Tongue Twister🍁

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We walked quietly to the dance studio.

Deciding that if we went there an hour earlier to start up a routine for the song we'd be performing at the show that was coming we'd be able to leave earlier.

Once we arrived we quickly greeted the boss and he waved us off. I glared a little after he did this. I really didn't like him after what he said about Jisung.

We went into the studio and I closed the door behind us.

Jisung set down his bag and went to plug in his phone. "Mkay" He said as he connected his phone to the speaker.

"How are we gonna do this?" He asked walking back over to me. I was already deep in thought about moves to add to the choreo.

I hummed and smiled. "I'm thinking floor choreography for the intro" I explained. Jisung nodded placing his hands on his hips looking at me through the mirror.

I started moving my body in a more structured way - basically dancing - Jisung watched closely. I stopped and asked him to turn the song on.

"I'll try freestyle" I said as he went to click play. Jisung nodded and watched me from the speaker.

The intro started and I got onto the floor thinking of what to do for the dance.

I didn't even think of anything else when I danced. I forgot Jisung was in the room and once I had finished the freestyle version, I glanced over and saw him a flustered mess.

He clapped quickly to cover it up. He walked back over and didn't make eye contact with me.

"You're a really good dancer" He mumbled. I thanked him. "Thanks! But genuinely it's just years of practice" I smiled. He nodded his head.

I started making a proper choreo for the start of the song now. Jisung followed along. We started back to back, with our knees to our chests until the lyrics started.

I explained the rest of the moves and quickly showed Jisung what to do and taught it to him. He nodded everytime and tried his best to follow along. He was a pretty good dancer himself.

"Okay, just when you do this" We got to a move where Jisung had to do this twirl in front of me.

I had to grab his hips to help him get into the air to do this kick with his legs. But he was hesitent. "Don't think about it, I'll catch you"

We had gotten to the chorus and this was the first move. Jisung hummed and did a little run to me and jumped. As I told him, I caught him in my hands.

Instead of looking at him I looked in the mirror to make sure he was doing the leg work properly.

Jisung was staring at me. Once he fell to my side, I still held onto his hips. He had his hands on my shoulders from the move.

"You good?" I asked. Jisung was breathless. "Yeah.. Good" He mumbled. I smiled at him and moved a piece of hair from his face.

"Hi Ji-" We both looked over to see some of the students walking in. Jisung jumped away from me. "H-Hey!" He walked over to the speaker out of the way.

I waved at the students as they walked in shocked. They had seen us very much looking lovey with each other so there was no point it saying anything.

Let them think whatever. Jisung walked back over and didn't even spare me a glance. He was embarrassed.

"Okay.. Everyone start stretching we're gonna start a dance today yeah?" He clapped his hand and all the students nodded and gave replies.

While Jisung was setting up the song and the choreography, I walked around to greet some of the students.

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