Maybe This Time 🍃

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Lol this book is legit so close to an end so NEXT STORY SPOLIER TIME AHAHAH

Here's a little bit of the story I'm writing like v e r y  s l o w l y  atm. Haha Istg I have only like ten chapters done.

So yeah! Tell me your thoughts at the end and enjoy xx

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I watched outside as fire roared from the dropped petrol bombs, people running around, people on the floor injured or trying to help. It was all so chaotic and scary.

I held back a breath as people rushed past the door.

I panicked as a bang from right outside my part of the wall sounded. I threw the gun in my hands right in front of the door.

"You have got to be kidding me!" I whispered. I quickly went to pick up the gun.

"Wait! Jisung don't-" I looked over at Yejoon but he was cut off by the door opening. My head snapped towards it.

"What in earth are you doing!? We have to go!!" Some boy shouted. I kicked the gun away. "I-I thought I could-"

Next thing I knew I was being pulled out of the building and away elsewhere.

Who was this guy?

I shivered a little from the cold. "Cold?" He asked. I nodded. Next thing I knew a jacket was thrown onto me.

"Oh" I let out surprised. "Are you sure?" I asked. He nodded "You're too good looking to freeze to death"

I blushed at his remark. I put his jacket on and felt my arms warm up instantly. I looked at the boy and hummed quiet satisfied with how he looked too.

"You're not so bad yourself" I replied. I couldn't really see him so that deemed okay to say. Wait-

What am I doing?
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So it's in the pov of Jisung this time cuz I found writing in this style is the best way for me so I hope that's okay with you

So tell me your thoughts! What do you think?

Anywhom as always have a great day or night xx

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