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I stayed quiet when Jisung said that. Yunsa was his mom? Or a mother figure?

Jisung seemed to guess I was confused. "I really want to tell you about my childhood to be honest" He said. "It's just really hard to explain"

"That's okay" I smiled. "Take your time" I reassured.

"I think.. I can tell you a little though" He was finally finding the courage to open up about this. I was genuinely proud.

"Yunsa isn't my mom" Jisung shrugged. "I don't know who my actual mom is" He added. I frowned. "Yunsa became my mom you could say... Um..." He started to already breath a bit unevenly.

I held his hand bringing him back to the room. He sighed before continuing. "She took care of me from when I was a kid till I was 16" he explained.

"I ran away then" He mumbled. I furrowed my brows. "You ran away?" I asked. He hummed "I had enough of her.. She wasn't the nicest person around and well I just felt rebellious one night and some of my friends there had hyped me up to leave"

Jisung let out a shake breath. "She found me though and then the two years that followed were like hell... When I was 18 I was allowed to leave"

Even though Jisung told so much about this woman to me I still was confused piecing it together in my head.

Jisung didn't know his mom, he was taken under Yunsa's wing. He grew up with her and became rebellious at 16 with his friends telling him to get out of there. Where was there? There could be anywhere. He was found though and went through even worse than whatever he experienced and then was allowed to leave.

I'm also guessing he had to pay Yunsa back for the years she took care of him.

Jisung stayed quiet. He was thinking about something. I kept thinking the whole story over and over and over until something clicked in my head.

I had to make sure.

"Ji, do you know who your dad is?" I asked softly. He shook his head. "No.. I never knew my actual parents"

"And your friends.. Did they live with you?" Jisung hummed. Judging from the small amused grin on his face he could tell I was figuring out things.

I took a moment before asking the real question I wanted to ask. "Jisung.." I wanted to be a careful as possible.

"Are you an orphan?" I asked. Jisung nodded. "Bingo" He replied. Jisung was an orphan. "You're the first person to figure that out so quickly"

He said it as if it was something to be proud of. Even so, that didn't compare to the fact that Jisung's upbringing was very very bad.

He shivered. "It feels weird being honest about this" He laughed. "I don't think you should go to her" I mumbled.

Jisung hummed. "I don't want to but I have to"

"You don't-"

"You don't know what she's like Minho" He sighed. Jisung placed a hand on my cheek and lightly traced his thumb back and forth. "I'll be okay" He smiled.

"Can you call me everyday?"

"There's no signal"

"Then you're not going" I finalised but he just smiled. "I have to"

"Why!?" I was getting so worried. Jisung leaned up and kissed me. "Don't worry too much" Despite the sweet gesture I saw how scared he looked. The mere thought of going there made him scared.

"How.. Bad was she?" I asked. Jisung was closer to my face now as he was leaning up on his hands. "Bad" He replied.

I shake my head. "On a scale of 1 to 10-"

"You sound like a Doctor" He chuckled. "I'm being serious" I rolled my eyes. He hummed "I'd say an 8" He answered. That was enough for me to trap him in a hug.

"I guess I'll just have to lock you in here then" Jisung laughed at this. "Oh my god no!" He rolled into the bed and laid down with his face facing the ceiling.

"There's not much else I can do.." He sighed. "She's the one I pay money to but the payment I'm meant to give her was just meant to be a small drop by"

"Now she asked me to stay for a few days" He tensed at this. As if remembering everything all again in his head.

"If you can find signal anywhere just let me know if you wanna come home" Jisung turned and looked at me. "Home?" He leaned against one of his arms.

I cleared my throat. "Well... Dorm... Apartment thing.."

"Home sounds way easier" He chuckled lightly. I turned onto my side to look at him. "Then just let me know if you ever wanna come home" I smiled. "I'll get you just as quick" Jisung smiled softly. "Okay" He replied. He meant that.

"Have you ever spent a few days there? Like you're going to now?" I asked. He nodded. "Two years ago, when I was 19"

He held a soft smile. "This time I know I'll have someone waiting for me everyday I'm gone" he booped my nose. "And I'm very thankful for that"

I leaned in and kissed Jisung's forehead. "Let's go to sleep now" I was slightly shy after hearing he was thankful to have me there for him so I changed topic quick.

He hummed and cuddled into me once again. "You're like a Teddy bear" He sighed contently. I laughed gently. "Not like you made that obvious today"

"Let me be clingy" He pouted. "I'll have to survive a few days without you and that's hell itself"

"Yeah you'd swear we spent everyday in our lives together" I hummed leaning my chin onto Jisung's head.

Jisung hummed tiredly. "We got close pretty quick didn't we?"

"Mmhmm" I replied sleep taking over me.

"But I'm grateful for that" He replied. Suddenly I remembered the time when Jisung was asking me if I was grateful for anything. Offended I didn't say him. But now..

"Yeah I'm grateful for you too"

+. - +. - +. -

Hello here's me forgetting wattpad exists cuz life is a bitch xoxox

Lads the musical I'm doing oh my lord I wanna shove it under a bus. I can't wait till its over but like 80s😭

Anyways how are we??? Hope we're all good xx

I'll do a double update for yall haha

Have a great day or night xx

Don't Delete The Kisses // MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now