Always Been My Someone🍁

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I woke up the next morning in Jisung's arms. It took me a moment to remember everything that happened last night but when I did I couldn't help but feel extremely flustered.

I looked at Jisung and smiled. He said he loved me. I said I loved him. We loved each other. I was loved by someone. That someone was Jisung.

Jisung had always been my someone.

I could feel a certain shift in the air. I felt more secure.. More.. Mature? Something had shifted since last night. I just had a feeling it did.

Jisung stirred awake. He took in a breath and let it out before opening his eyes a little to look at me. "Morning" he mumbled before kissing my forehead.

I hummed "Morning" I whispered in reply bringing my hand up to caress his temple with my thumb. He chuckled lowly "You're gonna make me fall asleep again" He obviously found the movement calming.

He opened his eyes fully now and looked at me with a brighter smile. "How are you feeling?" The arm wrapped around my bare waist tightening.

"I'm okay" I hadn't felt any discomfort but then again I hadn't moved yet. Jisung hummed and kissed my forehead again. "I'll take care of you today okay?" His voice was a bit more deeper and raspy from sleeping.

I hummed. "okay" I replied. Jisung rolled around to get out of bed. He pulled up a pair of pants before standing up and stretching his body. He turned to look at me. "You look so cute wrapped up" He chuckled.

He ruffled his hair a little. "I would make breakfast but I'm not the best cook so how does toaster waffles sound?" He smiled sheepishly. I smiled back "I'd love that"

He nodded and made his way to the kitchen. I wanted to go and watch him so I rolled over to the edge of the bed and sat up.

I winced briefly as a shot of pain rushed through my entire body. Especially my lower body. I ignored the pain and got a pair of pants from Jisung's drawer. Luckily we were the same size.

I stood up and cursed. What the fuck did Jisung do to me? There was no need to be so rough but here we are.

I practically limped my way to the kitchen. I heard Jisung humming a song before he heard me coming along. He turned around and laughed a little. "You're limping"

"I'm aware" I resist the urge to roll my eyes. Jisung walked over and bent down a little. I felt his arm around the back of my knees.

"No no wait oh my god-" He picked me up bridla style and brought me to the seats at the kit he island. Legit was only a few steps away.

Jisung plopped me down after placing a cushion on the seat. He sat me down and kissed my cheek. "Any prefered toppings?" He asked going to the fridge.

"Do you have strawberries?" I asked placing my elbows on the counter. He nodded and took out a box of strawberries. "Anything else?" He asked.

"Cream?" I asked and he surprisingly had cream too. "Now I tried to make a cake one time..." He explained placing the things on the counter in front of me.

"But I saw the steps and just completly called it a day when I read step one" He smiled as the waffles popped up from the toaster. I laughed. "Isn't step one always to preheat your oven?"

"That alone was too much brain power for me that day" Jisung said as he placed two plates of waffles down.

He stood to eat while I sat across from him. I cut up some of the strawberries and placed them on top of my waffles. I also got some cream.

I tucked in and was really happy with the fluffiness of the waffles and cream together. I was enjoying my food not paying any attention to Jisung until I felt his eyes looking at me.

"Yes?" I asked with my mouth someway full. He chuckled "You're so pretty"

I don't know how I could be pretty when I had no top on, a bed head and probably waffle crumbs all over my mouth.

Jisung was insane for calling me pretty.

"Mm sure, I totally do looking like this" I snorted. "But I love every way that you look" Jisung replied.

I paused mid bite. "Oh" I chuckled. "I see"

"I love you" He blurted out. I choked on my waffle and looked at him surprised. "Huh!?"

"I love you" He said again. I wasn't used to hearing that. I did manage to smile and reply though "I love you too"

"But like I love you" Jisung kept saying it and I was started to wonder if he was programmed to just say he loves me. I hummed "Okay I love you too now eat your waffles"

Jisung laughed and went back to eating.

It was only now I wondered how Felix and Hyunjin's date turned out. "Do you think I should call Lix and ask how his date went?"

Jisung hummed. "Why not call Hyunjin?"

"Felix would be more honest" I shrugged. Jisung nodded "I guess" He pouted a little. "But I kinda wanted you all to myself today"

"You legit had me all to yourself last night" I grinned. "And I see I left my mark" Jisung smirked.

If it wasn't just the pain surging though my entire body, I felt my neck and winced again. "I swear-"

"Just a little payback for the shit you pulled on me that one make out session" He smiled. I wanted to run to the bathroom but that wouldn't be an option if I couldn't fucking walk without it hurting.

I scoffed before finishing my waffles. I asked Jisung to get my phone and he gladly did. "You're acting like a servent today" I joked.

"I mean.. Its kinda like my way of saying sorry for putting you in the pain your in"

"Mm, cause you definitely didn't go hard on me"

"But I did".


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I love cute chapters

Yall I want to write like a café au but how to start it I have no idea😭 like have a café au but with rich ceo x poor boy lmao

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Have a great day or night xx

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