Being Fruity Ain't All That Bad🍁

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"So you and Jisung aren't a weird fling or something?"

I was at a cafe with Hyunjin. He asked to meet up.

"No" I shake my head. Seungmin, as expected had told Jeongin who told Hyunjin that he found Jisung and I in the same bed looking very couply.

"Seungmin seemed really convinced" He sat back. "You're not lying?" He asked.

I groaned annoyed and that was enough of an answer. "Okay okay!" He laughed. "So. Work experience huh?" he grinned.

"Where you going? A Café? Shop?" Hyunjin asked. I took a sip of my coffee. "I'm working with Jisung"

He gave me a dead look. "Seriously" he rolled his eyes. "You definitely like him"

I scoffed. "Nah, just helping him out because he hates being a dance teacher" I explained. Hyunjin folded his arms. This felt more like an interigation than a friendly meet up with your friend.

"And so you said you'd help?" He asked. I nodded. "Not because I like him or anything like that... I guess I just... Know how to dance" I shrug. I hadn't ever admitted that I danced to Hyunjin.

That explained his shocked face. "You dance?" he sipped his coffee excitedly. "That's so slay" He exclaimed. It genuinely surprises me that Hyunjin isn't in the slightest way fruity because he acts very much fruity and sets my gaydar off extremely sometimes.

"I used to dance" I clarify. "I don't anymore"

"What why?" Hyunjin frowned. He did dancing on the side of his music major and he was damn good too. He forced me to go to one of his shows so that's how I know.

"Reasons" Parents. That's what I wanted to say but I didn't need to depress Hyunjin more with my sob story of a family.

"Reasons like?" He pryed. "Parents" I replied. If he was going to pry for an accurate answer then he'd get the answer.

He face fell from a curious one to a very sad one. "Oh" Was all he could say. "Can't you start up now?"

"Off of the student benefits I have?" I laughed at this. "I have to live before anything else" I replied.

Hyunjin hummed. "I could pay for you" He suggested. That made me feel worse. "What? No! That's way too generous-"

"Okay well how about this" He gets all smart looking. He placed his arms on the table using his finger as some form of pen.

"You, dance for me" He moved his finger on the table. "And I judge and see if it's worth paying for you to come with me to a session"

This felt very judgemental. Hyunjin was a judgy person with good intent but he always side glanced at people who he found particularly odd. He was always quick to shrug them off though.

But having Hyunjin judge me? I don't know if I was ready for that.

"I dont know-"

"Think about it" He smiled. "I'm sure you're amazing" He took another sip of his coffee. "How long did you dance for?"

"Since I was 7 till 18" Now 23, I couldn't be so sure how good I was anymore.

"Oo okay" Hyunjin smiled. "You must be really good then" He smirked now. "SLAY" he clapped his hands.

"That was very fruity of you, Hyunjin" I joked expecting him to laugh along but instead he shrugged and smiled. "Being fruity ain't all that bad either"

I nearly choked on my drink. "Huh!?" I gasped. Hyunjin laughed now. "Jeez! I was kidding!" He laughed. "I'm not gay Hyung"

I nodded but still felt very strongly about his response. "Right.. Okay um-"

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