You're Real🍁

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"Guys" I was woken up by Felix. I looked at him for a moment gaining my senses back. I felt a heavy weight on me and remembered Jisung was there.

"We're back" He smiled. I shook Jisung lightly. He had fallen asleep. He stirred awake and looked up at me. "Hmm?" He mumbled. He rubbed his eyes and gained sense of his surroundings.

"It... Wasn't a dream?" He asked. I smiled as did Felix and we both nodded. "You're safe now Ji" Felix smiled.

I helped Jisung get up from the seat. The driver smiled at us. "You're a smart kid" He said to Jisung. "Your two friends really care about you" He continued.

Jisung smiled tiredly. "Thank you.."

"Especially him" He pointed to me. Jisung hummed. "He's not my friend" He chuckled. I felt hurt at that. "I'm dating him"

Okay never mind - OH MY GOD

I smiled brightly. Plus it was the first time Jisung said something and genuinely laughed!!

Felix rolled his eyes. "Jeez Don't make it so obvious Hyung" He snorted and left the bus.

"Ah well, you two are very good together" The driver said. "Jisung wasn't it?" He asked. Jisung nodded "Yep, Han Jisung"

"I see" He looked down. "Keep yourself well kid" He smiled and waved us off.

What a weird conversation that turned into. I shoved away the weird feeling I had and focused on Jisung.

"Do you want to come back to out dorm?" Felix asked him. Jisung hummed "I don't know"

"I can make us cookies!"

"At 1am?" I rose a brow. Felix looked at me. "Yes at 1am if Jisung wants them"

".. I'm okay" He mumbled. I felt his hand slip into mine. "Can we go?" He asked. We both nodded and made our way to the dorm.

Once we got inside, Jisung looked around the room like it was almost this first time here. Then again he probably hadn't see anything but that old disgusting room for the past three days.

Once I took my shoes off I went over to him. "Are you okay?" He looked at me and nodded a little. He was okay. I knew he was.

"Can we go to your room?" He asked. I nodded instantly. "Lix.. Do you want help with the cookies?"

"Come near my recepie and I kill you" He warned before waddling off to the kitchen.

I nodded before walking off with Jisung to my room. We got in and sat down on my bed. Jisung leaned his head on my shoulder but I had an idea.

"Wait" He lifted his head off and looked at me. I sat up against the headboard and opened my legs slightly. "Sit here" I pointed. Jisung held a surprised look but slowly crawled to sit between my legs.

He leaned back so his back pressed against my chest. I wrapped my arms around him and held him close. I heard him let out a sigh. "This is nice" He mumbled.

I let my nose touch against his hair. "Mhm" I replied. "This bracelet is a life saver" Jisung lifted his wrist.

"How did you press the button if you're hands were you know-"

"I pressed it before she got my hands" He chuckled. That made sense.

"I can't believe I told someone we're dating" His hands came to his face flustered.

I chuckled and pulled them down. "I found it cute" Jisung leaned his head back against me now, he glanced up at me. "You're really here" He leaned up a little and kissed my jaw.

"You're real"

"Yes, I'm breathing" I replied. He chuckled. "Thank you.. For saving me" He turned around in my arms and sat back a little.

"Don't thank me for that-" He engulfed me in a hug. It was very uncomfortable but the emotions behind it made it special.

"Thank you anyway"


+. - +. -

When I woke up the next morning, I had Jisung in my arms. I smiled a little looking at him.

Then I started to really look at the details of him and noticed how different he looked. To put it short he looked malnourished.

I pouted a little. I heard his stomach rumble loudly. He really hadn't eaten anything in days.

I wanted him to sleep but I thought that he should get food now before it got worse. I nudged him to wake up. He jolted up and sat up quickly.

It was so fast it made me jump. He sat with perfect posture and stared at the wall in front of him with a blank expression.

I sat up slowly. I watched his showly fall slightly as he noticed where he was. Then he looked back at me. "Oh.." He mumbled.

"Hi" I smiled.


I brought Jisung out to the kitchen to get some food. "So we have cereal.. Toast.. Do you want me to make anything?" I turned around to look at him.

"I dunno" He shrugged. "Cereal?" I suggested. He nodded. I told him to go sit at the table as I got him a bowel of cereal. I gave him extra because he deserves it.

I placed the bowel down and the moment Jisung's eyes laid on the cereal, he tucked in. I smiled a little but also felt really worried that he ate so fast.

I made myself a coffee and by the time I sat down again, he was finished. I chuckled. "Did you enjoy that?" He nodded and mumbled something I couldn't hear.

"Hm?" I asked.

"I kinda want more.." He mumbled a bit louder. He was scared to ask me that. What on earth had happened??

"Take the entire box if you want" I laughed and handed it to him. Jisung poured out another bowel.

Once the milk was poured in he ate again. "Wanna do anything today?" I asked. He shrugged as he chewed.

"Not sure" He said after he swallowed. "I don't wanna go out though"

I hummed "I have to take your class tonight so do you wanna stay in with Felix?"

"No I can go with you to that-"

"No stay here" I smiled. He then gave me this look. This look of fear. "Okay" He mumbled.

Now I realised what I said. I told him to stay in one place probably like what Yunsa had said to him at the orphanage.

"I mean-" I cleared my throat. "You can come if you want to.. I just thought you should rest"

"Nah.. I'll go.. It might take my mind off things" He gave me a small smile and it genuinely was some progress from last night to see him have that smile.

"Alright" I said as I sipped my coffee.

+. - +. - +. -

Guess who's sick again? Me

Istg I'm always sick somehow

Anygay how are we doing? Hope all is well xx

Have a great day or night!! xx

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