Embrace From A Boyfriend🍁

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The next morning I wasnt the first to wake up but it definitely felt like it. Jisung was awake and looking at me.

I hadn't noticed until I opened my eyes. I jumped with surprise. "Oh morning" I mumbled tiredly. Jisung smiled. "Morning" He replied more brightly than I was.

He seemed okay now. Sleep does wonders.

"Can you get your arm off me now?" Jisung asked. I looked down to see I had him enclosed with my arm over his waist. I let him go. "Sorry-"

"Thank fuck, I really have to pee!" he jumped out of the bed and ran to the bathroom.

This was weird. Seeing him so... Himself again was weird. It wasn't like I got used to the odd and zoned out Jisung, no.

He just perked up really quickly for someone who looked so out of it yesterday. But I guess that was just Jisung.

He came back into the room and jumped onto me landing with a oof and making me groan in pain. "Ew, get off!" I complain but he doesn't move.

"I'm tired"

"Then go back to sleep"


"I can't help you then" I roll my eyes. Jisung then pushes himself up a bit so he's towering over me looking down at my face. "What?" I asked.

He looked so fucking cute from this angle I could cry-

"Sorry about... Yesterday" He mumbled. Okay not what I was expecting but Go off I guess. I shake my head and smile "It's alright, I'm here if you wanna talk, remember that" I booped his nose.

Jisung scoffed. "That was so Cringy Minho" He rolled off top of me only for me to get on top of him.

He laughed looking up at me. "You're hair is a mess" He reached up and started patting down my hair which was probably really messy. Felix called me out on it before and laughed.

Now I know what you're thinking. Aw cute moment oh my god, it's like an embrace from a boyfriend. And you're right only Jisung isn't my boyfriend.

That didn't make it any easier to explain when Seungmin walked through the door to be met with Jisung staring up at me with his hands running through my hair and me on top of him staring down at him.

"What the fuck-sorry I'm disrupting shit I-" He backed out. I quickly got off top of Jisung and he sprinted after Seungmin.

I followed out slowly but I could still hear the conversation.

"Wait Seungmin!" Jisung had called. Seungmin clearly stopped since he started speaking. "Sorry about that bro, go be gay" He had replied. Jisung sighed. "No, that was a misunderstanding-"

"Ji, I don't mind if you like guys"

"I'm bisexual actually"

"Oh okay"

"Yeah um-" Jisung paused. "Wait! No-um i mean I am bi! But like no-"

This was where I stepped in clearly. "We're not a thing" I was standing at the end of the hallway leaning against the wall a little with my arms folded.

Seungmin looked at me. "I find that really hard to believe" He wasn't being mean saying that he was genuinely finding it hard to believe. I wouldn't blame him either.

Jisung seemed to find it annoying. "No I'm single" he was really bad at this I found.

"Yes Ji, cause I totally have a make out session with Jeongin and sleep in the same bed with him and in the morning get on top of him while he caresses me" Seungmin folded his arms. "I totally do that"

Yeah. Now I see why it was hard to believe we weren't a thing.

"What? You do?" Jisung was an oblivious fuck. Seungmin rolled his eyes. "No Ji, You're being oblivious again"

Jisung looked down at the floor. Seungmin held onto his arm. "Look, I don't care what you two have going on" He glanced over at me.

"It's none of my business" He smiled. Jisung sighed a little and hummed. "We don't have anything going on"

Seungmin rose a brow. "Still not buying that" He said. Jisung groaned. "I'm proud of you though" Seungmin said.

I smiled. Seungmin was a great friend. Although he didn't look like the person I'd be friends with like all the time, he was a good friend to Jisung and supported him no matter what.

Hate to say he was slaying but he was slaying.

Once I zoned back into the room, I saw Jisung hugging Seungmin. It was a warm embrace. I smiled. Once the pair pulled away Seungmin looked at me.

"Don't fucking hurt him" He glared. I raised my hands in defence. "Can't hurt someone I'm not dating"

Seungmin furrowed his brows. "Still not believing it" He shook his head. "I need proof" he then turned back to the door.

"Anyways I just came by to drop off these croissants cause they were half price and I know you like them" He smiled. "I'm going now, bye!"

Jisung brought him to the door and once he was gone he looked back at me.

"Now. I know you said something yesterday about what if we dated but now Seungmin fucking thinks it" We both laughed a little.

"I'm sure he won't say anything" I said Jisung nodded. "Yeah, he saw how panicked we were" he mumbled.

"Wow, it sounds like we are dating" He laughed. I hummed in agreement. "It does" I walked over to him.

"But we're not" I smiled a little. Jisung booped my nose - payback - "Not yet" He replied making me flustered as hell.

He then walked off to the bathroom and it took me a few moments to actually comprehend he went for a shower.

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