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I was called to the office for some reason. There could be many reasons really. But I can't exactly think of one.

Now here I'm sat in front of the principal for better words of detail. I'd rather call her a bitch.

"You're not meeting our standards Minho" She's been going on about my grades for ages. I hold back the urge to roll my eyes. "Sorry"

"Sorry isn't going to make your grades better" She sighed. Why is she so desperate for my grades to be good? Does she not see how tired I am of life in the first place? I'd rather get drunk and forget my problems.

"Well what else can I do?" I asked but I'm really not bothered. "It's not like I can magically make them better" I added to show my anger in this situation.

She glared. "Don't be so smart with me. That's not all, I've been told you've been having little fights with some of the other students"

Right. Fights. I suppose that I probably initiated when in fact I didn't and its all a lie to make me look bad. "Who said that?" I asked.

"Choi Haeun" She replies and leans back in the almost worn chair.

Dickhead. Haeun, he thinks he's so great at life in general. His hobbies include: Football, swimming, woman and getting into fights with any person who makes him feel intimadated.

Which is most of the time me. Even though all of it is fake. I don't have the energy to even fight that guy anymore. It was all games at first until he got a gang on me at one point and I ended up in the infirmary.

I still remember my sister showing up and looking at me as if I was some living corpse.

"I only came here because mom and dad couldn't have been less bothered" That's what she had told me when she arrived. "I could be doing more with my time but no, your stupid university makes me come here"

I recoiled at the thought of her. Suddenly I'm back in the room, the principal's room. She's holding a note in front of me, suspension it reads. I didn't even know you could get suspended from University but here we are.

"I hope the time away makes you actually think better" She said bitterly. I took the note from her and smiled. "Thank you" I got up and left before I felt the urge to punch her.

As I walked into the corridor, looking at the much unnecessary suspension note I heard my name being called.

"Yah, Lee Minho" It's Haeun. I look over and sigh. He has his little posse with him. If that makes him feel better about himself.

"Wanna fight again? Make your suspension longer?"

I resist the urge to do so. " you obviously lacked physical affection as a child but there's no way in fucking hell I'm just gonna throw myself at you"

His posse make a bunch of noises as if I just said something legendary. I wonder who's side they really were on. Usually this would be enough for Haeun to get annoyed and walk off but he steps closer.

"Throw yourself at me? But aren't you gay? Don't you do that on the daily?" I sigh at his rather homophobic comment. I was not in the mood for gay slander today but here we fucking are.

"Not to Dickheads like you" I glare. His posse makes noises again. He scoffs. "What a pitty who'd want to go out with a mentally ill psychopath like you?"

I don't actually have words, I just want to cry. So I walk off and do exactly that. Cry.

It isn't fun being gay in this place. Too many people find it taboo and it's the shittiest thing I've ever experienced in my life. Like I need that on top of the family issues, mental health issues, financial issues and education issues I have.

I may have been stripped of my happiness in more ways than one, all in less than a year but I'm not letting that bitch ruin my life this way.

That's when I stop crying. Suddenly feeling that if I cry I'm letting him win. Haeun is a fucking asshole. I know that, my friends know that. Majority of the people here know that. He just needs to grow a pair really.

"Yo hyung" Hyunjin stops me in my tracks. "You good? You look like a demon" As if I could look worse. I shake my head. "I'm suspended" I said simply. There's no need in making a deal out of it.

Hyunjin's eyes widen. "Suspended? For what?"

"Fighting? Bad grades?" At this point I'm probably gonna be kicked out. I wouldn't be surprised if I'm honest. No one likes me anyway. I can even see Hyunjin look more fed up everyday that passes. He's slowly beginning to be done with me and my lowlife.

"Oh.." That's all he replied. "I thought you stopped fighting Haeun cause it was a waste of energy?" He looks dumbfounded. I wanted to tell him that yes, I did stop fighting him but he's the pride and joy of every fucker in this building.

"I felt the urge to punch him more" I shrug as a response. Hyunjin frowned. He looked disappointed. Well done Minho. Making yet another person in your life disappointed in you.

"Oh.." He says again. He has nothing more to say. "I see" He nodded. "How long are you away for?" He asked. I look at the suspension note for the given days I'm off. "This week" I reply.

Hyunjin groans. "Who am I meant to do the project with then? It's only meant to be done in class time!"

How am I supposed to know? I'm clearly not capable of anything in life. How could I know? I find myself getting angry. "Why don't you just find a new person?" I raise my voice a little.

Hyunjin looks at me startled. "What?" He replied annoyed. "Join another group. Just do it properly" I rolled my eyes. "Isn't that what you want? To do your work properly"

Hyunjin has this thing for having his work done perfectly. Hence why usually he avoids doing projects with me, I don't follow critiria because half of it is bullshit and I'd rather do projects on things I'm interested in.

"Yeah but-I wanna do this one with you-"

"Well does it look like I give a fuck?" I cut him off. Hyunjin looks down at his hands. He doesn't say anything so I take my leave.

"Bye" I say coldly before walking off.

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I'm just gonna upload the first few chapters :))

Don't Delete The Kisses // MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now