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We eat in silence. But at least it isn't tensed its comfortable. Felix seemed to have cheered up a bit since earlier but I'm still worried to why he locked himself in the bathroom for so long. Maybe he just felt sick.

"Hyung" Felix began. I hummed a little in response urging him to continue. "Did you hear from your parents lately?" He asked.

Felix was the other only person who had some sense of my family life, I mean living with me and seeing me have a breakdown over one small text from your mom or dad wasn't exactly normal. He never really spoke to me about my parents because I told him not to so he acts like he doesn't know.

But I was surprised he asked now. In fact I actually forgot that my dad had texted me on Monday. I didn't open the message, I just forgot about it to be honest.

"Oh-um... My dad texted me on Monday but I never opened the message" I shrugged it off. I didn't feel as uncomfortable as I thought I'd feel but Felix alwasw gave this comfortable and welcoming feeling with anything you talk about with him.

He nodded. "I was talking to Hyunjin last night and he drunkenly told me your dad texted you" He explained. I sighed a bit annoyed that Hyunjin just said that without thinking but then he was drunk so.

"Are you going to reply?" He asked hesitation in his tone. I looked at my phone and sigh again. "I don't know... He told me he wanted to talk but I know how that would go so I'm not going to" I mumble a bit. Now I'm feeling uncomfortable.

"Are the pancakes okay?" I asked to change the subject and Felix followed through. "Yeah, they're amazing! I should probably go get ready for classes though" He pouted thinking about having to get out of his pj's.

"Thanks hyung" He smiled, a genuine one and got up with his plate putting it in the sink, cleaning it quickly and leaving it to dry before rushing off to get ready for the day.

I sit still in the chair. I had one pancake left on my plate and I was contemplating on eating it. I had two already.

I hummed aloud in thought and then got startled by my phone buzzing beside me.

I pick it up, expecting it to be my dad or mom but luckily, it was Jisung.

Good morning!!!!
I swear why do I wake up 30 mins before having to leave for uni?????

I laughed at this. Jisung is just as chaotic as Felix and Hyunjin combined.

I open the message and lean back in the chair.

Ever heard of an alarm?

I don't need you pestering me this hour of the morning

How am I pestering you?

I forgot to set an alarm okay?
My god

Did u only wake up now?

Uh?? Yes???
Isn't that obvious???

And you decided to text me
Instead of getting ready for uni?

Minho are u sure ur
Not the one after waking up?
Ofc I texted you before getting ready

It's just simple logic

I mean that's nice
But like-I'm available all day
Uni isn't xxx

Don't Delete The Kisses // MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now