Minhee And Minho Again🍁

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"Please just call me if you need me" Jisung was clutching onto my jacket. Since I stayed the night, I was wearing his clothes which I saw him eyeing every now and again.

I hummed. "I'll be okay" I smiled. Jisung still wasn't convinced. "I'll come with you" He went to put on shoes. I stopped him. "Babe, I'm fine" I laughed.

Jisung pouted. "I just don't want you to get hurt-"

"I'll call you the moment something bad happens" I couldn't really tell how this meeting with Minhee would go. She definitely seemed like herself last night but that could change.

Who knows she could be lying for all I know.

I kissed Jisung quick and got ready to leave. I opened the door and smiled "I'll be back okay" I reassured. Jisung nodded. "I'll see you later" He waved as I closed the door.

The walk to the park was the most nerve wreaking walk of my life. I felt my hands go all clamy and even despite how chilled the air was around me I felt extremely cold.

I took in a breath as the Park Café came into my sight. I was two minutes away.

I looked around and noticed how quiet it was for around 10am. Was it better than night time? In some ways but the park at night was always more fun.

You could do more.

I gulped as I stood outside the door. I nodded a little because that seemed to be the only way for my feet to move. I walked in and looked around. There she was.

Minhee saw me and stood up with a smile. She walked over to me and looked me up and down. "You're here!" She exclaimed.

"Well I wasn't going to stand you up" I shrugged. She chuckled. "I didn't order yet.. Wanna do that first?" She asked. I nodded my head a little as we went to the counter.

There was an arrangement of cakes and sweet desserts along with one or two savory options. There was a menu above the counter on the wall behind it which sat above the coffee machine.

I hadn't eaten yet since this was meant to be a breakfast get together. I ordered something simple since I felt sick. Toast and a coffee.

Minhee wasn't shy with her order. "Can I have the avacado toast without the tomatoes if possible and can I have a iced oat latte with vanilla syrup please!" She said it all in one breath. The waiter stood there a bit stunned for a moment but jotted down her order before telling her the total amount.

"Thank you!" She smiled as she paid for the food.

"We'll drop it over to you once it's ready" the waiter smiled back and we went to sit down where I saw her previously.

"Do you always order food that way?" I asked feeling embarrassed about how stunned the waiter looked. She laughed.

"God no, I just make up the most annoying orders to see people's reactions" She explained. It made sense but she didn't need to do that. "Oh.. But why?"

"I find it entertaining.. Plus Hyejin and I do that all the time-" She paused. She probably forgot that I had no idea who anyone in her life now was.

I had no idea who her friends were, what she was interested in, what her hobbies were, her favourite food, her favourite movie.. I didn't know anything about her anymore.

She chuckled a little awkwardly. "Sorry.. Hyejin is my friend" She said. I hummed "I gather" I replied to which she scoffed. "Yeah.."

"She's the friend I that I have a crush on" She mumbled. I furrowed my brows. "You're not saying that because I'm gay.. Are you?" I wanted to believe her straight up and not second guess her words but from how she'd been before I had to.

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