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Hyunjin invited me over to his dorm room along with Chan and Changbin. High school musical Rejects reunion I guess.

When I showed up, the three of them were already in there. They were only finished their classes and I wasn't there since I'm on work experience.

Hyunjin gave me a hug when I came into the dorm. "Hi Hyung!" he smiled and brought me over to the living area.

Chan and Changbin cheered once they saw me. "Minho!"

"Hyung!!" Changbin lifted his hand for a high five and so I completed the request. Chan had his hand up but i didn't notice.

He ended up high fiving himself. "What are we doing?" I asked. Hyunjin never really said what was happening when he invited me over. From the looks on Chan and Changbin's faces they knew.

"Well we're just gonna have some chats" Hyunjin smiled. I looked at him. "Chats? About what?" I folded my arms.

"You know about... Um... Uni" Not convinced. Changbin, bless his soul, doesn't sugar coat anything and just plainly says things even if he knew they might end up hurting the other (that was only sometimes though).

Like now.

"Your sister showed up at our lunch table"

My whole face drained. Hyunjin threw a pillow at Changbin. "What?" I asked.

Chan sighed. "Well done" He glared at Changbin but he just shrugged. "We were gonna tell him anyway!"

He was right.

"She showed up" Hyunjin bit his lip. "Looking for you" He added. Looking for me? Why was she looking for me? What did I do now?

"Why?" I asked.

"She wanted to come and talk to you about something personally" Chan explained.

Why were they telling me this? Why did they look so sad for me they didn't know my family life. I looked at Hyunjin the only one who had some sense of what happened to me at home.

"She didn't look right" He told me. When was she ever right to being with? I rolled my eyes.

"If this is the one reason you called me over I may as well leave" I got up

"Minho wait" Chan spoke and I sighed before turning around. "What? Have something else to say?"

He handed me a piece of paper. "If you want to leave you can.. Take this though"

He shoved the paper in my hand before I said no. I sighed and held in my hand not really caring if I crumbled it.

"Hyung, not to be like intrusive but like.. Do you not like your sister?"

Do I not like my sister? That's a great question to be fair. My little sister, Minhee was the only person who I really got along with up until I came out to my parents.

My parents.. Aren't normal. They're very manipulative and controlling - if you couldn't tell by the messages I was getting - and sadly Minhee was very guilable.

I blamed myself for protecting her too much from our parents. If she had just seen what kind of monsters they could be then maybe she wouldn't hate me like they did.

I felt tears in my eyes when I felt the paper in my hand. I could tell it was her number. Did she get a new phone? I don't remember much from Christmas.

"Changbin that's none of your business" Chan warned. Changbin shrugged "I was just asking"

"We're here if you want us" Hyunjin smiled. I nodded. "I'll stay" I sat back down.

During a movie we were watching Hyunjin leaned in to me and started whispering.

"You should give her a text sometime" I had put the thought of Minhee to the back of my mind so when Hyunjin mentioned it I felt my stomach fill up with dread.

The thought of it made me sick.

"Why did she even give you her number?" I asked. "Are you sure it wasn't for you?"

Hyunjin smiled and shook his head. "She said give this to him.. I really need to talk to him"

I was genuinely very confused now. I just wanted to not think about this. I just wanted to be at the dance studio with Jisung but I had an hour till I had to go.

"She probably just wants to make me feel miserable" I mumbled. Hyunjin shook his head. "I remember the time she showed up instead of your mom and dad"

That time. Right. Hyunjin continued. "Then she looked like a bitch but today... She looked very broken" I looked at him now. My focus away from the screen.


"Mm, she had that look like when you find out your favourite character died in a TV show before getting to that episode yourself" Hyunjin explained.

I nodded my head and folded my arms quickly trying to focus on the TV screen again.

But I couldn't. I just couldn't do that. No matter how hard I tried.

I should ask  Jisung.. But he had problems of his own. Fuck sake Minho why can't you just text her!?

At the end of the day I'm her older brother...

I pulled out the slip of paper from my pocket and looked at it. It had her number on it and her name. Her handwriting hadn't changed.

Just that alone made me remember all the actual good memories I had with her. Maybe I should text her but hold a guard up.

That seemed fair.

I pulled out my phone and started to type in her number. None of the three in the room seemed to care as the movie got highly dramatic.

I added Minhee as a contact and opened the messager. I gulped.

Maybe if I just was cold with her it would be better. For my own sake.


What do you want?

I looked at the message before sending it. That seemed to harsh it could be some random person!

I sighed and typed again.

Hey it's Minho

I'd left it at that. If she replied knowing who I was then I'd a be colder. For my own sake.

For my own sake.

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How are we?? Hope we're all well!

Anyslay have a great day or night xx

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