Vocal Coach🍁

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The end of May rushed in really fast. I was with Hyunjin and Felix.

They were preparing for their upcoming final year exams. I was sitting watching them. That's when Hyunjin looked at me.

"You haven't been back to uni" He mumbled. I nodded "Nope"

"Do you want me to help you with the work?"


Felix chimed in. "Are you sure you don't want Hyunjin to help?"

"Yep" I was zoning out at this point.

"Are you leaving uni then?"

I looked at Hyunjin and smiled. "Yep"

I didn't mention! I got a job with Jisung at the dance studio. My reports were really good that Jisung's boss asked me to work with them. I accepted of course because I love to teach something I love with someone I love.

"No way" Felix gasped. "You really are gonna do it?"

"I don't think uni is my thing" I shook my head. "I've been talking with Jisung and thinking about it myself and well... I fucking love not having to go to Uni"

Hyunjin laughed. "I guess it doesn't suit everyone" He shrugged. "You're working at the dance studio with Jisung yeah?"


"Slay" Felix made a weird hand movement as he said that. I gave him a look before he laughed. "What?"

"Sometimes I wonder how you two like each other" I mumbled as I looked back to my phone. Hyunjin threw a chip at me. "Oi! Whys that?!"

"You're both annoying-"

Another chip was thrown. I dodged it though. "Oh Jisung is finished his session I better go!"

Felix smiled and nodded. "Alright bye! Tell Jisung I said hello!"

"Me too!"

I walked my way down to the healthcare centre. Jisung had only decided last week to go to therapy. He had researched nearly everything about it.

He felt comfortable enough to go then after nearly a month of contemplating it.

I saw him standing at the door waiting for me. He saw me too and smiled.

"Hey" He let out a breath. "Hey, how was it?" I asked. He nodded and smiled a little boxy smile. "It went.. Really well actually"

"That's good" I smiled and took his hand into mine as we started walking. "Yeah my therapist is really nice.. We didn't talk about anything too serious.." He rambled on about his session.

"She made me feel extremely comfortable" He giggled. "Like those chairs were so nice! There was even some plants and books in the room, it was like a living room!"

"That's really sweet" I smiled. I listened to every word of what he was saying. He seemed to be happy with his choice.

"So you're happy to keep going then?" He nodded a little. "Yeah.. I'm just a bit scared for when we get into the deep stuff"

"I'm sure you're therapist won't just dive straight into that" I reassured. Jisung nodded "How was Felix and Hyunjin?"

"They're fine I think.. Studying for exams" I hummed. "I also told them I'm leaving Uni" I smiled.

Jisung gasped. "How did that go?"

"They were a bit surprised but they didn't really like make a big deal out of it they were just like 'oh yeah doesn't suit all of us' and moved on"

Jisung giggled. "See~I told you there's nothing to worry about"

I laughed loudly. "Look at us facing fears" Jisung tugged my hand a little. "Together" He smiled.

"Yeah together"

+.-+.-. -

Later on that day we went to the dance studio after being called for a meeting.

We sat across from the boss who held a soft smile. "Minho, Jisung" He smiled. We bowed and finally got comfortable.

"I have some news" He began. "Jisung I don't want you to be the dance teacher anymore" Jisung's eyes widened. "What??"

"But sir, that's my job! You can't-"

"I want you to teach something else" He grinned. I looked between the two. "I'm turning this school into a full on stage school... We'll need a vocal coach"

Jisung gasped and covered his mouth. "Sir, no way-" He was in disbelief. "Jisung I want you to teach vocal lessons to any of the kids who wish to do so and Minho"

"You'll be the main dance teacher for our school" He smiled. I chuckled happily "Thank you!"

I glanced at Jisung, his eyes were gleaming with joy.

Once we left the meeting Jisung threw himself at me for a hug. I caught him fast.

"Min, can you actually believe it!" He cried happily. "I'm gonna be a vocal Coach!!"

I kissed his forehead lightly. "I'm so happy for you" He looked at me and kissed my lips softly. "Yeah, dance teacher"

It genuinely slipped my mind that I was now a full time dance teacher here now.

Jisung giggled "Looks like we work together now too" He smiled pulling me in by the waist.

"Jisung? Minho?" We both look over and see Dannie. He held onto his bag with small smile on his face.

We pull apart from the hug. "Dannie! Hey" Jisung replied cooly. I rolled my eyes.

"What are you doing here so early?" I asked. Dannie cleared his throat. "I wanted to practice the dance we're learning" He replied.

We both hummed. "Don't overwork yourself-"

"Dannie?" We all look over and saw Soojun peeping around the dance studio's door.

"Wha-" Jisung was about to speak but I cut him off. I pushed Dannie over, he had a little blush on his face.

"He's here" I smiled. Soojun looked extremely flustered to see Jisung and I.

"Oh.. Right yeah" He cleared his throat and wandered back into the studio.

"Have fun" I smiled to Dannie. Jisung gasped a little once he left. "Do you think they're-"

"Going out? Probably" I hummed.

"Oh my god"

+. - +. - +. - +. -

I'm really crawling through the trenches of life rn but HERE'S ANOTHER CHAPTER

second last chapter I fear

Genuinely hate how I ended this book but saying I'm stressed is an understatement.

Yall I had the worst mental breakdown in a rehearsal today and I was told "Leave your emotions outside"


sorry I needed to rant that



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