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The last thing I expected was to be standing in front of an apartment door in a rather sketchy side of the town waiting for Jisung to answer.

Once he opened the door, my smile fell. I never saw someone look so distraught. It was as if someone had died that's how bad Jisung looked.

"Thanks for coming over" He stepped aside to let me in. I looked around the apartment. It was small but Jisung had it well made cozy.

I could see the walls were painted over in a nice cream shade and all the furniture was nutrual shades. It was very cozy to say the least.

"Sorry its a bit of a mess in here" Jisung wore an oversized hoodie that covered nearly his entire body. He worse shorts and had slippers on too. "I was going to clean up before you got here but I panicked-"

"It's okay" I gave him a small smile which seemed to have relaxed him. He brings me around for a quick tour, considering the place was so small it didn't take long.

"That's it!" He announced. "Do you want something to drink? Eat?" He asked. I frowned a little, Jisung was trying to act fine when he clearly wasn't and I could tell straight away he wasn't fine. Any sane person could see he was clearly not alright.

"I'm alright" I sit down on one of the stools that were in front of a small island in the kitchen area. Jisung was busy making himself a drink. I didn't think Jisung could ever be so.. Fragile.

When I met him, he seemed confident and sure of himself. He knew who he was and he thrived and always held great advice in his stride, a sense of pride in what he does and who he is and I never thought that that confident boy I met two weeks ago could be so much more fragile than the exterior person he shows.

But I guess everyone is like that right?

I noticed that he was moving around too quickly for making something like a coffee. He wasnt paying attention. "Wait Ji be-" I try to say before Jisung picks up the kettle too quickly and poured hot boiling water all over his hand.

He dropped the kettle on the counter and stood back with a shout, his mug falling onto the floor breaking.

I rush over and before he could say or do anything I run his hand under cold water. His eyes are teary and his face was red. "Don't move" I said sternly before reaching for a towel to clean up the hot water and coffee from the counter and floor.

Jisung just watched, I could feel his eyes on me. Then I heard sniffs and when I got off the floor i turned around and saw Jisung crying with his hand still under the water.

"I'm sorry" He cried. "I didn't meant to I was just-"

"Woah woah woah, it's alright-"

"No its not I didn't meant to do that" He took his hand out from under the water. I stood closer to him to put it back under. He whined a little. "It's too cold"

"You don't want your hand to blister do you?" I look him in the eye. His watery and bloodshot eyes. Up close Jisung looked like he had been crying all night without a wink of sleep.

Jisung opened his mouth to say something but closed it again and shook his head. I stood close to him until I deemed his hand was numb enough from the cold water.

"Where's your first aid kit or do you have one?" Jisung pointed to a cupboard in the corner of the kitchen and I went over to it and pulled out a bandage roll and some burn cream to help with the pain.

I brought Jisung over to the stools and sat him down on one. He didn't look at me once during all of this. I started to put on the cream.

I picked up his burned hand into my own and saw that it had been scalded pretty bad. But luckily it didn't seem to blister too much just a small few ones that would die down eventually themselves.

"I'm sorry about all of this.." Jisung finally spoke his voice sounding more hoarse from having not spoken in a while. I shake my head. "Just be careful, that's all I ask" I lightly chuckled to make the mood lighter.

"I don't want you losing a hand next" Now he laughed. "Maybe you were right about being a good mom" He looked at me now, I looked back. "Do you think you could be my mom?" He asked.

I shake my head with disgust. "Not after nearly making out with you that's just wrong" He goes quiet again and I know why this time. I mentioned the thing he probably was avoiding talking to me about. The thing he tried to act like he was fine with.

"I'm sorry about that... I shouldn't have kissed you like that-"

"I liked it" I cut in because hearing Jisung sound so angry at himself for doing something as simple as a kiss made me feel sad.

I had just finished putting on the bandages when I said this. I looked up at him again. He seemed to be surprised. "You.. You did?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yeah I did and I'm not going to deny that I would've went further if Felix wasn't such a intruder" He chuckled a little bit but I could tell the mention of Felix wasnt good to hear either.

"Well um.. I did too" He admitted. We both smiled. I could feel tension, you know sexual tension. But Jisung was not in the right mind to deal with anymore surprises so I went to his sofa and sat down.

"I was planning on watching Netflix when you texted me so now you have to watch it with me" I threw myself onto the sofa. Jisung turned in the stool and looked at me with a grin. "My apologies for ruining your much needed Netflix time" He sounded more himself now.

Maybe telling him I liked kissing him was a confidence booster. If this were an normal day when he was his confident self I'd regret saying shit but now I felt happy.

He came over and sat down beside me. He left some space between us which I disliked. Even with Felix sometimes he'd sit legit on top of me nearly so having space beside me knowing someone was there was just... Odd.

I tugged Jisung's sleeve. "Sir closer I don't like space" I said and he nodded with a blush running to his cheeks.

Now shoulder to shoulder, Jisung turned on Netflix. "What do you wanna watch?" He asked. I suggested a movie and he went along with it.

"What one though? Comedy?" He asked and I hummed. "Yeah, I kinda wanna laugh to be honest"

"Same" He mumbled before going to the comedy section. After about ten minutes of being indecisive we ended up watching Alvin and The Chipmunks.

You know the one where they get stranded on an island? Yes, so good.

Everything started out fine until we were about half an hour into the movie I'd say was when Jisung leaned his head on my shoulder. Now you could think, but that fine right? Wrong.

Jisung is an attractive individual in my eyes, he has been since I laid my eyes on him and now he's my friend who I have kissed and nearly made out with, I also like men, Jisung is a man.

Which in simple terms: I'm starting to develop a small small crush on the boy beside me. But nothing more then that.

"Who was your favourite chipmunk as a kid?" Jisung asked pulling me out of my thoughts. I hummed a little. "I'd say Britney, my sassy queen, did you see the way she slayed those girlie's in the club?" That came out way more... Whatever that was.

Jisung laughed though. "Love that, she does slay. I'd have to go with Theodore cause he had puffy cheeks like mine" I smiled and nodded in agreement with Jisung. "He's also really cute like you" Well done Minho.

Jisung turned his head up to look at me and suddenly I'm getting déjà vu. He grinned "You think I'm cute?" He asked. I scoffed "I only say things once, never twice you won't be hearing it again"

Jisung laughed and focused on the movie again leaving me to be a flustered mess.


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Didn't bother checking for mistakes so deal with it xxx

Haha love ya

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