Deal With It🍁

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I don't think I've ever seen Felix look at me the way he did when he got back from hanging out with Jisung, Seungmin and Jeongin.

I had already gotten a message from Jisung.

That was the worst experience of my life

You okay?

Thank fuck I'm a good actor

When Felix came in through the door he didn't say anything to me but just looked at me like I was an animal or something.

"Hello" I gave him an odd look. He let out a breath "Lee Minho" He walked over to me - I was on the sofa - he sat down beside me.

"How was your friend date thing" I asked scrolling through my phone. Felix laughed. "It was fine but I have a thing to pick with you"

"Aw again?" I looked at him. He hummed. "YOU TOOK AWAY MY INNOCENT JISUNG"

This is where I started laughing. "Innocent!?" He judged me. "Well like-did you see his neck!? What the fuck!"

"It's good isn't it"

Felix was lost for words. "Hyung-" He groaned. "Don't talk to me like you wouldn't want Hyunjin to do the same to you"

Felix threw a pillow at me. "Shut up!!" He blushed. He was quiet for a moment. "He was so confident about it though" He seemed to be thinking how Jisung wasn't embarrassed.

Thank fuck he was a good actor as he himself said. Felix continued telling the story. "He came in and sat down casually... He saw us look at him shocked and was like 'oh this Minho did it'"

That made my stomach flip. I could imagine how confidently he said that and it made me feel flustered. "Oh.. Really?" I asked. Felix hummed with a nod.

"We started teasing him and he blushed and stuff but he was like 'I don't see you having a love life'"

He looked at me. "Are you two actually dating?" He asked. I blushed, eyes widened. "What no!" I exclaimed flustered.

Felix furrowed his brows. "Hm, cause to me it seems that way" He folded his arms. "We just kiss each other" I stated.

"What I saw today was a lot more than just kiss each other" He gave me a glare. "So you must like each other"

"Yeah we do"

He screamed.

Felix started jumping around the living room with joy. "YOU FINALLY HAVE BITCHES" He was overjoyed. "I FUCKING CALLED IT"

"You better thank me at your wedding for putting you and Jisung in the Seven minutes of heaven game haha" He smiled. I gave him a look. "You rigged that??"

"Yeahhhh" He shrugged. "But look at you with a boyfriend"

Boyfriend. He meant Jisung. Jisung... Boyfriend. That sounded... Weirdly nice. He meant it as in Jisung being my boyfriend.

I wasn't ready to officially date him. But the thought of him being my boyfriend. Calling him my boyfriend made me oddly happy.

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