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I was at the park again. It had been hours probably. I don't know I turned off my phone.

I wasn't about to pull one of those 'I'm way to in myself to give a shit about you all so imma fuck off to the countryside for a night and turn off my phone' no. I opted for the park.

I was at the infamous swing set. Only I was lying down on the spiderweb swing staring at the night sky which was clear tonight. I was cold.

Really cold.

My hands were numb now. I hadn't worn a jacket because I thought I'd be dancing but I wasn't. It didn't end that way.

I couldn't really feel anything. I was so cold that I was practically numb.

I heard a group of teenagers passing by singing songs on the top of their voices and laughing together.

I looked over and didn't recognise them apart from one. He seemed to see me too.

He had a gym bag wrapped over his shoulder, his friends kept walking while he stood and looked at me. I was looking at him too.

"Minho?" He called in question. He walked over to me and as I expected. It was Dannie.

"What are you doing here?" He asked and looked around at the empty park. "It's like almost 11" He frowned.

"Why are you out at 11?" I asked blandly. "I had a show after dance so I was doing that.. We're heading for food now" He explained.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I hummed. "Yep" I sighed. Dannie looked over to his friends who were waiting for him.

"You seemed pretty angry in class today" He mumbled. "I hope you feel better soon" He smiled. And for some reason that made me slightly better.

It felt like how it was when Jisung was some stranger to me. When he lifted me off the ground from my own feelings and made me feel better. Dannie did the exact same.

"Thanks Dannie" I genuinely meant it. He smiled and left shortly after that.

I was alone again.

Time had passed by once more. Probably another hour or two. I had dosed off asleep from probably being extremely freezing.

I hadn't actually thought I was sleeping till I heard someone call my name.

"Minho!!" It was almost like a relieved voice. I recognised it though. It was Jisung.

He rushed over to me and knelt down beside the swing. "Minho" He patted my face. "Jesus, you're freezing!" He exclaimed and took off his jacket to put it on me.

He sat me up and threw the jacket around my shoulders. He then wrapped his arms around me and slotted himself beside me on the swing.

I leaned my head on his shoulder for warmth.

"How long have you been out here?" He asked but I couldn't find myself to reply. He sighed. "Do you know how worried you made us?"

I didn't need this conversation. I found myself speaking. "I don't care" Was all I managed.

Jisung scoffed. "Felix called me saying you were pissed at him today too" I knew Felix didn't exactly say that. "He got worried when you didn't answer your phone"

"It's off" I mumbled. Jisung sighed. "You made him so worried Minho for fucks sake" I didn't even find myself feeling guilty.

Jisung sighed. "Thank god you're okay"

"I'm not" I replied. Jisung glanced at me. "Well obviously, you're in such a mood"

"I have reasons" I mumbled. Jisung rolled his eyes. "Yeah im sure you do" he wasn't convinced.

"I do" I stated more seriously. "Like what?! I can't think of any reason as to why you're so fucking angry!" He was so frustrated. I had frustrated him.

I wanted to explain. I really wanted to. But if this was what I was going to be like after telling people I may as well wait.

I kept my excuse to the bare minimum of what had happened last night.

"I was on a call with my sister" I explained. Jisung hummed confused. "You have a sister?" I nodded.

"I also had a really bad panic attack and I'm just not mentally here today okay" there was a followed silence.

Jisung then sighed. "Now I feel bad"

"You didn't know"

"But I should've asked you if something happened instead of giving out" He shook his head. "You're very protective" I smiled a little.

Jisung moved causing me to lift my head. "Protective?"

"You took me away from the teens when I started shouting at them.." I said. "That was very protective of you, in a way"

Jisung looked down. "I guess I don't like people getting shouted at" He mumbled. "Are you okay though?"

I hummed. "I've been better.. I just want to forget about these past few days"

Jisung looked at me. "Wanna come over to my place and watch movies?" He asked. "Order a pizza?" He suggested. That sounded like a good idea.

I hummed. "We could also make out-" Jisung threw in and I lightly hit his arm. "Is that really all you think about?" I sighed. He shrugged. "I mean I can be your distraction"

He wasn't wrong there. "Plus your lips are intoxicating so like.. I'm down always" I blushed at this.

"I also think you should call Felix and Hyunjin and Chan And Changbin and tell them you're okay" Jisung added. They were all looking for me?

"Oh Seungmin and Jeongin also got worried too" He said. "I know you're not that close with them but I called them asking to keep an eye out for you since we were all loosing our shit"

He got up and pulled me up with him. "Come on then let's go"

+. - +. - +. -

HEYYY sorry for not updating lol

I've been so stressed lately and I'm sick now so that's slay 🤪

Anygays have a great day or night xx

Next chapter is a bit steamy again

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