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When I got back to the dorm the next morning, Felix was sitting at the table like usual with a bowel of cereal and a cup of coffee in front of him.

He stopped chewing when he saw me. "And care to tell me what happened to you!?" He looked mad.

Right I never actually texted him last night because I was too busy.. Doing something else.

I took off my shoes and went to him. "Yeah right... Sorry"

"Sorry?? Hyung! You left yesterday morning in a really bad mood and never showed up til the next day!" I thought he was mad but he just reminded me of a mother angry at their child for a minor inconvenience.

Like I'd know what that feels like though haha.

" I was going to text you last night but um-"

"But?? Where were you?"

"I was with Jisung"

"Oh" He seemed less panicked now. He sighed and shook his head. "I would've appreciated a text" He gave me a small smile. "Sorry I was busy"

"With?" His brows furrowed. I looked away from him and shrugged. "You'll find out eventually" That's all I said but Felix seemed to somehow know what I meant.

How did he always know what I meant?

"Hyung. Do not tell me the reason you didn't text me was because you were making out with Jisung" He was so stunned but judging by the way he sighed my face must have given it away that I was.

"I can't stand you two!" He laughed. "I want something like that" He sighed and looked at his cereal bowel. "You have Saturday" I grinned and he gasped. "DON'T MENTION IT TO ME!"

"Oh come on Lix, you're making it sound worse than it is" I rolled me eyes. "I beg to differ actually"

"Sure you do" I sighed and went to make a coffee. "You meeting up with Jisung, Seungmin and Jeongin today right?" I asked with a little grin on my face.

"Yeah why?"

"Jisung was saying it to me yesterday"

"God I don't wanna know anymore" He groaned and I laughed. "You're so weird" I chuckled. "And you're not?"

I sat back down with him and smiled happily. Felix gave me a look. "Compared to yesterday... You look really happy" He said.

I only smiled brighter. "Really?" I laughed. "That's nice" I felt very happy for once. I felt like that entire I Feel Pretty song from West Side Story.

"It's low-key creeping me out-"

"Have fun today" I smiled and went off to my bedroom probably leaving Felix in a odd state of confusion.

I popped my head around the corner of my door before closing it. "Also tell me everything about your little friend date today when you get back"

Felix gave me a very confused look. "You never really cared for that sort of thing"

"Today only I will care" I smiled. Felix scoffed "I might pull what you did last night and annoy you"

"You wouldn't" Felix sighed at this because he knew I was right. "Yeah.. I wouldn't"

Felix left an hour or two later. I wasn't really paying much attention to time. I was just really happy.

Around the time that Felix left I got a message from Jisung. I opened it quickly.


Oh. He must have seen the marks on his neck.

Don't Delete The Kisses // MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now