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The night of the performance was finally here. Jisung and I were back stage and the difference between us was probably really funny to look at.

I was sitting calmly scrolling through my phone while Jisung looked like he wanted to die.

"I don't know why I agreed to do this" He said quietly. I looked at him. "You'll be fine"

He groaned. "I won't be fucking fine! I'm panicking" He exclaimed. I turned off my phone and took his hand into mine. "Look at me" He did.

"You will do perfectly fine" For once he believed me. He sighed and let himself fall into me. He rested his head on my chest. "Dunno why I put myself in these situations" He chuckled.

I rubbed his back in a soothing manner. "You'll feel the adrenaline and it'll be fun" I told him. "Didn't you do musicals before?"

"Yeah but that was with a bunch of people.. This is a duet..." He mumbled. I hummed in response. "Then just imagine it's not a duet-"

He pulled his head back and looked at me. "I want it to be a duet" He said. "I'm not gonna imagine it as anything else" He added in. I just nodded "Okay" I pushed back some strands of hair that fell in front of his face.

Jisung sighed contently as I did this. "Why are you worried?" I asked. Maybe finding the root of the problem could help. Jisung bit his lip "There's just gonna be so many people expecting so much from this and like.. I don't think I can handle that"

I understood completely. "This is just for fun though, isn't it?" He nodded at this. "Then just have fun, people are gonna have their opinions on our performance either way so it's better to enjoy it for yourself and not try to enjoy it for the sake of others"

I was shocked at my own advice if I'm honest. Maybe I should become a therapist! Haha imagine me as a therapist?? That would be hilarious.

Jisung seemed to feel a lot better after this though. "Jisung, Minho!" A director called. "You're on in five"

Jisung and I stood up. He looked at me for more reassurence and I nodded "Let's do this!" I pushed him forward making him laugh.

Thank god he laughed.

We were standing side stage watching the performance that was on. Jisung was biting his lip while watching. I patted his shoulder. He looked at me and smiled.

Once the team on stage walked off we were introduced. We walked on stage to get into our positions.

I could hear some of the students screaming our names. I glanced into the crowd and my heart dropped.

No.. No way-

The music began. I didn't have the time to process what I saw, I just had to focus on the dance.

The intro as always went smoothly. Every move was in sync and as perfect as it can be.

We got to the chorus. Jisung looked at me with a small nod as the build up in the song began. He ran towards me and I lifted him in the air. The crowd cheered.

Jisung looked down at me with a smile on his face. He was enjoying himself. I smiled as I put him down again and we continued our dance.

Once we got to the bridge of the song, this was the part that could be considered controversial since we did a move were we put our hands together to hold them.

The crowd roared though so maybe it wasn't so bad.

We took the whole dance home and ended it perfectly - obviously as perfect as possible. We did our last pose and the crowd erupted in cheers.

Don't Delete The Kisses // MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now