All The Way🍁

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(spicyyyyyyyyy like spicy but it's nice :) )

Jisung and I didn't really end up going anywhere, we just went to his place.

After what Jisung said to Felix outside the diner I've been really in my own head for the past 20 minutes.

Jisung didn't seem to question it though. I assume he thought I was tired.

We walked into his apartment, taking off our shoes and getting comfortable. Jisung walked into the kitchen and took out two glasses. "Sprite?" He asked. I hummed in reply.

He poured out two glasses of sprite and handed me one. He leaned his hip against the counter. "What's up?" He asked. I looked at his with raised brows. "You've been quiet since we left the diner.. Are you okay?"

He came closer and took one of my hands into his to gently rub the back of my hand. My heart burst lol.

I cleared my throat. "Just.. What you said... To Felix..." Jisung's face turned to a surprised one. "Oh" He chuckled. "I was only joking" he smiled.

I met his eyes. "You were?" Genuinely kinda sad cause like imagine someone as hot as Jisung wanting to do that with you like ugh so good- I mean-

"Well I mean-" He stuttered. I placed down my sprite and wrapped my arms around his neck. "You're second guessing now" I laughed. Jisung put down his glass to place his hands in my hips. "I wasn't joking" He sounded genuine saying that.

"So then what would you do to me?" I asked. He hummed "Kiss you?" He chuckled. "And?" I pushed him to say more because I wanted to make him feel embarrassed.

He did that to me too many times today so it was my turn.

"Hug you"


"And" He thought for a moment. Surprisingly his face wasn't going red. I felt a little defeated. I even felt more defeated when I felt my back press against the fridge.

"A lot more.." He looked me up and down. "I could do a lot more to you" He grinned. I gulped a little. "Yeah?" I asked. He hummed "Yeah"

"Like what?" I really needed him to get embarrassed like I already started to feel shy like please-

He then placed his sprite down on the counter.

"Touch you" He mumbled moving his hands around my waist and hips. I felt my cheeks burn red. Fuck this shit man I wanted Jisung to be embarrassed not me!

I started laughing because I genuinely felt so defeated I just wanted my sprite. Not that I wasn't enjoying Jisung feeling me up and whatever but like.. I was shy.

"Why are you laughing?" I gulped again. I looked at him with big eyes as he held a stern look. "You really meant what you said earlier-"

"I wouldn't say it if I didn't"

"So you want to... Do things to me like you know um-" I was so flustered I couldn't even process words. Jisung took my drink from my hand and placed it down on the counter as well before he pressed himself against my body so I was trapped against the fridge.

"Don't be so shy love" Okay that was it. That sent me. Love. He called me love.

"O-Oh.." I breathed out. Jisung slid his hand down to my thigh and gripped at it. He lifted it up and did the same to my other leg.

He had lifted me up against the fridge. I wrapped my legs around his waist and looked down at him. "You're extra shy today" He smiled warmly. A total 180 from what he was acting like two seconds ago.

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