First Boy Crush🍁

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"You're not panicking"


"You're not"


Felix was racing around the kitchen as the time neared 8pm on Saturday night. He had made two massive trays of cookies and was panicking that he didn't think he had enough treats or ideas for everyone.

If Felix's friends were anything like mine, just a nice movie night would be fine with them. Felix stopped in front of me, I looked at him unbothered while he looked at me well - stressed.

"What?" I asked as if I didn't know he was 'panicked'. Felix scoffed "Do I have to say it again I am-"

"panicked I get it" I rolled my eyes as I sacked on some chips. "Why though?" I asked and Felix just stared at me.

"You're gay right?" he sounded like he was constipated. Why did he sound like he was constipated? I give him this look which was a mix of disgust and confusion. I had no idea what was about to happen.

"Yes a raging homosexual" I clarified. Felix let's out a deeps breath and does that weird thing that people do when the grab a counter and move back looking down at the floor.

Was he constipated? What did that have to do with me beinging gay?

"I think I might be gay" That was a surprise. My disgusted confused look turned into a shocked one. "What?"

"Don't what me" He sounded just as frustrated as my thoughts were. I genuinely thought all my friends were straight. Now it was my duty to help Felix with his - in the words of Nick Nelson - proper gay crisis.

"Alright, what's got you feeling that way?" I asked clasping my hands. Felix looked around for anything as if it would answer for him.

"I-I don't know i-" he mumbled something after. I couldn't hear. "Huh?"

"I think I like someone" He said loudly. "And its... A boy"

"Alright first boy crush I see" I placed my hands on top of his. "Who is it?" I asked. Felix shook his head "I can't tell you"

"Then that means I know them" I smirked. Felix blushed instantly. So I did know them.

"It's... Um..." He sighed. "It's Hyunjin"

"HYUNJIN!?" I nearly fall off my chair. This took a whole ass turn from thinking Felix was constipated to him being potentially fruity like me and having a crush on Hyunjin. Of all people, I know.

"God I don't know what to do" He looked like he was about to cry. "I'm so confused" He was going to cry. I got up and moved over to him to hug him.

"We've all been there" I reassure. "You're not alone at all Lix" Felix grips onto me and then we're in a really tight hug. I had to shove down the feeling of letting go because I knew Felix needed this more than my need to not want to hug any longer.

After a moment he lets go. "Thanks hyung.... Really" He smiled. "Just take things slowly, enjoy tonight yeah?" He nodded and then laughed "It feels weird seeing you so...caring"

I resist the urge to scoff. "Wow. Thanks"

The door was then knocked at. Soon enough, all my friends - Chan, Changbin and Hyunjin - and Felix's friends - Seungmin and Jeongin - had arrived.

We ended up just chatting with each other on the floor in the living area for the first while since Felix didn't want to start any games without his other friend.

"Is that friend of yours gonna hurry up or what?" I asked stubbornly. I didn't like his friend already. Punctuality was key for me and when someone failed to meet that, I got annoyed especially if that had no excuse. Felix didn't seem to know why his friend was going to be late.

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