Gender Doesn't Matter To Me🍁

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"Okay and so you think you might be fruity for real now?"

"Yes Hyung"

"Rigghhht... Always kinda guessed it to be fair"

"You're not helping"

I sighed as Hyunjin sprawled himself out on his sofa, with me in a spare arm chair looking at him. He made it look like a therapy session. He wanted to.

"Okay so go from the top" I pinched my nose in frustration. Hyunjin looked like he was going through an eternal crisis and as much as it was funny to see it was damn right annoying too.

He sighed. "So as we know.. Felix kissed me" He began and I hummed. "I panicked, he panicked" He continued. "I found myself saying I'm not but he ran off then" He brought his hands to his face.

"I was gonna say I'm not gay but then I paused and mentally actually processed what had happened and realised I liked it and now I'm confused... So what do I do!?" He cried dramatically as if he had found out he was dying.

I gave him a blank stare. "Do I take an am I gay quiz?" He asked. I got up and threw his legs off the sofa to sit down beside him properly.

"I'm never being your therapist ever" I scoffed before I got back to what was at hand.

"Well I mean you can do that but there's only so much a quiz probably made by a 13 year old can tell you" I explained. Hyunjin sighed "I didn't know Felix was gay"

"He's bisexual" Hyunjin looked at me. "So he likes girls and boys?" He asked and I nodded. "Not smart of me to be throwing around something only newly recognised in his life but I feel the need for you to know that"

Hyunjin hummed and leaned back. "Maybe I'm bisexual" He wondered. I started asking questions. "Okay so like.. If you think about a person you'd want to date.. What do you think about first?"

"Personality" Hyunjin replied fast. "That's like main factor, why look hot if you're gonna be a boring bitch" He added. I hummed before continuing.

"When you look at girls.. Do you think you'd date one?" I asked and he nodded. "Yeah.. That's what I do know"

"If you looked at boys.. Would you date one?" I asked. He thought about it and looked at me. "I think I would... But genuinely speaking.." He seemed to be trying to figure it out in his head.

"You just saying boys and girls seemed very.. Structured?" He said. "Like.. I genuinely don't think about the gender I would prefer to date... I don't think I ever did.. Kinda just assumed I liked girls only because that's stereotypically normal"

Talking about this to a friend I thought was straight was always so surprising to hear information like this. "Oh really?"

"Wow..yeah" He looked as if he was recalling moments when he thought like that. "Gender doesn't matter to me..." He turned to me quick. "What does that mean!?"

I smiled. "You could be pansexual" I suggested "But that's not for me to decide, look into the types of sexualites and tell me if you ever need to talk"

"Okay.. Thanks Hyung" He was genuine. I smiled and got up. "I need to go tell Felix that you don't actually hate him now"

"He thinks that?" Hyunjin looked so upset. "Yeah just a bit" I shrugged. "Nothing I can't fix"

Hyunjin scoffed. "Giving Fixer upper from Frozen I see" he folded his arms. I laughed "Sure"

"You know I'm here to talk to as well" He mentioned. I paused on my way to the door. "Yeah.. I know... Just..." I wanted to tell him forget what I said that night about my family. Forget it because I never wanted anyone to know.

"Yeah.. Thanks" That's all I got out instead.

+. - +. -

Felix was dancing in our living room when I got back from Hyunjin's. He was sweating and had moved the coffee table out of the way for more room.

"Fuck sake!" He cursed as he did a move wrong, I'm assuming. I took off my shoes. "You good?" I asked.

Felix turned and looked me up and down as if recalling who I was for a moment. "Right. Yeah I'm fine" He replied. I walked over to him and sat on the sofa behind him.


"I have a exam coming up" He sighed. He put his hands on his hips as he caught his breath back. I hummed "Oh yeah the exams" Mid terms considering we had a few days off in February, it was considered a weird mid term so sometimes we'd get exams.

"You don't even go to uni anymore so you don't have a say" Felix pointed at me. I laughed, I actually didn't. I was meant to go back on Monday. Now it was Wednesday and I had zero plans of going back yet.

It was a breath of fresh air really.

Plus I was busy with Jisung and the performance we were doing.

"I can't get this move right" Felix groaned as he played some video on his phone. I hopped up and looked at it. "I can help you" I shrugged.

Felix blinked at me before sighing happily "Right you dance" He smiled and put his phone down.

I positioned him in the stance for the move. He laughed as he was way off when doing it previously. And just like that he could do it.

"Felix, how did you forget to mirror the dance move?" I folded my arms. "That's legit the first thing you should know!"

"I've been stressed" He rolled his eyes at me. "By the way, where were you?" He asked confused as he knew I had no plans till later.

"Oh at Hyunjin's"


I was back on the sofa when he said this. I glanced up at him. "Yeah, we talked" I stated. He nodded but I could tell he wanted more information. "He doesn't hate you if that's what you want to know"

Felix literally eased the moment I said that. It was like someone poured calmness over him and left him completely at peace.

"Okay.. Cool.. That's good" He mumbled. "He's completely okay with being friends again?" My heart kinda stopped when he said this.

"Of course he is" I don't know how I can keep certain information to myself when I have the urge to always tell it to the person who doesn't need to know.

Like now I really wanted to tell Felix that Hyunjin liked the kiss and even might now have a chance with him.

"I think imma stop liking him" I paused when he said this. "What?" I asked.

"Hyunjin is a great friend and well... I don't want my romantic feelings to ruin that so imma stop"

"You know it's not that easy to do.. Right?" I asked. Felix hummed "Yeah I know" He smiled. "I'm going to try" He added.

I doubted his attempts would last long. I nodded none the less. "Alright then" I shrugged and went back onto my phone.

+. -.+-.-+.-


It's still like tomorrow for me but HOURSSSSS having to get up at 5am is not a slay BUT ANYTHING FOR YOU STRAY KIDS

Don't Delete The Kisses // MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now