Can We Call? 🍁

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Felix had fallen asleep shortly after. I was about to as well but i saw my phone light up with a message.


I let out a breath as I watched my phone's screen turn back off again. I picked it up and went to the chat reminding myself again and again that I would be okay.

I opened the message.

Thanks for texting me

I gulped before replying. God I was so anxious.

What do you want?

Cold answer Minho but I needed to be. I wasn't letting her say things. Not that she ever did but she always looked at me like she wanted to say things that our parents would say to me.

I just.. Wanna talk

Make it quick
I don't wanna waste my time

Right yeah.. Okay
Um well its mom and dad

What about them?

Minhee was typing then not typing then typing again and then she sent a message.

Were they.. Always like this?

To you?

My breath got caught in my throat when I read those messages. What did she mean? What did she see or hear or-

The phone call.

What do you mean?

I heard the phone call
Mom was calling you
And saying really.. Nasty things...


Is it true?
Is that what you've been putting up with?

Not all the time
Not anymore

Oppa that's not right like

Minhee I'm fine seriously

God why didnt I realise sooner!?

I don't think this is something
We should talk about over text tbh

Right yeah..
Do u think we can meet up?
I won't do anything.. I think I've just
Finally come to my senses

Something in my made me want to believe her. Made me want to imagine that I'd have my little sister I cared about so much back and that I'd at least have one person back.

She hadn't seen any of the things mom and dad did to me. She hadn't heard anything they said to me. She was blind to it all and when I left for uni, they probably made up horrid excuses for me moving away.

She believed them because I let her see no wrong in them.

At the time I thought that at least if one of us had parents that would be best for both of us. I was dumb.

I'm not sure

Then can we call?


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