Pink is a lucky colour of mine" He chuckled before going to throw. Low and behold he got a strike as well.

Hyunjin was ready for this. He threw the ball rather aggressivly though, it bounced off the floor and well he didn't get any points. It was a miss.

Changbin was next. He was way more calm than the people before. He just got the ball threw it and waited. He knocked down majority but everyone let out sighs when he had two left. His second try he didn't knock any more down.

My go! I walked over and picked up the ball. I went for the green one. I forgot how heavy bowling balls could actually be.

I walked over to throw my ball and I genuinely forgot how weird it felt when you let go of a bowling ball. I hadn't went bowling in years.

To my surprise I got a strike! There was some cheers and some groans of annoyence.

"Are we sure Felix, Seungmin and Minho Hyung aren't secretly in an ailience?" Hyunjin sighed sitting down on the seats in our area.

I sat beside him and pushed him harshly. He went falling off the chair making everyone laugh loudly. "Yah!!"

"Don't be a sore loser" I stuck out my tongue.

Felix was leading the board by the end and well he ended up winning. We played a few more rounds before calling it a day and leaving.

It was getting later in the evening now so we decided it would be best to go home.

Jeongin and Seungmin went to a different university to the rest of us so they bid their goodbyes before heading off.

The five of us walked back to our university.

Felix and I walked comfortably beside each other. "Do you think he's okay?" He asked me. I knew he meant Jisung. As much as I hated to admit it, bowling and spending time away from my own mind for a while made me forget that Jisung was even gone.

It only clicked back in when Felix asked that. I felt myself become anxious again. "I'm sure he is..." It wasn't convincing. We both knew that but just saying it was comforting enough.

I expected a message rather soon if I'm honest. I don't know to what extent Yunsa was like. Jisung being terrified to even go was enough to give me a really bad outlook on it.

Hyunjin had managed to slip himself beside me. "Are you talking about Jisung?" He asked. Felix nodded "Just wondering what's he up to!" He smiled.

Hyunjin hummed before looking at me. "Did you mean what you said earlier? At the cafe" He asked. Felix got tense as I was looking for an answer.

"You definitely know where Jisung is"

"Why are you being so intrusive?" I asked with furrowed brows. "I'm only curious" He shrugged. "Plus I know you hyung"

"And I know you" I replied. "Jisung is fine" Hyunjin looked at me. "Alright then" He sighed. "I know you're lying but alright" He lifted his hands in a defensive manner. "I won't push you to tell me if it's that serious"

He then walked alongside us in silence. Only to leave Felix and I in our own thoughts which couldn't have been worse to think about.


I legit have no time to proof read but I'm posting extra cuz I don't think I'll have much time tomorrow hehe

How are we? Hope we are well!

I'll leave this short and sweet so

Have a good day or night xx

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