Game On🍁

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Jisung and I were getting changed now. He went to the bathroom, insiting I stayed in the bedroom to get changed because there was more room.

It was weird of him but I  liked the gesture though. I stared at myself in the mirror he had over in the far corner.

I did look good. But thinking of what Jisung would think was another thing I had on my mind.

Now I know I shouldn't feel self conscious about this but lately I have been feeling that way. I took a deep breath and sighed.

"You're okay" I reassured myself before hearing Jisung call me. "Min, are you ready??" He asked.

I walked over to the door and nodded a little as I opened it. I swear to god I've never seen such a hot man in my life.

He looked to be thinking the same as he stared at me in awe.

He walked over to me and instantly wrapped his arms around my waist. "You look amazing" He let out a breath. "Fuck you look so amazing" He looked down at me.

I chuckled a little flustered. "Thanks... You look good too" I smiled. He stepped back to strike a pose. "Do I look like Danny Zuko?" He asked.

I burst out laughing. "You do" I smiled. "Just a sad one" He looked at me with a shocked look. "Yah!" He exclaimed. I walked over and kissed him quick. "You make it work"

"I'm highly offended" He walked behind me as we went to get our things together. I hummed as I went to put on my shoes.

Jisung stood behind me. "I know this view really well" He mumbled as I was bending down to pick up the pair I had bought today.

I jolted up though. "Jisung!" He laughed. "What? I'm not wrong"

"Yeah but don't just say those things.."

"You're the only one hearing them" He smiled innocently. There was no way he could smile that cutely with the subject he was just talking about.

"You're so..." I didn't even finish my sentence. I just quickly put on my shoes. Jisung chuckled and did the same thing. "With how you're all done up tonight, I might do the same again" He looked at me.

I hummed but was definitely flustered. "Are you sure?" I asked. He chuckled. "I can't see you topping me Min" he booped my nose slightly.

I felt the sudden urge to prove him wrong. Game on Jisung, game fucking on.

... Literally.

We walked down the street towards the part of the city filled with bars and clubs. It was packed with people from what I could see as we approached.

Thankfully the place we were going to was just on the outskirts of the major clubs and bars so there was less people.

I held onto Jisung's hand, intertwining our fingers. He glanced at me. "You okay?" He asked slightly worried. I hummed "Just wanted to hold your hand"

He looked away and nodded. "Alright.."

We got to the bar and when we walked in, it was fairly loud and noisy. People singing songs and cheering and laughing. It was a loud atmosphere. But it felt welcoming.

The dimmer lighting of the entire bar made it feel old. Even the smell of beer made it feel old.

Like you felt instantly happy walking in here. I spotted Minhee outside in the beer garden.

"She's out there!" I said loudly to Jisung. He looked over to where I pointed out and nodded. "Do you want a drink?" He asked. I thought about it for a moment and hummed "Yeah whatever you get ill have the same"

Don't Delete The Kisses // MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now