Write Songs🍁

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It was now May. Our Easter break had ended and I decided to go back to uni for a few days to see if I actually found it any way amusing.

I had talked with Jisung about it. After the entire situation with my parents anytime I mentioned University he just completly rejected the idea.

He thought I was doing this for the sake of my mom and dad..When I really just wanted to see if I actually wanted to go to university anymore.

I've heard stories of people dropping out and they ended up being so much more happier than they were previously. Jisung is an example.

I can see why he doesn't want me to go back. Haeun is still there and probably a lot of traumatic things still remained there. But I had gained a new confidence since I was last here.

Anything that came against me, I wouldn't hesitate to face.

I really only told myself I had that mindset if I'm honest. Low-key still terrified of the entire fact that something might happen but genuinely it can't get any worse than it had been.

I was walking along side Hyunjin. He was yapping on about how happy he was to have me back. "Like genuinely classes are just pointless" He laughed.

I hummed as I looked around at the familiar yet distant memory of the halls in this place.

"Right now we're starting this project where we can like make up a song" He explained. I hummed again not really interested.

We passed the dance classes. I missed teaching the students with Jisung to be honest. I had a new found love for that.

Maybe music theory wasn't my thing but dancing was. It always had been.

Hyunjin and I entered our classroom with nothing that stopped us on the way. I expected to see Haeun today.

I'm starting to realise he has a weird obsession with me. Like wherever I am, he's there making fun of me. But go off I guess.

We sat down in the familiar seats. I hadn't properly been here since like January. It was now May.

A lot happened since then.

I sighed a little. God I already hated this. Hyunjin chuckled beside me. "You're already sighing" He grinned.

I rolled my eyes. "I wanted to see if I'd actually enjoy uni after not attending properly for like four months"

Hyunjin hummed. "I'm guessing it's the opposite of what you thought then" He laughed. I nodded sadly. "Yep"

I wanted to go to university. Everyone always said that the days you have in university are the greatest years of your lives! What a load of bullshit in my opinion.

It's just stress on stress on stress and they expect you to make memories that will last forever? The only memories I have from uni is being completly stressed out of my mind when it came to deadlines and exams.

Hyunjin yawned a little. "This classroom definitely has some weird sleep spray in the air or something" He leaned his cheek to his hand.

"Like I'm so tired now"


"Good morning class!" Mr. Wrong walked in with a happy stride. Again, how could he be so happy?

I rolled my eyes at how exaggerated he was. "So today I want you all to get into pairs or groups, you can even work by yourself!" He explained. "Start brainstorming ideas for your piece of music"

Hyunjin smiled at me. "Partners?" He asked. I nodded "Yeah, sure"

I actually enjoyed this. Making up song ideas with a friend. It was fun. Our ideas got very random and then very deep so we ended up not being able to decide.

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