A Lot Happened🍁❤️

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Lol help a girl with advice at the end of this chapter please xx

Within a few months a lot had happened and a lot had changed.

I met Jisung in January and it was now October. Within the months I met Jisung and slowly fell for him - a lot happened. But it turned out so well for both of us.

I had moved in with Jisung to a newer apartment away from the sketchy side of the town to a rather fresher and nicer area.

We both didn't end up finishing University, but we both had stable jobs working in the new stage school. My advantage of working with my boyfriend was getting to hear his singing all day when he taught students.

Jisung was always shy to actually sing in front of me though.

Minhee and I had become just like the siblings we used to be only now she was more annoying. She also ended up dating Hyejin.

Felix and Hyunjin were practically like a married couple. Like sometimes I gag at how affectionate they are.

Jisung's nightmares and panic attacks about Yunsa have been getting better day by day. He still goes to therapy - I do too occasionally since I also sometimes find myself falling back into a mind from when my parents were still nagging me.

But we got through all that together didn't we?

And now?

I was sitting down on the sofa watching Netflix. Jisung was in bed still, he had been out last night with Felix, Seungmin and Jeongin.

It was about midday I think. I didn't really check the time. I was getting hungry though  and I wanted to eat lunch with Jisung.

I wandered off to our room where I knew Jisung was sleeping soundly. I opened the door and walked over to him. I sat down on the bed and lightly started nudging him to wake up.

"Ji" I whispered a little. "Ji, love" I nudged him harder. "Come on, you have to get up" Jisung groaned at this and yanked my arm to pull me down.

I fell awkwardly into his arms. "No" he replied with a deeper voice since he was stirring awake. I blushed from hearing it. I still fucking do.

Jisung pulled me closer and nuzzled his head into my neck. He was so warm. "I wanna stay here forever"

"And I dont wanna starve.. Or let you starve" I turned around in his arms making him groan again. "Minho-"

I kissed his lips. "Get up" I demanded before rolling out of his arms. I walked back out to the kitchen and got out some things to make lunch.

After a while I heard footsteps enter the kitchen. I grinned lightly without looking back. Then I felt Jisung wrap his arms around my waist.

He rested his head on my shoulder. "My head hurts" He mumbled. I hummed "You were drinking last night so that's explainable" I replied.

Jisung buried his face into my neck and kissed it gently.  "Stop that tickles" I mumbled not really wanting him to stop but I knew I wouldn't focus on the food at hand.

Jisung's grip on my waist just tightened as he left more soft Kisses on my neck. He moved from one side to the other side and it was just so distracting.

Maybe ordering food was a better option.

I turned around in his arms and gave him an unimpressed look. "What?" He asked. I placed my arms on his bare shoulders since he never wears a shirt in bed.

"You're being extra clingy" I looked at him with a slight worry now. "What's up?" I asked. Jisung shrugged "I just want to hold and kiss my boyfriend.. Is that a problem?"

Don't Delete The Kisses // MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now