Idea Of Dating 🍁

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My work experience had come to an end too quickly for my liking.

I actually ended up loving the job and the students too. They were all so kind and chaotic at the same time it was so nice.

It was my last day and when I walked in, they were all in there shouting surprise and holding a small cake.

Some of them started twerking and others were doing weird dance moves to Primadona By Marina and The Diamonds.

I just stood there in shock. Not what I was expecting. Jisung was laughing his head off in the corner of the room. The music was so loud I couldn't hear him.

Dannie, was holding the cake and he walked over to me with a twirl in the strut. "I present to you, a cake" I took it in my hands and read the message on top of the cake.

'Thank you for your hard work!' I smiled. I glanced over at Jisung who smiled back at me.

"Thank you guys" I walked in further to the room and joined some of the girls dancing. They started clapping their hands and cheering. "Ay! Ay! Ay!" They chanted.

Jisung walked over and took the cake from me. "I'm not letting you drop it" He mumbled and walked off with it before coming back.

"Jisung and Minho should do a dance!!" Someone shouted. Cheers roared through the classroom.

"Show us the dance for your  performance!!" another requested. Jisung started to laugh and shake his head. I looked at him and held out a hand, dramatically.

"Come on Ji" I smiled. "Oh my god no!" He laughed. "I'm not ready-"

"You're born ready babe" I laughed with him. The cheers sounded again, Jisung blushed at the nickname I gave him and eventually nodded.

"You got this" I said to him before walking off to put on the song.

When I got back, Jisung was on the floor for the first move. I joined him and one of the students clicked play.

We started the floor choreography, we had this part nailed down so it was easy. The students cheered as we got closer to the chorus.

I was prepared for the leg kick jump move. I hoped Jisung was prepared. He looked at me and gave a small nod before running to me.

I caught him by the waist and helped lift him into the air for him to do a kick.

The students roared.

We continued until the end. We had decided to end it on a cute little hand hold in the air.

The students clapped loudly. "That was amazing!"

"I wanna do this dance"

"Can you teach it to us?"


We did a little bow and laughed together. We had our hands held in each others still.

Jisung and I didn't notice but I only started to when I saw some of the students giggling and pointing at our hands.

I went to let go but Jisung tightened the grip. I glanced at him.

"Today will be a chill class I think" Jisung sat down dragging me with him. "What do you think?"

The students all agreed. Out hands were still laced together. "How about we play games!"

"Truth or dare!!!" Everyone shouted in agreement so that's what we did. Giving déjà vu vibes Really.

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