Empty Cans And Pizza Box🍁

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Jisung had seemed to be pretending to be okay when we were eating. It was scary how he was able to act okay.

We were sitting facing each other on the sofa with a massive pizza sitting between us. We didn't really feel like watching another film or TV show so we just talked.

"All I'm saying is that I'd make a bad ass spy" Right now we were on the topic of Spy Kids. I rolled my eyes. "Bro, I bet you can't even tell your right from left" I grin at his offended expression.

"Okay, bro" He glared. I chuckled. "What? Are you sad cause I bro zoned you?"

"Yes, very offended actually" He folded his arms. I smirked "Then will I call you baby?"

He turned a bright shade of red. "No! Bro is fine-"

"Nah I think you're liking baby a lot more to be honest"

"Hyung shut up!"

"Call me Minho, it makes more sense from you"

"You make it sound like we're dating-"

"And if we were?"

I was only teasing but Jisung's face was priceless. I didn't think a human could turn so red but Jisung beat the system.

He took a moment to reply but what he said I didn't expect. "I wouldn't mind that" He was testing me.

I chuckled a little. "In your dreams hun" I dropped the subject leaving a dumbfounded Jisung. He scoffed as he took a slice of pizza. "I hate you"

"You don't actually"

"Maybe I do"

"You haven't killed me" I shrugged and he just sighed. Jisung was done with my teasing but it was highly entertaining to watch.

+. - +. - +. -

I ended up staying over the entire day and now it was around 11pm. I hadn't realised and got very confused when I got a few messages from Felix asking if I was coming home.

I replied that I might be. I kinda wanted to stay with Jisung, he still looked really drained from that message earlier.

He was cuddled up on the other end of the sofa watching the TV show we put on in silence. He hadn't spoke for an hour and I wondered if it was because he was over thinking or if he was just really invested in the TV show we had on.

I spoke up anyway. "Hey Ji" I called and he hummed in reply. "Do you think I can stay over tonight?" I asked. He was now more focused on me than the TV now or his mind I can't be sure.

Jisung gave me a small surprised look and then smiled. "Yeah you can" He assured. I nodded and texted Felix I was staying over at a friend's.

The last thing he needed was to know it was Jisung.

Jisung stretched himself and got up off the sofa having been lying there in the same position for nearly two hours.

He yawned a little. "What time is it?" He asked. "11" I replied and he gave me a shocked look. "Oh" He looked dumbfounded.

His eyes moved around the room and his nodded. "Okay yeah" He mumbled. Jisung was odd. I couldn't quiet figure him out.

"Do you want some spare clothes for pj's?" he asked. I nodded "Yeah if you have some please" he hummed and went off to his room to get me some.

I stood up and looked around the room like Jisung did. Trying to see if he did that for any reason but I couldn't figure it out. There was just empty cans and an empty cardboard pizza box on the floor.

Maybe he mentally said he'd clean it up and verbally answered himself. I shrugged and went to find him.

It didn't take long as I ended up bumping into him in the small hallway to his bedroom. "Here" He shoved the clothes to my chest. He was flustered again.

"Thanks" I smiled. "Is it okay if I take a shower? It usually helps me fall asleep" That was a lie I just wanted to have a shower. Jisung nodded and pointed to the bathroom. "In there" He mumbled before walking off into the living room.

Jisung was more complex than I thought.

After my shower, I came out of the bathroom rubbing my hair with a towel and I came to the conclusion Jisung didn't have a hairdryer. I didn't either I just used Felix's one.

I looked around and found Jisung sitting in the centre of the sofa with the TV playing a random show again. But his focus was on the few empty cans and pizza box on the coffee table.

It was scary to look at. He looked so utterly angry at the mess in front of him beyond belief. "Jisung?" I called. No reply.

I walked over and tapped his shoulder. He jumped cowering away and bringing his arms up in defense. "Don't!"

I stared at him confused. Was he scared of me? I sit down beside him. He moved a way a bit. "Ji, it's me, Minho" I spoke softly.

Jisung brought his hands down. "Oh.. Right..." He seemed out of it. "Yeah.. Right" He looked at if he was reassuring himself in his mind. Oh god how I wanted to know what was on his mind.

He turned to me with a smile. "Sorry" He chuckled. "That happens sometimes" He threw it off as if what I had just saw was some funny joke.

It most definitely wasn't. It looked too real and raw to have been some prank to scare me.

"Um, I only have one room.. So um if you wanna sh-"

"I can sleep on the sofa" I thought he was gonna say that instead of what he actually wanted to say. He finished that first "I mean share with me" He said.

I blankly stared at him. "Oh" I chuckled. "Yeah that works too"

Cause there's nothing like two bros (who find each other attractive and nearly made out with other) sharing a bed am I right?

Jisung nodded and got up. I looked at the mess on the table, I wanted to ask if he was going to clean it up but something told me not to.

Maybe one day I'd be happy I didn't. That's how I felt. I got up and followed Jisung into his room after turning off the TV.

He both got into his bed and pulled the covers up. He laid on his back staring blankly at the ceiling. I was on my side facing him.

"Are you... Okay?" I asked. He turned his head a little and looked at me. "Why?" He asked back. I blinked a few times confused.

"Why? I just... Wanted to know"

"The common answer would be I'm fine" Jisung looked back up at the ceiling. "Saying I'm not just doesn't make sense"

Yeah. Jisung was extremely out of it. I wanted to ask him about the message. I had a bad feeling about it and I knew Jisung was acting this way because of it.

"So.. Are you okay? Really? No is a valid answer too" I asked again. Jisung turned fully on his side. His eyes looked so dead.

"No" Jisung replied. "I'm not okay" He clarified. I wasn't stuck for words. I continued. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

Just when I thought I'd finally have a sense of what happened with that message what I got as a reply was.

"No. I don't want to talk about it"

Jisung turned over onto his other side, facing away from me. I frowned.

"Night Minho" He said quietly.

"Goodnight" I replied.

+. - +. - +. - +. -

Hellooooo how are we??

Someone tell me why my body decided to wake me up at 6:30?? Like please its too early for this shit

omG I got a new Spanish student yesterday and guys SHE'S A STAY!!! WHAT ARE THE CHANCES LIKE✨✨✨✨

anyways have a great day or night xx love ya

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