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(smuty but not full on smut)

The pizza was long forgotten.

So was the movie.

We seemed to make out in New places every time. This time, we were in Jisung's kitchen. He had lifted me up onto the counter and was standing between my legs as he left rough kisses on my lips and all over my neck.

Recalling the last time we made out in his place we got to the point of taking our shirts off.. I felt we'd get that far again.

My hands brushed through his hair as he pulled at my shirt to expose my collarbone. I was wearing some of his clothes at this point.

We had changed out of our performance outfits.

Jisung finally pulled my top over my head. This time the marks on my stomach made much more sense to him. He looked at my stomach for a moment and I felt myself because self conscious.

I was about to cover up my stomach when I felt soft kisses against my skin. Jisung pushed me back slightly. I glanced down and saw him leaving gentle kisses on the marks I had on my stomach.

I covered my mouth with one of my hands as he did this because it was really tingly but really sweet and made me feel so many emotions at once.

He pulled away and looked at me. He removed my hand from my mouth and held it in his own. It went from a heated make out session to soft and loving kisses. I felt myself get completely lost in the kisses this time.

Jisung was a safe place.

He kissed me again and said sweet words to me. I felt like crying. "You're beautiful.. You know that right?" He said to me. I nodded slightly feeling that if I didn't he'd be upset.

"Good boy" He mumbled and left another kiss on my lips before picking me up. I gasped a little and wrapped my arms around his neck.

One moment I was in his arms, the next he was laying me on his bed. Jisung hovered above me and smiled down at me. "You're so pretty" He brushed my hair away from my face.

"My pretty boy" That sent me spiralling. I pulled him down into a lustful kiss.

I didn't know how far we were going.. I don't actually know if I cared. I should really care though.. Right?

We weren't being stupid.. Were we? We knew what we were doing. Plus I was not going to deny the fact I was hard.

I felt Jisung's hands roam around my body every touch felt like a match to a flame. My breathing became heavier as he kept leaving love bites on my skin.

It was when his hand reached my trousers that he stopped everything. He looked at me. "Min.." He mumbled. I was so fucking out of it.

Jisung looked way too good to say no to. ".. Do you think we should... Do this?" He asked.

I knew he was worried. I didn't say anything for a moment. Then I came to reality again and realised that if we actually did go through with having sex then things might not be the same.

Our relationship was still fairly fragile as it was. We were just two people who liked kissing and liked each other. With a lot of trauma in both our lives.

"If you're hesitating..." I sat up. "Then we shouldn't" He sat up beside me. I gave him a small kiss and he smiled a little in response.

"Sorry..." He mumbled. "Why?" I asked. "I've made us both hard now and we just.." he laughed. "Wow... I'm really immature-"

"You're not immature in the slightest" I said. "In fact your probably way more mature for stopping something you weren't ready for"

"But did you want to do it?" He asked with a blush on his cheeks. I shrugged "I genuinely don't care if we did or not" I smiled. "Okay.." Jisung seemed a lot more relieved.

"But em..." He pointed slightly at our pants. I hummed. "What do you wanna do?" I asked.

Jisung blushed at the question. "Um..." He was lost for words. I held back a laugh at how flustered he was before getting up. "I'mma go to the bathroom, I'll be back in a few"

Jisung was quick to stop me. "Wait wait-" He looked everywhere but at me. "I.. I could um.. You know like um-"

"Help?" I said the word for him. Jisung blushed brightly and nodded. I hummed "You look too innocent for that-"

"Oi!" He pouted. I leaned back down against the bed and kissed him again. Resting my hand against his chin.

Jisung pulled back slightly but we were still inches apart from each others faces. "So.. Can I?" He asked. "Only if you really want to" I replied. "Do you want me to?"

"I don't mind what you do" I kissed him again. Jisung hummed "I'm feeling shy" He sighed as he got off the bed.

I sat down on the bed again as he got down in front of me. I watched him for a moment. He looked like he was contemplating his life choices although that was probably just being shy.

"So do you just whip it out or?" I burst out laughing. "Jesus Christ" I said. Jisung glared "That's not my name" He mumbled sending me again into fits of laughter.

"Okay okay" I calmed down. I took off my pants and was left with underwear. I felt exposed again. But it seemed bareable.

Jisung cleared his throat a little as he looked at my bulge. "Right I'm meant to be doing this-".

"I mean we could swap if you wanna" I shrugged. Jisung shook his head determined. Did he imagine this as some form of game or something? He seemed very competitive when I said that.

How was sucking a dick a competition-Oh he pulled off my underwear.

I watched Jisung eye my dick. He looked at me before slowly wrapping his hand around it and moving in a up and down motion.

I let out a low groan from the pleasure that coursed through my body. I guessed it made Jisung more confident as he went faster. I moaned a little as he continued.

Then he came to a stop for a moment. I had my eyes closed at this point but I managed to open them slightly before Jisung slowly put his mouth around my shaft instead.

I moaned loudly at this. There was no way this could be his first time doing this because he was way to good at it.

I looked down at him and fucking hell I never thought I'd see him like this. I let myself go slightly. I had laced my hand in his hair and pushed him down a little more.

He gagged a little. His eyes got all teary eventually. I let out shaky moans as he continued to move his head up and down.

That night would be a very remembered one.

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Ello I've never wrote this kinda chapter before lol

So how are you? Hope we're well xx

I'm so tired

Have a great day or night xx

Don't Delete The Kisses // MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now