Falling In Love🍁

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Day two without Jisung and well it was a bit of a random yet relaxing day.

Chan had messaged me the night before asking for help on this song he was writing for a class. He was a year ahead so at least that might give me an idea of what to expect in my last years of university!

Although I haven't actually been to university since like.. Four weeks ago at this point.

I'm at Chan's door when I hesitently knock on it. He opened it quickly and smiled as he saw me. "Minho!" He ushered me inside and closed the door.

He brought me over to the sofa where he had set up a small microphone, his computer and a pair of headphones. "Mind the wires" He laughed a little as he sat down.

I stepped over about five wires before sitting down comfortably. Chan's dorm was really comfortable I found. It just had the vibe of comfort although he did nothing much to the exterior.

"How are you?" He asked as he started up his laptop. I hummed "Tired" I replied honestly. He laughed and nodded "Same" He had a small smile.

Chan never really slept. I don't know how he doesn't with the amount of energy he has in the daytime.

"Okay so the song is um... Well let's say it's not innocent" I rose a brow at this. "What?" I asked. Chsn chuckled at my response. "Have a look at the lyrics for yourself"

I hummed as he handed me his phone where he had lyrics written out. As I read through the lyrics I genuinely was surprised at how Chan managed to write a song about sex while not mentioning the word of it or anything vulgar to the ear for a song.

He also called it Drive.

"Well?" He had a small grin on his face. I looked at him. "Drive?"

"Well it's not like I could call it ride that would be too obvious" I threw his phone at him. "Yah what is this!!" I laughed.

Chan laughed at my state. I was hella flustered because I didn't think I'd be the type to sing songs like this if I'm honest. I'd dance to songs like this but I wasn't confident I'd be great at singing them.

"You'll be fine" He seemed to know how I was feeling. "I wouldn't have asked you to sing this if I didn't think it wouldn't suit you" He smiled as he pulled up the recorder for the microphone.

He explained the melody of the first line and I nodded along as I sang it back. He nodded "Good!" He gave me a thumbs up. "Okay put these on and wait till I give you the signal to sing it"

I followed. Once I started singing it, it oddly felt suitable for my voice. It gave me confidence. After that the recording went smoothly.

Eventually we got to the end after like.. Five hours maybe? Chan was making us some drinks now. Since it was around 8pm now he brought over some snacks too.

He sat down with a sigh as he placed the things on the table - obviously once he moved the recording stuff away.

"Thanks Hyung" I said as I took a sip of my sprite. He leaned back into the sofa and smiled. "How are things in general?" Okay that was one way to start a conversation.

I hummed lightly "They've been good" I smiled. Chan smiled a little. "Like with Jisung" he held a small grin.

See in this situation if it were anyone else I wouldn't be so shy and flustered but Chan was like the older brother I never had so of course... I become really flustered.

"Hyung" I groaned. He laughed and nudged me. "Come on tell me!!" He laughed. "I need to know!" He added.

I pouted and gave him a look. "Oh come on, Hyunjin and Felix seem to know so much more!"

In fact I used to tell Chan everything. Well not everything, but I used to be really close to him. Hyunjin came along then and well we got close.

I sighed "I met him at the park" I mumbled loud enough for him to hear. Chan was so excited it scared me. "We became friends and well... One thing lead to another and now we're sort of dating?" I was still kinda confused if we were exactly dating or not.

We did go on a date and said we'd try dating but it still didn't seem... Real.

Chan let out happy noises.

"Tell me more!" He was so excited. I laughed "Like what?"

"Hmm." he thought for a moment. "Favourite things about him"

I was surprised at the question as I never had to exactly think of it. Once he even said that though, a lot of things came to my head.

"Well.. Um.. He's really cute and hot at the same time.. He's caring.. Sweet.... Kind and he's really funny too" I laughed a little. "He knows exactly how I'm feeling when I'm down... And he doesn't push me to do anything I don't wanna do... When he's confident in himself, he's a whole different person" I smiled.

"But when he is, it's the most endearing thing to see... He's really good with kids too" I looked at Chan who held a small smile. "He's a dance teacher, I worked with him for two weeks and his work ethic is something very interesting to watch"

"Jisung is just overall such an amazing person... He looks for little details in people" I smiled brighter. "He makes every part of you feel normal" I remember the time he kissed the scars on my stomach.

"When he's with me nothing else matters..not my sister or uni or anything of that sort..." I looked at Chan again. "Jisung is just a safe place I found I guess"

Chan giggled a little. "He also has his own struggles but he always seems to fight through them with a smile and that is something I find really endearing about him"

I pointed my finger a little. "He also really love cuddles and kisses" Chan held the biggest smile I've ever seen on someone.

"Minho" He chuckled. "My guy" He was holding something back and I was very confused as to what. "What?"

"Have you ever like thought to yourself that you might have after... Fallen in love with Jisung?"

I tensed. My eyes widened as I stared at Chan. He chuckled a little. "I'm guessing you haven't" he took a sip of his drink.

"Have I?" I asked. I didn't really think of that. "Well from what you just told me... You definitely sound like someone falling in love"

"Oh my god.." I realised it more and more.

Maybe I was falling in love with Han Jisung.

+. - +. -

Hehe how are we?

I had my first night show of the musical I'm in and it slayed! We got a standing ovation!

Hope you have a good day or night! xx

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