Don't Fucking Panic🍁

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We're on our third round of chase when I get a phone call. I'm meant to be chasing Jisung but I stop when my phone buzzed.

I pull it out. I only now see I've been gone for an hour already.

"Felix?" I answer the call.

"Hyung, where the fuck are you?" He sounds mad. I look around at my surroundings before clearing my throat. "Safe??"

Safe? My answer was safe? What the fuck is wrong with me-

"You're somewhere safe?" Felix asked. I nod even though he can't see me. "Yeah" I replied. Jisung saw me now, he stopped running and walked over to me, pushing his hair back from his face in the process.

He gives me a look asking if I'm okay and I nod. He stands waiting for me to hang up.

"Just be home before the morning" Felix mumbled. "I will, don't worry lix I'm fine" Jisung raises a brow and I shake my head as if saying 'it's all good'.

Felix sighs on the other end. "Right, I'll see you later!" I say my goodbyes and hang up.

Jisung smiles at me and I smile back. "Who was that?" he asked. I shrug "My roommate"

Jisung chuckles. "Oh? Again?" He smirked. "He sounds like a possessive boyfriend" He made weird movements with his finger and ended up tickling me. I laugh loudly and push him off. "Stop!" I laugh.

He then pulled me over to the swing set again, only this time we go on the spider swing as I love to call it. We both sit down, somehow fitting tightly beside each other.

Jisung leaned his head on my shoulder. "I really like this" He mumbled but loud enough so I can hear him. I hum in agreement. "Yeah, it's not bad"

It was way more than that. It was slowly becoming a safe place for me even if it was only two times I've met him. This was the one place I felt myself and without pressure from anyone or anything. Jisung was just there, making a joke or sharing some well needed advice. He made me realise that I'm not a burden - just for a moment anyway - that I can be whoever I want to be and it will be okay.

I never noticed that Jisung had laid down. I was too busy swinging us and being in my own thoughts. I glance back, he's on his phone. The first time I saw him with a phone actually.

"Minho?" He asked. I hummed in response finding words too hard to form from a wave of tiredness hitting me.

"Can I have your number?" I was once again stunned. There was a long silence that I never realised was so long until Jisung got all awkward and tried to push away what he said.

"Ah.. Sorry... I just... Um-" He cleared his throat. He got up quickly from the swing and fixed up his jacket. Seeing the jacket made me shiver, remembering how cold I was.

Running around was great, I didn't feel the cold but now I did again. "Forget what I said" He mumbled. Now I'm back to reality.

"Huh? No! You-You can have my number I-"

"No its okay um..."He runs his hand through his hair like he's thinking about something that could affect the atmosphere we made together. The comforting atmosphere.

"Do... You think we could meet up here? More... Often?" He asked. My heart jumps for some reason and I nod without thinking. I see his smile and I had to admit it was contagious. I smile an actual full on smile. Even Jisung seemed stunned.

"Right!" He seemed like he was going to leave now. I didn't want him to leave, I didn't want to go back to my other life. Here was safer, here was where I belonged suddenly.

"You should smile more" Jisung spoke. "You look-" He clears his throat. "It's another form of therapy"

I noticed his stumble for words but don't push him. "Therapy? Hun, I need actual therapy" he laughed at this.

Don't Delete The Kisses // MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now