Fairly Red🍁

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"Genuinely hate the fact I have to put up with you two acting really couple like while I panic with Hyunjin"

Felix and I were walking to the diner that we all agreed to go to. I snorted as he looked almost like he regretted asking for a double date.

"You asked for it"

"But I don't wanna look fresh on a date, you and Jisung are experienced" He rolled his eyes. I low-key blushed at this. Being experienced at dating was not a thing I'd ever associate with Jisung and I... We just did what we wanted.

We got to the diner and saw Hyunjin sitting at the table he booked. He stood up and waved us over.

"Heyy" He greeted as Felix and I sat down. I forced him to sit beside Hyunjin. He went to sit beside me but I slammed my hand down on the seat. "I want Jisung to sit here" I smiled.

He scoffed and sat down beside Hyunjin. Hyunjin just laughed at us. "You look really good!" He complimented Felix. I let them be for a moment as I wondered where Jisung was.

He did live the furthest away. I glanced at the pair in front of me and smiled. They really did look good together. Now I'm not gonna say I low-key set them up but I had a part in it if you really think about it.

The door of the diner opened and we all looked over to see Jisung walk in looking down at his phone. My heart stopped. He looked really really hot like... I didn't know he wore clothes like that!

Okay he was wearing an oversized grey t-shirt and leather pants with a bucket hat on. It wasn't over the top but he made it look extra hot for no reason. My heart wasn't gonna function well today.

He looked up and saw us. He held a bright smile as he walked over and sat down beside me.

"Sorry I'm late" He chuckled as he sat down. Felix and Hyunjin had already started talking to him and I sat there... Silent.

Why am I shy? This wasn't even our first date! It was our second and I had my friends sitting across from me so it wasn't like we could do anything romantic.

Oh god, he's looking at me now. I felt my face go completely red. I heard him chuckle. "Min, are you okay?" I looked at him and met his eyes. Wrong move.

I only went redder. "You look... Fairly red" He placed his hand on my cheek to feel if I was heating up. I swear I probably went even more red.

I heard Felix burst out laughing. "Oh my god I've never seen Hyung so flustered!!" Hyunjin agreed. "He's so red!!"

Jisung gave me a surprised look. "You're flustered?" He asked genuinely surprised. I nodded. "Yeah?" I replied.

His surprised look turned quickly into a smirk. "Oh really why?" He leaned in closer to me. Completely forgetting the fact Felix and Hyunjin were staring at us.

"I.. I like your outfit!" I blurted out. Thankfully it was better than saying 'I think you're hot' in front of my friends. Jisung smiled "Thank you! I didn't really know the dress code but I see we all went casual"

The conversations became easier after that.

We had ordered our food and now we're just chatting about university. "I haven't seen you in class at all" Hyunjin looked at me.

I wasn't really listening to the conversation until then. I hummed "I don't see the point in uni" I shrugged.

Felix laughed "Do any of us though?" Hyunjin gave me a small frown. "You don't wanna spend time with me in class?" He faked a cry.

"Jisung tell your boyfriend to come back to uni"

"Don't ask me, I don't go to uni anymore" He shrugged resting his hand to his cheek. I looked at him. "You don't go to uni? You never told me that"

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