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My dorm feels more empty than it should. My roommate, Lee Felix, is probably out doing something great with his life and I'm here alone watching my life fall apart.

I take a breath before throwing my bag onto the floor and walking into the kitchen. I rummage around for something to eat but then find that I'd rather be sleeping than caring about food at the moment.

So I go to my bed and lie there, staring at the ceiling. How could today get any worse? First my dad wants to talk to me, then I'm called and given out to for my grades and for fighting someone who actually fought me just to get suspended. I get made fun of and to top it off I get into a fight with my best friend who probably thinks I'm the most shittiest person in the world right now.

So really, how can today get any worse?

"Hyung, you home?" I hear Felix call. I groan, just one bit of peace world. One moment is all I ask.

"Hyun-oh damn" He finds me under the covers of my bed looking sorry for myself. "Rough day?" he asked as he sits on the chair opposite my bed.

I don't reply. He continues to talk.

"Haeun has been going around saying stuff about you... Did you really force yourself on him?"

I sit up. "What?" I shouldn't really be surprised. This day could only get worse and so it did so why am I surprised? Maybe I thought Haeun wouldn't say anything.

Felix nodded. "He said you tried to kiss him, Hyung are you" He flicks his hand down. I deadpan at his attempt of asking if I'm gay.

"Yes, I'm a raging homosexual Felix but I wouldn't force myself on anyone" I rolled my eyes. Felix lets out a sigh of relief. "I believe that more than the shit everyone has been saying.. But hyung" He looked worried.

"He's kinda outed you to the entire school" And that's when I crack. I don't even have the energy to be angry so I cry. Felix quickly comes to comfort me to I tell him to not bother.

"But hyung-" He tries to console me but I cut him off. "I just wanna be alone" I cry. Felix nods slowly. "I'll... Be in the kitchen.. If you need me" he smiles sympathetically.

This is what I didn't want. People knowing about who I really am. Yeah there's gonna be people that support people like me and yes I could be overreacting but have you seen the university I go to? It's a hell hole.

So the chances of me getting by with some human decency is considerably low. I checked my phone for the first time since lunch. I was only looking for the time but saw Hyunjin had texted me, Chan and Changbin too. No one knew I was gay so their messages were asking me just that.


So hyung, um did u hear the stuff going around?

I'm proud of you always Minho xx

I had to smile at the last message. It really did show their personalities well. Hyunjin, the dramatic, never beats around the Bush and gets straight to the point because he can't contain his emotions.

Changbin, the soft one. Makes sure how the person is feeling before asking the personal question he wanted to know. He doesn't really drag on a conversation he does get to the point rather quick but he's steady with it not to make you uncomfortable.

Chan. He just avoids it completely. Unless you tell him he's wrong then he'll laugh it off. He's the guy who'd rather not question anything and just simply believe what's being said and then confirming it through little compliments till you actually say so. He's like a supportive dad.

Don't Delete The Kisses // MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now