Giving The Food Stalls In Spirited Away🍁

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Jisung and I had ran through the choreography for our performance for about the eighth time at this point and he was still getting angry when he missed or fucked up a move.

He was slightly off beat this time and stopped. He let out a frustrated noise and went to the speaker and paused the music.

I stopped dancing and looked at him with a frown. "Don't be so hard on yourself" Jisung shook his head. "I keep fucking it up!" He walked back to me.

He gripped his hands onto his hair tightly. "Why do I keep fucking it up?" He sighed angrily.

From what I gather, this performance was one of the first Jisung would just be dancing in. He had said he did musical shows before but that was more than just dancing.

This time he was doing a full dance in front of not only his entire class but a lot of people. He wanted to do well. I had many moments like that before. Only the past few weeks I had suddenly regained control over it.

That was thanks to Jisung mentioning it to me and seeing him stand here frustrated like this.. Was just sad.

I put my hands onto his which were still gripping his hair. I felt them loosen when I touched them. I pulled his hands away from his hair leaving it to be a mess.

I held onto his hands and looked at him. "You're doing completely fine" I reassure. I can tell he doesn't believe me.

"I keep missing a step or messing up a move-"

"Because you're starting to overthink and doubt yourself" I cut in. "You got this" I said. "I know you do"

He stared at me for a moment.

"You know.. I've known you for just over a whole ass month and yet... What you just said there made me feel very shy" He had a blush resting cutely on his face.

I pulled him in for a hug. He sighed contently at the contact. Once we pulled away he asked to do the dance again.

It had been three hours and I was genuinely going to collapse if we did any more rounds of the dance. I shook my head. "Let's go get food" I said.

Jisung wasn't impressed with the option but he would never say no to food. He got his things - as did I - and we made our way out of the stage school.

We were walking down the side path when I felt Jisung's hand slowly slip into my own. He held it softly and got more confident holding my hand when I laced our fingers together.

We walked in silence. We didn't need to talk. Jisung and I were just hungry too so that could be a reason to why.

Jisung had noticed something suddenly. "Minho!" He shook my arm with his hand holding my own. "Food stalls!" He pointed across the road and there surrounded by orange, yellow, red and cozy coloured lights was a food market. Heaven.

Jisung didn't even ask he just dragged me over there. But I didn't mind, food stalls always sold good food.

We walked along passed some of the candy stalls until Jisung gasped again and saw a crêpe stall. "Minho please! Can we get a crêpe?"

I laughed and nodded. Jisung dashed to order.

"Hello!" He greeted the man in the stall. He smiled at us "Hello, what can I get you boys?" He asked kindly. He was old and looked like a cute uncle. Like the sweetest uncle you'd know-am I delving too deep into this?

Jisung ordered a crêpe with Nutella on it. "And for you?" He asked me. I hummed and looked at the options.

"Can I have one with cinnamon sugar please?" I decided to be random as I had glanced at the back of the stall and saw a tub of cinnamon sugar. The man nodded and started making our crêpes.

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