Our Thing🍁

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(gonna put warnings for things now just in case so make out ahead!)

My mom kept messaging me which got really annoying so I ended up making myself call her even though I dreaded it.

I felt sick as the phone dialed. I was still in Jisung's apartment but I told him I had to go to the bathroom and here we are, me panicking as I called my horrible mother.

"Glad you finally called" She scoffed once she answered. "Hi mom" I replied.

"We heard you got suspended" Of course they fucking did. I hummed in response not really caring about the lecture I was about to get through the phone.

"Do you know how fucking hard we try for you to go to university? And yet you fucking tried to...." that's where I zoned out.

I thought about it and honestly if I hadn't been suspended I wouldn't have met Jisung. In fact I wouldn't be as happy as I am now. I legit work now (with Jisung) and I'm less pessimistic I had found.

Maybe life wasn't so bad after all. Maybe all the bad things in my life would lead up to where I am now with Jisung.

He's like my favourite person right now. He just gets me without trying and genuinely it's a lot less effort than when I'm with my other friends. I love them all but it's different with Jisung.

I zoned back in when my mom shouted my name again.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"You weren't listening were you?"

"No not really"

"Of course you weren't you can't do anything at all" I could see her rolling her eyes.

"Do you do anything at all? Or are you still depressed?" That was when it started to hurt.

"Are you still gay? Are you still disappointing your entire family?" She continued. I felt my eyes sting from how these things always hurt.

"Be a man for crying out loud" She sighed. "If you're going to cry you may as well stop because a man doesn't cry Minho"

I had my hand over my mouth now.

"Do you realise how much you've made this family suffer because of how fucked up you are?" There was no emotion in her voice just pure hatred.

I felt tears falling down my cheeks.

I heard my dad in the background. He was the worst.

"Is that Minho?" He said in the background. My mom hummed. "Do something good with your life for once" She said and hung up.

I dropped the phone from my ear and let it fall onto the ground. I turned to the sink and looked at myself. I looked disgusting.

Fucking hell why was I so happy for no reason? Did I forget where I come from? Did I forget about all the actual shit in my life? One person and suddenly that didn't matter anymore?

I tried to calm myself down because Jisung was knocking on the door.

"Hey Min?" He called. "Are you okay?" I turned to the door and composed myself to the best I could.

My eyes were red and puffy but I looked... Okay. I cleared my throat and suppressed the pain in my chest.

"Yeah" I opened the door. Jisung looked at me for a moment. "I'm fine"

It was clear I wasn't fine. Jisung could see I wasn't fine. "You sure?" He asked holding onto my arms he rubbed them slightly and I nodded.

He brought his hands up to my face and leaned in and kissed me. I let it happen because the way I felt anytime he did this was something I couldn't get enough of and it made me feel some ounce of happiness.

He pulled away and gave me a shy smile. "Sorry"

"Don't stop" I told him. He was flustered again. "Oh" He mumbled surprised. "We can kiss as many times as we like..." I walked forward a bit until his back was against the wall.

Maybe I was driven my intense emotions but I just wanted to kiss him to forget everything my mom just said. To remind myself I'm not what she said no matter how much I thought it was true.

Jisung gulped a little. "Y-Yeah.. We can do that-" I kissed him against. He kissed back instantly. We'd gotten used to it.

I felt joy. Anytime I did this. I just was filled with pure joy. Nothing else around me mattered. All I could think of was Jisung. All I could feel was Jisung. All I could touch was Jisung.

He had his arms wrapped around me as I pushed the kiss further than a simple one. I had subconsciously leaned my entire body onto him trapping him against the wall.

We pulled apart for a breath. Jisung let out a very shakey erotic breath and threw his head back a little. I moved my lips down onto his neck completely lost in my thoughts of just Jisung. Everything was just Jisung.

I started to pull at the skin on his neck between my teeth sucking it gently every now and again. Jisung let out shaky breaths every time I did. I moved up to a part just under his jaw and softly nipped his skin there to which he let out a soft moan.

I pulled away before I let things get to ahead of what I knew we both wanted and softly kissed his lips again. I could never get enough of his lips.

Jisung softly hummed against mine content with what just happened. We kissed a few more times and then pulled away.

I rested my forehead on his shoulder. Jisung had his head against the wall. To anyone we probably looked like we were having a weird hug.

He chuckled a little and then laughed hysterically. I looked at him. "What?"

"I can't believe we just did that" He laughed. I smiled. "Wanna do it again?" I asked. He hummed finally calming down. "I'd say yes if I wasn't already so out of it" he ran his hand through my hair now.

"What are we now Min?" He asked. I hummed in thought. "Friends who like kissing each other?" I suggest and he nodded. "Exactly"

He chuckled again. "Can that be our thing?" He asked. "I like kisses, you clearly like kisses so can that be our thing?"

"Our thing" I hummed. It wasn't a bad idea. There wasn't anything more than just a few kisses and possible make out sessions involved. People did that right? People made pacts with friends like this right?

In the end we were just two clearly broken people tryna find someone to fully be themselves with. And if so it happened to end this way.

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Hiii how are you doing??

Hope you're well and keeping yourself healthy!

Anyslay have a great day or night xx love ya!

Don't Delete The Kisses // MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now