Work Experience🍁

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"Do you really have to go?" Jisung pouted as I put on my shoes. I gave him a glance "Yes, I do" I confirmed.

I had to go back to uni and it was around 11am now. My first class was over but it wasn't anything important but that didn't mean I wanted to miss any more.

Jisung tugged at my arm when I stood up again. I looked at him. "What?" I asked. Jisung tugged my arm more harshly bringing me closer to him.

I stumbled a bit but got my balance again. I looked at him. Jisung looked at me with puppy eyes. "Can't you miss one day?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. "No-"

Now he was hugging me. "Please?" He sounded like a kid. "Ji, let go" I tried to push him off. He only tightened his grip.

"Not unless you stay" He protested. "Ji I have classes to go to"

"But you don't like uni" He replied. He was right there, I hated uni. I still had to go though.

"I still have to go" I pushed again. Jisung shook his head. "You can leave" He mumbled. "Some people don't end up finishing uni" He explained.

I paused for a minute. "Oh.. Really?" I never really thought of that before. Maybe I could leave uni... But then what? I'd be jobless and couldn't provide for myself. I live off student benefits for crying out loud.

"I don't think that would work for me"

"Come work with me" Jisung pulled away. "You could work with me in the dance studio!" He exclaimed. I thought about it. It wouldn't be that bad right?

"The guys would love you oh my god"

"I don't dance" anymore I wanted to kinda drop the hint I did dance before but then I knew Jisung would drag my ass to the dance studio.

"I could teach you some basics" He shrugged it off as if it was nothing. "I thought you said you can't dance"

"I can dance, but it isn't my favourite thing to do" Jisung smiled. "You should go and file in two weeks off for work experience"

I furrowed my brows. "You're very attached to me" I teased. Jisung blushed and scoffed. "I'm tryna help you and this is what you give me?" He rolled his eyes. "Ain't no way"

I loved teasing him. Very much loved to tease him because Jisung always let me do it and gave a great reaction. So, I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him close to me. His face was priceless.

"Ain't no way?" I repeated. Jisung gulped and looked everywhere else but at me. "Well-I didn't mean-you know-"

He groaned. "Fuck off!!" I let him go and he stepped back folding his arms. "That was uncalled for"

"It's me you should know fully well its always called for" Jisung glared at this. "It's still not confirmed in my brain yet"

I clicked my fingers at him as I went to leave. "Then tell your brain to get on that because I love to tease you"

Jisung blushed more. "Wait! Are you going?" He asked. I hummed "I'll file for work experience time off"

He smiled brightly. "Who's the attached one now!"

I rolled my eyes and left.

+. - +. - +. -

I genuinely thought I'd have a peaceful time when I got to the university office. I really did. But of course as always the universe hates me and so when I entered the office I bumped into Haeun again.

He scoffed. "Oh right, forgot you'd be back" I rolled my eyes at this. "Isn't that so sad" I replied.

Haeun laughed. "You had some nerve showing up at that party spreading your weird disease around" He covered his mouth. "And to show up here after you practically raped me!"

I wanted to choke this bitch.

"One, I don't have disease I sadly just attract dickheads like you and two I wouldn't be throwing the word rape around so easily" I gasped. "Oh wait, that's the basis of all your insults so you're clearly just a basic man" I laughed a little and pushed passed him.

He just stood at the doorway dumbfounded. Fucking hell that felt good. I guess it was the fact I wouldn't see him for two more weeks that made me not give a fuck about what I said to him.

I was met with the receptionist, one of the most sweetest people I've ever met.

"Oh Minho! You're back! How are you?" She was typing away on the computer. I leaned against the counter and smiled. "I've been fine"

She gave me a look. "I know that look" She chuckled. I furrowed my brows. "Huh?"

"You've found someone haven't you?" She smiled and propped herself up excitedly. "Tell me about them!" She tapped my hand.

Who had I met? Oh right Jisung. I went to talk about him but then realised that she had thought I found someone as in a partner. Did I really look like that?

"Oh-Um-" I stuttered. "He's just a friend" I mumbled. She made a slight noise before sitting back a bit in her office chair.

"Alright then, what brings you here?"

"Work experience time off" I said. She hummed. "Alright who with? And how long?" She started typing on the computer.

"Um-" I got flustered. "The new friend I made... He works in this dance studio and asked me to go work with him for two weeks"

She looked at me with a 'are you serious' look. She leaned back further in her chair. "So you're telling me this guy you met.. A whole like two weeks ago.. Who's your friend.. Asked you to work with him for two weeks and you're not asking yourself.. Is he tryna spend time with me?"

I gulped because she was right. That was exactly why I was here.

"I don't see him anymore than a friend" It wasn't a complete lie. Friends don't make out with each other. Friends don't get as flustered as we did with each other.

I knew I had a small crush on Jisung. I know I did. It was easy to see he liked me someway too but I genuinely just couldn't push it because I hate to push things any further than a friendship because I'm scared of the next step.

"Whatever you say" She typed out a few more things and asked me a few more questions before slamming on a key and smiling at me. "All done"

I guess she could tell how deep in thought I was about Jisung. I bow my head and turn off to leave. "Oh wait Minho!"

I turned back. "If you ever need to talk, I'm here!" she smiled. I gave her a small smile. "Yeah.. Thanks"

With that I left.

+.-+. - +. -


anywhom hope you're all slaying and that

I started a new school today im in my new girl era so we'll see how that goes


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