Borrow Your Phone🍁

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Jisung.. Didn't... Lie.

The place was an actual lounge area. A very club vibe lounge if I'm honest. There was LED lights... everywhere. The whole room was lit in a dark blue hue making it seem like you could quiet possibly be under the ocean drowning. That sounds dark though sorry.

I walk in. The sofas and beanbags scattered all over the place are all luminous colours of pink, yellow and orange. A big contrast to the dark blue lights.

The whole area is just... Chill. If that's how you could describe the room. Jisung stands beside me looking around too. "So, wanna go and sit down?" he asked.

I don't even nod I just walked straight over to sit down.

I didn't notice Jisung turning on some music. It was vibey and definitely was his style. He was already moving his body to the beat with his bag of fries in hand.

I had to laugh at how funny he looked. Okay, he was actually a real vibe to watch dancing.

"All that she wants~ is another baby~" He started singing along and I swear I've just heard an angel. Two sentences and I'm suddenly shocked. He laughs at my expression.

Then he sits down beside me with a little jump to land. "I know, I'm a great singer" He smirked. I nod and eat a fry. "You are"

"We should dance!" He gets up again throwing his fries onto the small coffee table in front of the sofa we were at. I shake my head. "I don't dance-"

"Oh come on Minho! You got it in you, I can tell" He started moving to the beat of the song that came on. Some song that I couldn't understand, don't ask me what language it was. I can't tell but it wasn't Korean.

Jisung managed to pull me to my feet. His hands held onto mine and he moved my arms around in the air. He started swaying his hips and laughs as I try to move away.

"Aw, Min" He gives me this sympathetic look. I hate that look. Fuck no.

I walk over to the speaker, where I'm guessing the music is and turn on a song I know I'd probably dance to. I did dancing up until I went to university, I just lost all interest in my passion I guess.

Jisung is watching me, I can feel his eyes on me. As I try to find some song I'd dance to, but I don't know any of these songs.

I ended up shuffle playing the playlist that was on the phone and a very European like song comes on, I think it's French.

Jisung seemed to know it as he's already on the sofa trying to mimic the lyrics. The chorus comes and he's jumping on the thing.

He dragged me up and suddenly we're both jumping and laughing and shouting. Just having a good time.

Jisung gets off the sofa and I follow. "Minho!" He lifts his hand for me to take a hold. I take his hand and he twirls me. We both laugh, I twirl him.

The twirling doesn't match the edm track but we didn't care. We were just dancing the night away really. I finally felt myself just let go and god was it amazing to feel that way.

Jisung takes my hand again and for the big Finale, he twirls me into him. We stand there for a moment as a rock song starts to play. Jisung lets go and clears his throat. "Oh! Maneskin, slay" He walked over to the speaker for a moment.

I sit back down onto the sofa and sigh I'm exhausted now.

Jisung awkwardly walks back to me and sits down. "It's like midnight now so happy Thursday" I look at him and hold back a laugh.

Today had to have been the weirdest but best days I've had so far. Weirdest because I was legit kicked out of a party for being myself but Jisung made up for that so it was all fine now.

Jisung was babbling on about another random topic. I didn't even know what he was saying honestly.

"But genuinely I don't understand the hype" I'm only zoned in to here that much. "Huh? Oh yeah same"

"So you agree? Straights are a waste of space?" I immediately freak out. "What!?"

"You weren't listening" Jisung rolls his eyes. "I tested you ha! I was just talking about the whole slime phase people had back in 2016"

How did we get onto this topic? Jisung seemed highly invested. "Bro, do you think if we could go back to the 80s or something.. Would life be so simpler?"

I will never understand Jisung's head. Its full of theories and random thoughts that I can't even half heartedly comprehend them half the time. He just bursts out with the most random things.

"Why the 80s may I ask?" I decide to go with this, intrigued. "Cause the style was cool, plus I've heard it was a simpler time then" He shrugged.

"Are we sure you're not the one who had alcohol?" I give him a look and his laughs. "God Minho, leave me and my brain alone"

I give him a smile. "You're brain is beautiful" He smiled back. "And so are you!"

I froze a little. Jisung was definitely a flirt but for some reason it seemed like he just meant that as a compliment. I didn't comment on it though.

"I think I should start heading back" I sighed. I didn't want to leave but the thought of Felix standing at the door waiting for me with an angry expression caused me to shiver. It wasn't everyday you'd see him angry and when he was, he was.

I could just be over thinking that though, he just seemed disappointed but any other emotion than happiness from Felix makes me worried so yeah.

Jisung hummed, sounding sad also. "Yeah, it is getting late" He stood up, I followed. "Do you think we could meet up again?" He asked.

I thought about it for a moment before nodding. What have I got to lose? Jisung was a genuine nice person. "Yeah, sure" I replied. Jisung smiled happily and I had to smile back.

Then we started to walk out of the building to the streets again. I pull out my phone to check the time. "How is it nearly one am!?" Jisung's face was priceless. He didn't think it was that late.

"No way really?" He looked at my phone and let out a breath. "Wow. Okay go home" He points in the direction past me. I laughed. "How nice of you-"

"Go home and get your rest, you need it" He clarifies and I just nod. "Yeah, you too" Jisung raises a brow. "Bold of you to assume I sleep"

We stood there for a moment. I bite my lip thinking about something. I look down at my phone and realise it 'died'.

"Aw, for fucks sake" I exclaimed. Jisung laughed. "What's up?" I look at him. "Can I borrow your phone? I need to tell my roommate I'm on my way back"

Jisung nodded and gave me his phone instantly. After fumbling around with it for a few minutes I gave it back.

"Thanks" I smile. "Alright, I'll see you soon?"

"Definitely" Jisung waved as he started walking off. "Bye Minho!"

I walk back to my dorm with a smile on my face.

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Helloooo how are we doing?

I'm slowly updating this story but once Fix You has come to an end expect like two chapters a day thing again haha

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