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It was day three without Jisung. And the worst day of all.

That night Felix and I were watching a movie, we spent the day just chilling in our dorm since we both had really bad hangovers.

Now, feeling better again, we decided to watch a movie. Of course it was Mamamia because that was our thing.

"If you could play any character in Mamamia who would you play?" I asked. Felix hummed "Definitely Tania or Bill" He nodded.

"I could see you play Tania, you're as dramatic as her"

"I'M NOT DRAMATIC!" He shouted. I covered my ears. "Jesus Felix, my ears" I groaned in annoyence.

He giggled. "What about you?" He asked me. "Dunno.. I love Rosie" I told him. "But I don't think I'd be great at playing her"

"I could totally see you playing Sky" Felix laughed. I gave him a look. "But like make it gay and Sophie is Jisung"

I laughed. "Imagine you two singing Lay All Your Love On Me?"

My phone pinged with a message. I picked it up not thinking much about it. "We should sing that at the next karaoke night" I said before looking at my phone.

My smile dropped.

"Oh my god! A duet slay!!"


Felix looked at me with a smile. "Yep?" He asked. I showed him my phone and his face drained of colour.

"Is that..." I asked.

"Hyung we gotta go.. Now"

It was a text from Jisung. He had used the bracelet.

We jumped off the sofa and ran to get things together.

"Fuck fuck fuck" Felix cursed as he ran around. "DO WE TEXT PEOPLE?" He asked.

"I DON'T KNOW" I shouted.


Why was he making this out to be mission impossible or something. We met at the door again to put our shoes on. "Don't text anyone" I told him.

After that we ran out of the dorms.

+. - +. -

"Do you remember the bus?" Felix asked. "I do... I remember looking at it for a solid two minutes while it drove off"

Felix hummed. "You've been worried since then?"


"God you really like him" He chuckled. I knew he was trying to make the situation less serious.

It was making me feel less panicked so that was good. "Maybe more than just like him"

Felix gasped. "WHAT!?"

"Not a conversation for today"

"Nah we finna be on this bus for a solid hour" He smirked. "You gotta tell me everything"

Soon the bus arrived and we quickly got on. I asked if he drove to the address Jisung told me and he said there was a walk to that place from the last drop.

God, how far away was Jisung??

We sat at the front to make sure we could get off as quick as possible. Although we'd probably be the last people on the bus at the time.

"So like.. Are you saying you're in love with Jisung?" Felix asked oddly calm in this situation.

"Felix please not the-"

Don't Delete The Kisses // MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now