Contemplating Life On The Swings🍁

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I get back to the dorm feeling refreshed after such a great night with Jisung. It was way better than any party really.

Just two idiots messing around. Plus he's bi, what a chance that I met someone with something similar to me!

Once I walk into the dorm, around 1:30 I'd say, Felix is sitting at the small kitchen table with his pj's on and a glass of milk in his hand.

I take off my shoes and eye him confused. "Hello" I called. Felix looked up from his phone and smiled tiredly. "Hi hyung" he sounded tired too.

I walk over to him after throwing my jacket on the counter in our kitchen and sit down on the other seat. "Are you okay? You're back earlier than I thought"

Felix hummed. "It wasn't that much fun" He mumbled. "I started feeling sick too" He gestured to the glass of milk. "So you're drinking... Milk?"

"Warm milk hyung, it helps stomach pains" He rolled his eyes. "But you wouldn't know that cause I always take care of you when you're sick"

I resist a scoff and just pat his hand instead. "So you left cause you started feeling ill?" I had to clarify. I had a weird gut feeling telling me something else was wrong. My gut is usually always right when it comes to Felix. I've lived with him long enough to know.

"Yeah..." He was lying. Felix was the type of person to always make eye contact with you when he talked to you, he had looked down now.

"Are you sure? you know you can tell me-"

"I just don't wanna talk about it" He mumbled but loud enough for me to understand. I nod and ruffle his hair. "At least you look cozy now" I smiled. Felix gave a small smile back. "Yeah"

I got back up thinking I'd be let off to my room to change into my own pj's when Felix stops me. "How was your night?"

I turn on my feet and laugh. "Boring as per usual" Now I was lying. I'm good at it though so Felix can never tell. "Oh, alright" he didn't seem bothered to know. "I'm glad you had a good night though, you look more happier than you did in the past few weeks"

Did i? I thought I still looked like a depressed monster trying to fight through day to day life to be honest. I clear my throat. "Oh well... Um... I think it's the winter air honestly um... Yeah... Imma go change"

I don't let Felix get another word in, I'm already dashing into my room. I lean against the door behind me and sigh. Was I really happier looking? Ew.

I could never imagine myself happy to be fair. Not anymore.

I change out of my clothes and put on a oversized jumper and shorts. I don't really wear anything to bed though, it's just for the sake of having another person living with you and you never know who'll show up at your door.

Like now. There's a knock on our door. At 2am. Who?

I peep my head out of my bedroom door to see who it was cause clearly Felix had answered it. I saw Hyunjin standing there. He looked like he was panting from running from somewhere, he also looked very drunk.

Something told me to not intrude so I closed my door and threw myself onto my bed.

I opened my phone and bit my lip before flicking through my notifications. I frown a little. "Didn't it not work?" I sighed.

I had given Jisung my number earlier. I didn't text Felix, I put in my number instead but I was too shy to ask him if I could so making an excuse was easiest.

I thought he'd text me now. Jisung... I thought he would've.

As if on cue, a message from an unknown number pops up.

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