Re-enacting The Chiqutita Scene🍁

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The next morning, I'm up earlier than I thought I'd be if I'm honest. 8am, why?

I stumble out of my room still half asleep, I swear it feels like I'm sleep walking. I didn't realise that the alcohol I had at the party yesterday could leave me feeling sick so I rushed to the bathroom.

I was just in time before I threw up. Gross. After dealing with that I wash my face with cold water and feel more refreshed than before. Honestly, what am I doing with myself? I stare at myself in the mirror for a moment but was startled by Felix standing at the doorframe.

"Morning" He didn't even say it loudly, I guess I just didn't expect him to be awake. I turn and look at him. "Jesus, Felix" I give him a proper look.

He's wearing his fluffy jacket over his pj's, his hair is a mess and his face doesn't look much better. His eyes are bloodshot, he had very noticeable bags under his eyes and he just looks... Not like himself. He couldn't even smile. He's usually full of life in the morning, this wasn't Felix.

"Are you okay?" He asked me. I mean yeah, I am. I just got sick and now I'm feeling fine again. "Are you?" Felix gives me this shocked look. Maybe that sounded a bit intrusive to be fair.

"I-I'm fine" He walked into the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. He clears his throat and smiled. It was forced. "I didn't sleep well cause I was feeling ill"

"So the milk didn't work?" I questioned. Felix looked at me through the mirror. "It did hyung, but it doesn't just magically make my stomach pains disappear"

That sounded stupid of me thinking of it now. "Right.. Sorry" Felix shakes his head. "No, sorry that was rude of me"

"It wasn't" I give him a smile. Felix looks at me now. "Are... Are you... Smiling?" He asked in disbelief Like I couldn't possibly be able to smile at all. He looks like he's staring at someone abnormal.

Then again what is considered normal?

"I'll make breakfast considering classes don't start till 10 on Fridays" I walked out of the bathroom and jump a little when the door closed behind me. I turn back and hear the lock on the door turn. Felix locked himself in there.

I didn't think much of it, maybe he was constipated or something. In the kitchen now, I started taking out what I needed to make pancakes. The most amazing breakfast for a Friday when both of the people in your dorm - Felix and I - are feeling shitty.

Pancakes turn the day around! Or at least that was my logic. I started measuring out the ingredients one by one into the bowel. At this point I just eyed everything, you can't really go wrong with pancakes if I'm honest.

Once the batter is done I leave it to rest for a few minutes, this gave me the time to go get my phone and put on some chill music on the speaker we had in the kitchen. It was my own speaker too so it wasn't like we were using something from the university.

Felix still hadn't come out of the bathroom, I realised. I turn on some lofi music and go over to the bathroom door. I knock. "Felix?" I called, no reply.

I knock again. "Felix if you don't answer I'll start re-enacting the Chiqutita scene from Mamamia-" He opened the door.

He looked worse now, nothing changed but he just looked... Drained of life to put it into words. He stood there lifting his finger to point at me. "I don't need that at this hour of the morning" He then walked past me.

I followed him to where he went - the kitchen obviously - and watched him sit down on the seat he sat last night. "Okay I'm not the person to be like all up in your business but" I paused looking at him for a brief moment.

"What's up?" I asked bluntly. "You're not yourself and I know something happened so what's up? You can tell me" Felix gives me this look. I can't really explain what it was. It was as if he was angry yet confused.

"You never open up to me about anything why should I do the same to you?" I freeze on the spot. Felix really had to call me out there.

I clear my throat and shove down the guilt that started to bubble in my stomach. "I just think that I'd understand, my problems are a lot to dump on people Lix"

Felix looked down at his hands. "You wouldn't..." he paused. Then he looked over at me. "Hyung...." He sounded vulnerable now, very fragile. "I... I think..." He couldn't get his words out.

"I can't... I'm fine... I'll be fine" He sighed sadly, he seemed disappointed he couldn't get what he really wanted to say out but I didn't want to push him. I've had my experiences with pushing people to explain and it isn't fun.

"Well, I'm here if you need to talk"

"So am I"

I give him a soft smile before turning my attention to the pancake batter once again. "I'm making pancakes" I don't look at him but I can feel the happiness radiating behind me. "Really?" he sounded more like himself now.

"Yep, how many do you want?" I asked but I hear a scoff. "Just use the whole batter and ill take my pick after you're done" I turn to look at him. "Um, do you think I have all morning to make you pancakes?" I place my hand on my hip.

Felix laughed. "Kinda, I mean it's not like you have any classes to attend"

"Oh shit yeah" I laughed Too remembering that I am still on my suspension. It was the last day so. "All the batter it is so"

Felix clapped his hands and got up to help me anyway.

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