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"Oh come on hyung, a bit of karaoke and chicken is the best night out"

I was being dragged out by Felix to a karaoke bar. Much to my dislike, I kinda wanted to spend my night worrying about the new found fact that I might actually be falling in love with someone.

That person being this dumbass's best friend.

We entered the karaoke room and Felix was already starting up a song. "I'mma get you hyped for real watch" He chose Glad You Came by The Wanted.

What a bop I had to say. The start of it though was dreadful til the actual beat kicked in and then it got good.

I did find myself clapping along while Felix pointed at me every time the lyric 'Glad you came' was said.

Felix ordered us some drinks, alcoholic drinks. Once I was three pints in I was already feeling a lot more relaxed.

"We should've brought more people" I said as I picked a song. Felix gasped "Good idea! Lemme ask everyone!"

It felt good to be spending time with friends like this. I was so stuck with Jisung I genuinely forgot about the fact I had other people there for me.

Plus I forgot how outgoing Felix can be.

"Okay Jeongin said he's on his way" He said. "And Seungmin... And Hyunjin... Oh and Chan and Changbin"

"So everyone?" I asked with a laugh. "Yes apart from Jisung.. We should definitely do this again with him!" Felix smiled. I nodded.

"A tipsy Jisung is really clingy though" I held the mic a little tighter in my hand. "And you're implying?"

"Just saying if we do this again, prepare yourself for cuteness overload" He smiled happily.

I ignored the butterflies in my stomach and began singing That That by PSY.

Felix and I were jumping on the sofa's when Seungmin showed up. He stood with his phone in hand for a moment "Woah-okay-" He put down his bag and sat down.

Jeongin was next to show up. "Oh my god" He laughed. "What the fuck are you two-"

We cheered as Felix pulled him up. Chan and Changbin arrived next. we were still on the sofas dancing while Jeongin sang this time.

Seungmin had also joined in.

"AYYY" Changbin got up instantly. Chan laughed and started dancing on the floor.

Hyunjin showed up and just stood there frozen. Much like Seungmin but he just had a even more disturbed face. "Yall weird" He scoffed before jumping onto the sofas with us.

Before long we were drunk.

Felix and I stumbled our entire way back to the dorms. "No cause imageen" His voice was higher than normal while laughing. I giggled "If I was briTish" He over annunciated the T.

"BRO..." I shouted. "Shhhhh" I put my finger to my mouth. "If British was British then what's the meaning of Australian?"

"BRO..." He said the same thing. "That makes no smese" we both made noises before stumbling into the dorm.

I fell onto the floor while Felix took off his shoes only to fall on top of me.

"Donmino" I laughed. Felix wheezed. "One by oneeee" His face was somehow against my neck. His breath tickling my skin.

"I love you Felix" I admitted. Dunno why. I felt like it ahha. Felix looked at me and smiled "You have emotions.. Slaw"

"SLAW!!!" We both fell laughing.

"Fucking LAW" I roared and we laughed even more because I messed up the word. "I love you too Hyung" Felix smiled.



Felix rolled off me and groaned. He then started crawling his way to the bathroom before I even had the chance to get up.

I kicked off my shoes, having enough sense to do that. I got myself off the floor slowly but surely. "Slaw but slay" I sang as I stumbled to my bedroom.

I laid down on my bed and sighed. I smacked my lips together before smiling and laughing to myself. "Mcflurry" I said aloud.

"Hahaha" I held my stomach. "Hahahahah" I continued laughing. I then moved a bit and threw up. Great.

"Felix!" I called. Felix came over to my room and gagged. "Fucks sake Hyung!" I saw him drinking water. "Don't fall out of bed whateemver" He was still drunk but he had logic.

I rolled in onto my other side. Felix came back with a dustpan and brush. He also wore a mask and sunglasses. "I don't have the plague"

"Well I ain't looking at your vomit-" He gagged. "Don't get sick on my floor!" I exclaimed. Felix lifted the brush at me. I screamed.

"That's what I thoughT" he left the room after.

I reached for a spray I had in my desk and when I tell you I sprayed for five minutes, Felix came back after discarding the vomit and actually ended up in a fit od coughs.


A cloud? There was a cloud? I gasped. "WHERE!!"

Felix left my room continuing to cough and in hopes of recovering. I just fell asleep.

+. - +.-+. -


I am so tired 🤪😭

Lads pray for me please I have to perform in front of a crusty dusty ass boy school who legit scream anytime a woman is on stage.... Unloved kids fr

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