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The next morning I woke up in Jisung's arms. Memories of the night before flashing in my head and made me smile shyly.

Genuinely can't believe someone that hot gave me a blowjob but like that did happen. That hot person being Jisung.

I had to say as the days go by Jisung started to look so much hotter to me. Like at first he was cute and hot but like now he's just hot and I can't handle it anymore.

He had buff arms too like stop please thank you imma die if you get any more muscles.

I guess my intense staring woke him up. He furrowed his brows before opening his eyes slightly annoyed at the light in the room.

Considering it was February now and that the days started getting oddly brighter for no reason it was definitely not smart to fall asleep without the curtains closed.

Jisung sighed and finally opened his eyes properly. "Morning" He yawned. I smiled up at him. "Morning" I replied. I felt like we were a couple.. We definitely acted like one.

I love how we were both so scared of the official title of being in a relationship. Like.. What are we?

Jisung smiled tiredly. "My throat hurts.." He mumbled before realising in fact why his throat was sore. I patted his cheek. "Poor baby"

He blushed. "Shut the fuck up" He mumbled and buried his head into my hair.

Jisung was still trapped in a sleepy state. His arms were in no way of moving off of my waist so I had to force myself out.

"No..."He mumbled. I looked back at him. "Don't go" He pulled me back down.

I laughed as I landed on his chest. "I wanna make breakfast" I said. He shook his head. "Later" He told me. I complied and got back under the covers.

"You're such a baby" I rolled my eyes as he wrapped his arms around me once again. "But I'm yours" He mumbled. I blushed. "What?"

Jisung realised what he said. I saw his eyes widen. He then chuckled and smiled. "I'm yours" He confirmed. "Oh... For real?" I asked and he laughed. "I'm not just throwing that around for no reason"

"You do realise you mean that you belong to me in a way" I needed to make sure he was being serious. Jisung nodded though. "If you were the person I belong to then I'd be happy with that"

That made my heart melt. "How are we like not dating?" I mumbled. Jisung chuckled at this. "Maybe because we're scared of commitment?"

That was true. I hummed "Maybe"

"I come from a place with no love given and so do you... So maybe love scares us?" He looked at me. He was fully functioning now. He ran his hand through my hair and began twirling some parts between his fingers.

I never realised or thought of it that way but what he was saying was a genuinely good reason as to why.

"Maybe we should try" I mumbled. Jisung smiled at this "Even if we're scared?"

"I guess we'll never really know unless we properly.. Tried-" I was brought into a kiss. Jisung pulled away and smiled. "Minho are you saying what I think you are saying?"

"You never let me finish-"

"Are you saying we should try... Dating?" Jisung asked. I slowly nodded.

"Wanna go on a date today?" I asked. Jisung giggled and nodded. "I'd love to" He kissed my nose.

"But we can't see each other before a date though.. Right?" He asked. I rose a brow "Jisung that's before a wedding" I laughed. "We're not quite there yet babe" I smirked.

Jisung shrugged confidence soaring. "We will one day!"

"Back onto the topic of marriage I see" I smirked. "Marry me" Jisung asked jokingly. I laughed "Are we sure we're scared of love or just in denial?"

The fact we could so calmly talk about marrying each other but found dating each other was scary.

Jisung laughed too. "Who knows" He said. I finally got up again out of his grip. "Breakfast" I state. "Come on"

Jisung sighed and rolled around in the bed. I looked at him with a smile. He looked cute then.

I got Jisung up out of the bed eventually. I found a old waffle maker in one of the cupboards and decided to make that for breakfast.

Surprisingly enough Jisung had the ingredients for the waffles too. "Do you cook?" I asked. He shook his head. "I attempted" he said as he leaned against the counter top beside me.

I pulled out a bowel and everything else needed.

"I see you've abandoned the idea of cooking then" I laughed. He scoffed as he watched me make the batter.

He moved away from my eyesight to only wrap his arms around my waist from behind. A back hug. He leaend his head on my shoulder and hummed happily. "So can I say we're dating?"

"Yeah.. You can" I smiled happily to myself. He could obviously see though. He sighed contently. "I'm dating Lee Minho!" He exclaimed loudly.

I reached for my ear. "Jisung my fucking ear-" He made apologetic sounds before kissing the top of it. "Sorry my love"

I blushed. "Can you let go? I need to make waffles for us" I asked holding the bowel in my hands.

Jisung hummed. "Okay" he pulled off me and I genuinely felt less warm than when he was there.

I got to the waffle maker and lifted my arms slightly again. Jisung chuckled "What?" He asked.

"Hug me again" I mumbled. Jisung laughed and I felt him wrap his arms around me again. This time he pulled me back against him more making me pretty much trapped.

As I closed the lid of the waffle maker I felt him leaving little kisses on my neck. I shivered "Stop.. It tickles-" I mumbled. He kept going until I turned around in his arms.

"You're being so clingy"

"Because I can" He smirked. I grinned. "Oh really?" His messy bed head was the most cutest thing but he still managed to look hot.

Oh his voice too did I mention was so much deeper in the morning and it was driving me mad.

I turned back and focused on the waffles. One by one they stacked up with Jisung watching closely behind.

"Okay, they're done" I tried to move but found it difficult. "Ji" I sighed. "You can spend the entire day with me today" I said. "We have a date" I reminded him.

He let me go. "Slay" he smiled and sat down at the island. I placed the two plates of waffles in front of the stools we would sit at.

"Enjoy" I smiled. Jisung hummed happily and tucked in.

I was sort of dating Jisung now I guess.

+. - +. - +. -


All I can think about is Jisung saying slay at kcon fr

Anywhom how are we?

My school had a wellbeing week this week and today we get to wear a colour that makes us happy lol what's yours?

Hope you have a great day xxx

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