Extra Special With You🍁

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"Ji?" I called out into the bathrooms. Everything was much more quiet in here. There was still noise of chatter from outside the door but generally it was much more easier to hear.

Just when I called Jisung's name, he came out of one of the bathroom stalls looking very flustered.

His face was red and his breathing was slightly uneven. "What?" He asked. I walked over to him unfazed. "Why did you go?"

"You know exactly why" He was still slightly pissed off at me. I didn't let him know I felt bad for it though. I wanted to mess around a little.

That was okay every now and again. He knows I love him.

"Didn't think you had a thing for thigh touching" I chuckled lightly backing him against the wall. He shivered from the cold of it.

"Well now you do so.." He looked anywhere but me. "I'm upset at you though" He mumbled. I traced my finger along his chest. "Hm? Why?" I asked a bit quiet.

He gulped. "I didn't like the fact you were.. Um" I was getting lower. "That you um.." He was loosing focus. I met his eyes, they were very doe like.

"You flirted with him... And I didn't like it-"

"You know I only love you right?" I got closer. Jisung nodded slowly. "Then why did you-"

"I thought it would be fun no?" I smiled. Jisung chuckled softly trying to understand how I'd find that fun. He ran his hand through his hair. "Besides didn't I put my whole focus on you after he left?"

He met my eyes again. "You... Did"

"I did" I clarified with him. I put my finger under his chin. "Because I only have my eyes on you" I kissed him softly. He chased my lips but I pulled back.

I squeezed his thigh a little and he let out a shaky breath. "Min not now-"

"Later then?" I asked. Jisung gulped. "W-What?"

"Later then" I said more seriously. Jisung's eyes widened. "You mean like-"

I kissed him again more roughly. He gave in immediately from how clouded his mind was. He reached for my waist but I quickly pinned his hands to the wall behind him.

I pulled back slightly and looked at him. He was a flustered mess. "Yeah.. Yeah okay" He nodded.

I grinned proudly feeling accomplished. "You're so cute when you're flustered" I smiled. He scoffed a little. "Stop.." He mumbled as a reply.

I shrugged "It's true" I unpinned his arms from the wall and stepped back. "Come on then, Minhee and Hyejin are probably wondering what we're doing"

It didn't take long for Jisung to follow after me.

"You guys took your time" Hyejin laughed when we got back. I shrugged "He was stubborn" Jisung didn't say anything and just sat down.

"Ah come on Jisung!" She laughed. "The party's here not in the bathroom" Minhee looked at her fondly. "But to be fair she's right" she added in.

Jisung sipped his beer. "How kind of you both" He rolled his eyes. The girls laughed loudly, I chuckled as I saw his entire face turn a shade of red.

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"Tonight was fun~" Minhee smiled. I never knew she could tolerate so much alcohol. She drank a few more drinks than me and she still sounded as sobar as she did on her first drink.

Hyejin giggled. "Yeahhhh" She leaned against Minhee. "Funn"

Jisung stood quietly beside me. "Thanks for inviting us out" I smiled. Minhee shook her head. "Don't thank me, it was fun for all of us" She smiled.

"I'll take her home now" She rolled her eyes slightly as Hyejin kept falling forward slightly. We bid our goodbyes and that left Jisung and I on our own.

"You're really quiet" I said first. Jisung cleared his throat a little as if he'd been caught doing something he didn't want to be caught doing.

"I'm fine"

"Sure" I wasn't convinced. "Tell me what's wrong?" I asked as we started making our way back to Jisung's place.

Jisung gulped a little. "Are we gonna actually do... It?" He asked. I furrowed my brows. "It wouldn't be the first time"

"But like... Switched" He mumbled. I looked at him more worried now. "Don't you wanna do that?" I asked. He gulped again. "I'm just.. Scared a little" He admitted.

That was explainable. "Oh" I intertwined our fingers. "We don't have to do that if you don't feel comfortable to do that"

"I just didn't know you were a switch.. I guess" He chuckled trying to make light of the situation. I wiggled my brows. "Oh~" I laughed amused.

"I wanna try it though" He looked at me. "Really?" I asked. "We don't have to" I added in. He sighed "I.. I don't know"

"It hurts though doesn't it?" He mumbled. I wanted to laugh because this conversation wasn't something I thought I'd ever have but I was mature.

I'm mature. Ahem.

"It's not like it lasts forever" I shrugged. We were passing the park. I could tell Jisung was extremely over thinking the idea of us having sex with him being the bottom. So I tapped his shoulder.

"You're it!" I ran into the park. He looked at me startled until he finally understood what was happening. He started chasing me.

I ran toward the playground, our place. I glanced back briefly and saw him laughing as he ran after me.

I let out a laugh myself as I reached the playground. I climbed up into the play set and hid up in the top of it, just by the slide so I could slide down.

It was about five minutes after when I started to wonder where Jisung was. I got bored quickly and decided to slide down the slide.

I screamed when I was met with Jisung right in front of me. I laughed so hard when he caught me I fell onto the ground. He went down with me and hovered above me.

"Caught ya!" He smiled. I looked up at him and scoffed before rolling us over so I hovered above him. "That was uncalled for"

He stared up at me for a moment. He let out a sigh and smiled. "I love you" He mumbled. My brows rose a little from the sudden words.

"I love you too" I replied. I saw Jisung taking note of the position we were in. "You look good from down here"

I laughed. "You're not too bad yourself" He pushed me slightly and I rolled off him. "Shut up" He laughed.

We sat beside each other with idiotic smiles on our faces. "Why are we like this?" He chuckled. "Playing tag in a playground at midnight?"

"Like we haven't done that before" I replied. Jisung hummed. "But we still do it"

"We do a lot of things to be fair" I shrugged. He hummed "That's true"

"But all those things are extra special with you" He smiled.

I swear to you I died just then.

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Lads did you know the song Zombie by the cranberries is about the troubles in Northern Ireland?

Cuz like I swear when I found that out I kid you not my face was this -> :0

I study history in school btw so learning all about Northern Ireland haha really depressing stuff tbf



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