Simply Sweet🍁

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(steamy content xx)

Jisung's suggestion of us making out was very much going to happen.

It happened the moment we entered his apartment. He held my hand all the way to his apartment and when I closed the door behind me, he pulled me in for a kiss.

We somehow found ourselves on his sofa. I was on top of him one hand on his waist and my other arm resting beside his head.

His hands were behind my neck pulling me closer to him. Our tongues fought against each other for dominence but Jisung gave in and submitted to me.

I took the lead from there. It always felt that way when one person was more needy than the other.

I pulled away from the heated mess for a moment and sat up. Jisung followed and sat up beside me. He stared at me for more. I pulled him onto my lap, his legs now on either side of my body.

He sat down comfortably on my thighs til I pulled him in closer, he let out a shaky breath. I attached my lips to his neck and left soft kisses there.

"Minho.." He mumbled. I hummed as I left more kisses on the other side of his neck. "Leave marks there.. please" He said. I pulled back from his neck and kissed his lips.

I didn't say anything and went back to his neck and started to leave small love bites and marks all over instead. I pulled at the soft skin like I did before but sucked extra hard on it.

Jisung let out a soft moan at one point. It urged me to keep going at the certain area and so I did. Jisung let out a proper moan when I did and I could tell his was embarrassed.

He had previously had his hands on my shoulders but one was missing now. He had covered his mouth from embarrassment.

I brought my hand up to his covering his mouth and pulled it away. "Min-"

"Let me hear you" I mumbled getting way to intoxicated by Han Jisung. Jisung whimpered a little when I traced my lips over a part of his neck that I left a hickey on.

I remembered the time he had put his hands under my shirt. It seemed to be something he liked as he was clutching my shirt again.

I slowly put my hands under his shirt and I heard him leave out a small gasp. I pulled him in for another lustful kiss on the lips.

I let my hands roam around his abdomen and waist. He had such a slim waist. I squeezed his sides a little and he let out a shaky moan against my lips.

Then suddenly his shirt was being pulled over his head and my shirt was being thrown off elsewhere as well.

I wasn't a fan of my stomach. For many reason there were scars still there from years ago. Jisung didn't care one bit about them though. He just looked very much in awe at the set of - very not defined - abs I had.

He started to feel my stomach with his fingers. This was way more intimate than I think we both ever intended.

He let out a breath. "Fuck..." He mumbled. I pulled him in close again and he was now on my crotch. I left wet kisses all over his chest. His hands found their way to my shoulders again.

He let out a small pleasurable hum as I left love bites on his pecs. He was so lost it in his grinded down on me making us both moan. We both became flustered instantly.

We looked at each other. "This... This is going way further than a make out isn't it?" He said breathlessly.

It was. Jisung had forming hickies all over his neck and teeth marks all over his chest. I was kinda in awe of what I did to him.

"Yeah" I finally replied. "Kinda" I met his eyes again. He looked so innocent. His eyes were like puppy eyes now. He looked so unsure.

"Are you okay?"

"I just.. Feel embarrassed for um you know-" He did a weird wave emotion with his hand. "For grinding on me?" I questioned and he nodded. "Yeah"

(It ends about here loves)

"That's normal, it was bound to happen" I reassured. He calmed down a bit. He then started laughing. "Nah the way I wanna make out with you again"

"Jisung!" I laughed. He shrugged. "I'm sorry! I meant what I said when I said you're lips are intoxicating"

I scoffed. "Go and imagine it then" I lightly pushed him. Jisung leaned down and kissed me softly for a moment. "My imagination can't compete with real life"

"Minho" Jisung mumbled. I hummed bringing my hands to play with his hair. Jisung kissed me again on the lips. "You know what?" He asked.

I hummed completely focused on him. "I like you" He confessed. I felt my heart do a thing and my stomach turn with joy.

It was obvious we liked each other. I smiled and kissed him again "I like you too" I felt happy saying this. For once admitting something that I found personal didn't make me feel dead. In fact I felt very much alive.

Jisung seemed to be extremely happy too. "Oh-okay" He smiled. "Yeah" He giggled. He kissed me again but this time it felt different. It didn't feel lustful, it was just simply sweet.

Once he pulled away he put his head against my shoulder. "I feel very exposed" I now realised we were both shirtless.

"Right, go put a top on then" I said but he shook his head. "I like your hands there instead" I don't think I was so flustered in my life.

My hands were still rested against Jisung's waist. "That was very gay of you Jisung"

"I'm gay for you" He rolled his eyes as he lifted his head back. I chuckled. Then something in his eyes made him tense. "Wait"

"Can you see the hickies?" He asked. You could most definitely see the various hickies on his neck but I shook my head.

"No" I replied. "Wouldn't even know there's anything there"

"Good, I'm meeting up with Seungmin and Jeongin tomorrow... I think Felix is coming too" I held back a laugh. I'm evil to not tell Jisung about how visable the hickies were but I'd also love to imagine how shocked all his friends would be.

Especially Felix after he brutally attacked me yesterday over the hickey on my neck. Which was faded already, Jisung's ones would be there for a while.

He got off top of me and yawned. "I'm tired now" He stretched himself a little and have me a tired smile. "Wanna go sleep?"

I got up and hummed. I wrapped my arms around him and held him close again. He groaned "Yahhh, lemme go~" He tried to pry away.

He ended up just smiling and looking at me. I did the same.

He placed a quick kiss on my lips and I let him go. He ran off to the bedroom laughing and I just rolled my eyes before picking up my phone and walking in after him.

I really liked Jisung. And I finally knew for sure he felt the same way.

+. - +. - +. -

I want a friendship like Minsung irl

Anyslay I made chocolate porridge and mini pancakes for brekkie todayyyy

All about self care fr


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