Get Through The Night🍁

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My headache subsided. Thank god.

I spent my day with Jisung. Felix had actually ended up getting good grades so he was making fun of the fact we got so wasted.

I hummed lightly as I scrolled through my phone on Instagram. I was looking at pictures of sunsets - because they are so pretty so like obviously.

I yawned a little. I was pretty tired. Jisung and I had spent the entire day in bed. He was now in the bathroom but I still laid in bed.

I practically live with him at this point.

I was looking at a really pretty photo of a sunset with a pink sky and outlines of trees below when I got a message from Minhee.

I smiled a little. I was starting to feel really comfortable talking with her.

My smile dropped when I saw what she said..

Minho oppa.. Mom and dad got ur report

I gulped. I started to feel my stomach turn again.

Lol I assumed they would

But it's not good
They're cursing and shouting

Dad is slamming things..

Are they that pressed?

Despite how chill I responded each message from her made me more scared.

How are u so chilled rn?

Idc what they do

I did care.

Oppa.. Please be serious this time
Stop tryna act like this is okay
It's not

.. But I'm fine

She took a few minutes to reply.

Minho.. Where are you?


Are u at the dorms?


Okay.. Just.. Dont go there
At all

Minhee what's wrong?

Mom and dad are coming
They're dragging me with them..

They think I'm not listening..
The things they're saying omg

I'm no where near the dorms

Ur with Jisung huh?


I started to feel tears in my eyes. God, I was so scared. Jisung came back holding a bottle of water.

"I got some water for us since we are dehydrated bitches-" Then he saw me. I looked over at him with such a petrified look.

He rushed over. "What's wrong?" He asked. I showed him the messages between minhee and I. He furrowed his brows together.

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