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I was woken up to my phone ringing right in my ear. I groaned loudly as I reached for it.

I didn't remember setting an alarm and I somehow knew it was someone calling. I squinted to see the caller but it showed up as Unknown.

I hesitated for a moment before answering. I was too tired to actually care it was probably a scammer anyway.

"Hello..." I mumbled lying comfortably against my pillow again. There was heavy breathing on the other end of the call. I furrowed my brows, eyes shut.

"Hello?" I asked again. No reply only heavy breathing. I started to wonder if this was like in those horror movies. Was I gonna get killed?

I didn't really care to be honest.

"I'm going to hang up now" I yawned. I pulled the phone away from my ear a little. ".. minho..."

I was drifted away from my sleep. Suddenly I was awake and alert. "Ji... Jisung?" I asked.

The breathing on the phone was so tensed and shaky. If it was him, Jisung had been crying... He had been panicking.

"... Minho...." He called again. "Yes, Jisung, love I'm here" I was started to panic but I tried to remain calm.

"I'm... Scared" He cried. My heart broke. "I'm so scared..." He cried more. "She took my phone... There's signal after all..." He mumbled.

Who's phone was this then? No...

"I took her one..." He sniffed. "I... I'm so so scared" He sounded so broken. What had happened? I was panicking. "Ji baby where are you?"

"Don't come here!" He exclaimed fast. "Please... Don't" He let out a heavy sigh. "Ji I'm not leaving you ther-"

"I wanted to hear your voice..." He mumbled. He now sounded extremely exhausted. "Ji..."

"Ji" He repeated. I could imagine the message he usually sends with the star emojis on either side.

I heard him sigh before finally hearing his breath calm into a steady pace. "Where are you my love?" I asked as slow as possible.

He mumbled an address to me. "Ji.. That's like in the middle of nowhere-"

"Not really.. There's a school" He replied "And a shop... A half an hour away... "

"Ji" I had another thought on my mind. "Why didn't you use the bracelet?" if he was that desperate for me then-

"I'm only using it if I need you here fast" He mumbled tiredly. He let out a breath. "I just missed you.."

"So you stole Yunsa's phone?" I asked. He hummed "Anything for you" He mumbled again. I could tell he was falling asleep.

"Ji bub, go to sleep you sound tired"

"She'll show up again"

"In your dreams?"


There was a silence before I felt my head pound. "Ah fuck" I cursed. Jisung chuckled lowly on the other line. "What's wrong?"

"Hangover" I mumbked grabbing my head as if that would magically cure it. Jisung let out a surprised noise. "Hangover? You?" He asked.

"Felix dragged me out to a karaoke night"

Jisung finally chuckled a little. "That's nice"

"We said we'd have to go again when you come back"

There was a pause.

"I really wanna come back" He sighed. "Min.. I don't think I can deal another two days here" He sounded tired again.

I nodded even though he wouldn't see. "Do you want me to come get you?"

Another pause.

"I... Dunno" He was so unsure about the idea. "I don't want you to see this shit" He chuckled "It would be like a therapist you don't tell shit to showing up at the exact place you don't want them knowing anything about"

In other words he didn't want me to go and see the mess of a place he was at. I had to though.

Maybe I could beat up Yunsa!

"I'm gonna go if you click the button on the bracelet" I replied. I heard Jisung hum. "Okay" He mumbled. ".. Okay"

"Bub, go to sleep hm" I mumbled myself. I was tired too. Jisung hummed a little. "Stay on the call... Please" He was drifting off.

"and if you get caught-"

"It wouldn't be the worst thing I've done"

That was right. He had told me about the time he ran off. I lightly hummed a small song as I tried to subside the headache while falling asleep again.

Jisung slowly drifted off before I did. I smiled a little hearing his soft breaths and snores.

"Goodnight Ji.. I-" I paused myself. Being drunk on tiredness was not ideal. Being way tok honest was not ideal.

I knew he couldn't hear me anyway but I was panicked.

I did manage to fall asleep though shortly after hanging up the call.

+. - +.-

I was woken up that morning by Felix. "Hyung" He called. I hummed as I opened my eyes a little.

"Take these" He handed me some paracetamol and a bottle of water. "Why did you wake me up?"

"Cause its 1pm"

"Oh" I took the pills and only grabbed my senses to the world around me. I felt horrible. Like how drunk did I get?

"Were you talking in your sleep last night?" Felix asked sitting down on my bed. I furrowed my brows. "No?" I as genuinely confused now. Despite having a pounding headache I was more focused on this.

"Like you were saying stuff... To someone" Felix recalled. Then I remembered. "Oh" Now I felt worried. "It was Jisung"

"You were dreaming of Jisung?" He asked.

"No.. Jisung called me"


We stayed silent for a moment. "He... He's not doing well" I sighed. Felix bit his lip "What happened?"

"He won't tell me" I frowned. "But he was panicking when I called him.. He was crying" Felix looked so upset. It had been a while since I saw him look that way.

"Did he steal Yunsa's phone?" I hummed in reply. "God he's an idiot"

"I told him he shouldn't have but he was like I've done worse and well.. I couldn't say much after" I looked at my phone. Staring at the unknown caller ID from last night.

"You should delete it off your phone" Felix said glancing at it. "Yeah.." I did as he said. I removed the contact from my call log.

"He knows to use the bracelet right? Why did he use a phone?"

"Missed my voice" I reply shyly. Felix cooed. "That's so cute!! Get married!!"

"Not the time Lix" I rolled my eyes. He chuckled and nodded "We both suffering from hangovers today then"

"Indeed we are"

+. - +. - +. -

Lads my hair feels like plastic from the amount of hairspray in my hair. Not ideal

Like if you look at a photo of ur wan who sings I Need A Hero I legit had that hairstyle this entire week.

I just had a shower tho so slay slay slay

How are we anyway? Hope we are well!

Have a good day or night xx

Don't Delete The Kisses // MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now