The Sparkling Diamond🍁

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Felix never told me much about the Saturday he and Hyunjin hung out together. Maybe nothing happened.

But one thing for sure was that they were spending a lot of time together.

Felix came back one night from hanging out with Hyunjin, I had brought Jisung over to watch movies so we were on the sofa chilling when Felix slammed the door and rushed to his room.

Jisung and I glanced at each other for a moment. He was cuddling against me so when I went to get up he sighed a bit annoyed.

He got up with me and we went to Felix's door. I knocked on the wooden frame "Felix?" I called with no reply.

Jisung tried "Felix you okay?" He asked but again no reply. He turned to me "Maybe he wants some time to himself" I sighed. If I knew Felix, something had happened and it wasn't good.

I gave into Jisung though and we wandered back to our place on the sofa, continuing our movie marathon of Moulin Rouge.

Jisung sighed happily when he got to cuddle me again. "Favourite song in this?" He asked. I hummed. "Dunno" I hadn't watched Moulin Rouge and I think Jisung had forgotten that too.

He had asked to watch it. He giggled "The Sparkling Diamond" He said. "Its so slay"

I hummed in response. "Tell me when it starts"

I put my arm around him and brought him closer.

Jisung and I had the performance for the show this Friday. We had been practicing so much that I only realised that we've gotten extremely closer than before. If anything we acted like a couple.

A couple withoutal actually being one I guess. Jisung looked up at me. "Minho" He started. I glanced down at him. "Yeah?"

"I'm nervous for the performance"

"Don't be, you're doing just fine" I reassured. Jisung sighed. "But like.. Just fine isn't good enough is it?" He asked. I remembered when I was like this with dancing. Thinking that I had to be perfect in every move. Only for Jisung would I not be so particular about that thing anymore.

I still was but I knew that Jisung was right when he told me that it didn't need to be perfection.

"You'll be brilliant" That's all I replied before Jisung gasped. "Oh my god! Here it is!" He jumped up into a focused seated position. His eyes sparkled as the main character started singing the song that I'm guessing was The Sparkling Diamond.

Jisung sang along and I genuinely think that was the first time I've ever heard him.. Sing.

He sounded so pretty. I wasn't really paying attention to the song until it transitioned into All The Single Ladies. Jisung pulled me up and started dancing.

It reminded me of the time in the old building. We were messing around and laughing. Jisung started singing the high notes and I was so stunned.

"Diamonds are forever~" He sang and I had to pause to just look at him. He laughed after he did it and started moving my arms.

I pushed him out to twirl into me and he did. Somehow we always did a big finale move.

Once the movie continued on, we laughed together. I had Jisung in front of me with my arm around him.

Then there was claps. We jumped apart and looked over to see Felix.

"That was impressive" He smiled softly. I completely ignored that and went straight to asking "Are you okay?"

He smiled a little. "I'm alright" He was lying. Jisung seemed to know too. "You're not alright" He shook his head and walked over to him.

"What happened?" He held Felix's hands in his. I watched them both. I didn't feel jealous that they were holding hands though - in case you thought that.


"Come sit down" Jisung brought him to the sofa. I paused Moulin Rouge and sat down with the best friends.

"Does it have to do with Hyunjin?" I asked and Felix slowly nodded. "I..." He sighed a little.

"I'm so fucking dumb" He threw his head into his hands. Jisung and I looked at each other.

"No you're not" I rubbed his back. "What happened?" I asked. Felix looked up at me. "I kissed him"

"Oh" Was all Jisung and I could say because we could tell it didn't go the way it was planned.

Felix sighed and leaned back on the sofa. "We went to the arcade" He started explaining. "After playing a few games he wanted to go to those prize machine things and get me a teddy bear"

From my breif look at Felix running in I remembered him holding a bear.

"He won one for me... Once he gave it to me he was acting all shy and stuff... Saying things like it's cute like you and well I though that maybe he liked me" Felix had tears welling up in his eyes.

"I guess I completely forgot that Hyunjin probably isn't queer and I kissed him... He looked at me so shocked and almost disgusted..." Tears started to fall now.

"He didn't say anything expect oh and I started panicking... Then he was like Felix... I'm not..." He sighed. "I didn't want to hear what he wanted to say because I already had an idea so I ran off"

Jisung and I gave each other a look with sad eyes and brought our attention to Felix again. He was still talking.

"And now I'm here ruining your date" He laughed sadly. Jisung shook his head. "It's not a date Lix, we're hanging out"

"Yeah you're welcomed here" I added in. Felix laughed "Thanks" He wiped his eyes. "Moulin Rouge?" He looked at the TV.

Jisung hummed. "Yeah, you should have joined our dance session" He tried to lighten the mood an dit was working. Felix laughed more happier again. "I'd trip over the table"

"But you're a dance major" I pointed out. "You two looked like you were doing a whole ass choreography and I was not about to be thrown" We all laughed.

"Let's continue this then" I pressed play on the remote control to resume watching Moulin Rouge.

We didn't talk much after that.

+. - +.-+. -

Jisung decided to stay over so once we said night to Felix, we went to my room and got comfortable in my bed.

Jisung cuddled into me again. "I missed cuddling you" He sighed contently. I hummed amused. "You're very clingy lately"

Jisung shrugged. "I wanna be" He hummed a little. "I'm going off next next for a few days"

He pulled out his phone and showed me the message he got. My face dropped. I didn't mind Jisung going off for a few days but to where I thought he was going was making me worried.

"I'm heading to an old friend" He mumbled. He didn't sound excited he sounded drained saying that. He had no ounce of joy saying that.

"Yunsa?" I read the contact name. That bitch who was Yunsa?

Jisung hummed. "She's an old friend who took care of me" I felt the need to pry. "Is that who you owe money to?"

Jisung looked up at me with a confused look. "What?" He asked. "You told me you owed people money and... The one time at your place she messaged you and I saw..."

"You saw?" He asked a bit more irritated. "Why did you read it?" He sounded way more irritated now.

"It's not like I was gonna know what the message was-"

"Why did you read my private messages in the first place?" He was hurt by that. "Sorry"

"Yeah" He mumbled. He turned off his phone and stayed quiet for a while.

"Yunsa" He spoke again. "She was like a mom to me"

+. - +. - +. -

Okay now tea

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