You Don't Deserve That🍁

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Fucking hell what happened to me?

I woke up. Like barely. I felt like someone was sitting on my head. I groaned and hugged into something holding me close.

That's when I realised it was Jisung. I couldn't remember a single thing from last night.

How did I end up with Jisung? Not that I'm complaining.

"Minho?" He whispered a little. He must be awake. I felt his hand come up to play with my hair. I hummed as a reply.

"Are you alright baby?" He asked me. I only cuddled in closer when he asked this. "I'm guessing you have a hangover"

"it's worse than a hangover" I mumbled against his chest. Jisung chuckled and lightly kissed the top of my head. "Let me go and get you some medicine" He told me.

I still hadn't opened my eyes yet. Now I decided to. I tilted my head up and opened them slowly. But fuck, it hurt to do so.

Jisung only laughed at me. "Oh my god you're eyes!" He was smiling lightly. "They're all red"

I furrowed my brows. "What?" I mumbled. Jisung sighed a little "do you.. Remember last night?" He asked.

No. I didn't.

All I remember was Felix coming into my room with tequila and - I'm guessing I got drunk.

"I found you in the park" Jisung told me. "In.. The park?" I replied confused. He nodded while playing with my hair. "You were lying on the floor playing with the fake concrete"

I oddly remembered something to do with fake. Like what was fake? The concrete I'm guessing.

"Do you remember what you said to me?" He asked. I shook my head slightly "No.. I don't remember a thing"

"Everything is fake" Jisung looked me in the eyes. "But my feelings for you are very real" I blushed wildly.

"Yah!" I covered my face. "Don't say that so calmly" Jisung chuckled. "Then imagine how I felt when a high off his head Minho said that to me"

I was high? Why was I high?

"Also speaking of you being high... Why did you get high?" Jisung asked. I struggled to answer. "I.. I don't know"

Jisung hummed and got up. "I'll go get you medicine okay" I nodded as he left the room.

I rolled onto my back and stared at the ceiling trying to jog my memory as to what happened last night. I was with Felix at first in our dorm. We probably went out if I ended up in the park.

So we probably went to a club since the clubs were close by.

Felix was getting his exam results back today. That's why he was worried. Why did I get so wasted?

"Min, sit up" Jisung had come back to the room. He sat down beside me and handed me a glass of water and two pills. "Take them" I did as he said.

"Do you wanna lay around today?" He asked. I shrugged because I really didn't know what to do.

Jisung was checking his phone now. "Oh Felix said that the exam results are out today" He looked at me. "Is that why you got drunk?"

I shook my head but then paused. I hadn't done my exams - now I remembered. My parents would get a copy of my results showing all zeros.

I had worked hard to make sure that at least the grades I got were good so that I wouldn't be killed even more.

I felt my stomach turn with dread. Jisung noticed me zoned out. "Min, are you okay?" He held my arm.

I looked at him. This was the person I loved. He knew what my parents did to me before. I could tell him.

"I.. Didn't do my exams" I started. Jisung hummed. "Yeah, you haven't really been going to uni" He chucked lightly.

"But our uni sends out copies of our results to our parents... And if my parents see that I didn't show up for the past month and got zeros on all my exams-"

Jisung pulled me into a hug. "It'll be okay" he whispered. "I'm not going to let them do anything to you"

I hugged him back slightly as I was sitting awkwardly.

"I'm scared" I admitted. "I'm really scared" Jisung pulled away and looked at me. "That's okay to feel that way but with me by your side.. They can't do anything"

"How can you be so sure?"

"I'll beat them up" I chuckled lightly. "You wouldn't hurt a fly" Jisung scoffed "Try me"

I grinned a little. He then tackled me down to the bed. He hovered above me with a bright smile. Despite the headache I had and the worries I had..

Jisung took that all away. He made me feel better all the time.

Jisung's smile disappeared slightly into a calmed look. He was admiring me. I knew that face.

He leaned down and kissed me lovingly. He let it be slow and steady before pulling away slightly, leaning his forehead against mine. His eyes were closed. "I won't ever let anything bad happen to you"

"You don't deserve that" Jisung said. I swear to you, my heart imploded. I just pulled him in for another soft kiss.

"And I'm here for you" I said looking into his eyes. He chuckled "I know that" He smiled. "And I hope you know that I'm here for you too"

He then let himself fall onto me. I let out a groan. "Jisung get off" I rolled my eyes. He only made himself more comfortable. "You're very nice to lie on"

"Get off"




"I hate you"

"You don't actually"

I laughed. "No.. I don't"

Jisung hummed happily. "You love me.. And I love you" He giggled.

Despite the fact breathing was fucking hard because of the weight of the other body on top of me. I smiled.

"Yeah, I love you too"

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Why do I write chapters that make me depressed to be single?

Anyways how are we doing?? Hope we're well xx

I have exams all next week and I'm not looking forward to it at all. Like please I don't understand Irish and its my first exam

But anyslay we power thru


Don't Delete The Kisses // MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now