Soft Kisses🍁

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The class went by smoothly.

Jisung had made up an excuse that he went to the hospital for an operation and was weak still so he sat out and watched.

Some of the kids were curious as to where he got his operation so Jisung said his stomach which let them to leave it up to their imaginations what the "stitches" looked like.

"And then" I instructed. "Five, Six.. Seven" I jumped onto my left foot for the move. "Eight"

The students nodded as I continued to teach them the dance. The theme they picked this week was musicals so I let it up to them to decide the song.

Was I making up a choreography on the spot? Yes but it was going well so far.

Aeri had picked Greased Lighting as the song. We had just gotten to the dance break.

"Okay just take a break to get some water and run through the moves, we'll run it after"

They all nodded and started chatting amongst themselves as I went to Jisung.

"I've never seen such a serious dance class" He chuckled. He was wrapped up in a big cardigan making him look extra cuddly.


"Yeah, you look really hot" He grinned a little. As the day went by Jisung was starting to act like himself again. He was joking and being way more comfortable with me and Felix. It had taken him a moment to adjust to his actual life again from what he had been through the past few days.

That didn't mean he felt completely okay yet.

I sat down beside him. "How are you feeling?" I asked. He hummed "A little sick" He admitted leaning onto my shoulder.

He held my hand into his and played with my fingers. "But I'll be okay" He smiled. "You okay with showing this much affection?" I teased.

Yet he hummed without a tone of joking. "What's the worst that could happen?"

"A good few things-"

"If they ask I'll just say we're dating.. We said we'd try right?" He looked up at me. I nodded. He was right. We were dating.. In a way.

"I was gonna wait til we were officially dating-"

"Is this not officially dating?" He brought his hand to my cheek and caressed it with his thumb. His hands were warm. "Do you want it to be?" I gulped.

Jisung hummed. "Yeah.. I do"

My heart burst. Not because someone actually wanted to proper get with me but because I genuinely think I'm in love with this boy.

I smiled. "Okay then" I smirked a little "But I will definitely embarrass you" I warned.

Jisung giggled "How could you-" I kissed him. In front of everyone.

Of course there were some gasps from the students who had seen us and other confused looks.

Jisung turned as red as a tomato. "Yah!!" He covered his mouth as if I did something illegal.

I looked at the students who all seemed to know what happened now. "What?" I asked.

Dannie pointed. "Did you just.. Kiss Jisung?" there was squeals and gasps at how forward he was.

I hummed. "I guess Jisung never said but we're dating" I got up form the seat and walked back over to where I was previously teaching them.

There was cheers of joy and shocked gasps. "Oh wow" Dannie laughed. "I thought you were tryna prank us or something"

Aeri had run over to Jisung and hugged him. I smiled as he hugged her back. But he was flustered as hell which made it funny.

"I called it!!" He said as she walked back over. "I knew you two would end up together"

She laughed.

"Okay, run through the dance!" I called setting back the light-hearted mood in the room.

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"I can't believe you did that" Jisung pouted as we sat in his bed watching YouTube videos with a bowel of popcorn between us.

"What? Kiss you?" I asked. He scoffed as if it was obvious. "Yes, kiss me!" He glared. "I can't imagine what their parents think"

"Who cares what they think?" I shrugged. Jisung pouted. "I suppose"

"You of all people should know that" I laughed. If it weren't for Jisung I probably wouldn't be happily being myself.

"Remember the conversation we had when you told me you were bi?" That was the conversation that made me realise what other people think of me had legit no meaning at all.

Cause genuinely who gives a fuck? An opinion on a person is legit like an opinion on a piece of fruit.

Like they might look different on the outside but generally taste the same. So I kinda learned to not give a fuck.

"I guess I'm not like that anymore" He shrugged. "You most definitely are"

"Mm, where?"

"Here" I poked his chest. Jisung cringed "God that was definitely a line from a Disney show" he fakes a gag. "Not you pointing at my heart"

I laughed. "You're still the confident boy I met at the park" I said proudly. Jisung hummed as if it was a joke. "Yeah sure"

"I'm telling the truth"

"Okay" He rolled his eyes sarcastically. I scoffed and tackled him. The popcorn spilled everywhere and his laptop went flying off the bed.

"YAH!!" Jisung roared with laughter. "You're cleaning this up" He pointed at me. I chuckled as I looked down at him.

He realised the position we were in and cleared his throat. "Hi" He mumbled shyly.

"We've been like this before" I chuckled. "Yeah but it's been like... Dunno a week?"

"A week" I laughed. "And you're that flustered?"

Jisung groaned and covered his face. I of course pulled them away and laced our fingers together so I had him pinned down.

He sighed. "Happy now" He was a blushing mess. "You can see me all flustered and shit"

"It wouldn't be the first time though" He scoffed at this. "Go away!!" He was just really shy and it was the best thing ever.

I leaned down and gave him a small kiss before getting off him.

He then rolled on top of me and had me pinned down. "Boo!" He laughed.

I chuckled looking up at him. I brought my hands up to his face and brought him in for a kiss. I missed this a lot.

Jisung hummed happily as our lips collided with each others. We stayed like that for a while, just sharing soft kisses that we missed a lot.

+. - +.-+. -

I love some soft moments

Anywaysss MY MAXIDENT ALBUM IS FINALLY HERE!!!!! I pulled Minho and Felix

Really making stays delusional by giving them letters asking to be their boyfriend

the irony of this is I played a character in a musical who got love letters all the time


I hope you're doing well and staying healthy xoxo

Have a great day or night xx

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