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"Min, you look fine"

"But do I?" I looked at myself in the mirror of the changing room.

Jisung and I were out shopping for outfits for tonight. Minhee invited us to go out. Ever since the fiasco with mom and dad Minhee and I have started becoming closer again.

Sometimes I felt a bit scared she'd turn into the person she used to be. The one that hated me. But it hadn't happened at all. She was truly my sister once again.

I groaned as I took off the top I had put on. I knew Jisung was staring at my bare chest. "I'm frustrated" I sighed.

"Mm, I can tell" Jisung chuckled. "But anything looks good on you Min" He added. "Seriously"

I sighed as I put the top back on the hanger. "I dunno" I shrugged a little. "This is so much more difficult then i thought it would be"

Jisung laughed. "We're going to a bar, not a party or club" the moment he mentioned a club I genuinely started to wonder why I was stressing over what to wear to a bar when only two weeks ago I was in a club in a hoodie and sweatpants.

"Do you like parties?" I asked a bit curious. Jisung rose a brow. "Why?" He grinned.

"In case I want to throw you a birthday party or something.."

"Do you even know my birthday?"

"Do you know mine?"

Jisung burst out laughing. "There is no way we've been going out for a whole like three months and we don't know each other's birthdays"

I let out a chuckle. "Wow.." I smiled "Mine's October 25th" I said. Jisung smiled really happily "I finally know when my soulmate was born"

"God don't be so Cringy"

"Mine's September 14th" Jisung smiled. I knew his birthday now too. You know when people look like the day they were born on? Like genuinely I couldn't picture Jisung being born any other day than September 14th.

"So then do you like parties?" I asked again. Jisung hummed "Depends, I don't go to them often and if they're boring then like what's the point?"

"But you'd go to one?"

"Yepp, I feel like in an alternate universe I hate them though" Jisung looked up a little thinking about it. "But in this one I don't mind them.. I just don't see the entire point of them sometimes"

I felt oddly humbled. I'd been out to parties and clubs many times but it was really only now I thought.. Why?

Cause its fun!... That's it.

"Oo I have an idea!" Jisung giggled. "How about..." He stepped closer to me. "We don't share our outfits till tonight"

I groaned. "I will struggle"

"Then ask for help or something!"

I folded my arms. "You're the one with the style here! I survive off of hoodies and jeans-" He booped my nose. "Still stylish" he smiled.

Jisung then started walking off. "Bye~ Have fun shopping~"

I hated this already.

+. - +.-+. -

I sat in the dressing room - I put my top back on too. I contemplated my entire knowledge on style until I decided to call Minhee.

"Hello?" She answered. "I need your help" I sighed. "With?" She hummed.

"Jisung had a bright idea to pick out outfits and not show each other till tonight.."

I heard a gasp.

"Where are you I'm on my way!" I quickly tell her the shop and she's already running around.

She's been staying with Felix in the dorms since the night she decided to stay with me. I swear to you then in minutes she was here.

"Okay bitch" She found me. "Get your ass off the chair and let's go shopping" I smiled at how determined she was.

"So what are you thinking of putting me in-"

"Something hot" She smiled. "You legit live in hoodies and shit like that - not saying it's bad but like let's spice you up"

We ran around the store for a few minutes which felt like hours. Minhee threw things at me and then took them back and then threw more things and then they were gone suddenly too.

I was left with like five pieces of clothing. "I think I've done my work" She brushed her hands together as we walked back to the dressing room.

I finally put on the outfit. In hopes of it making me somehow 'hot'.... Oh my god!

I was wearing white jeans with a white t-shirt under a blue striped shirt. For the bones of an outfit.. It looked really casual but.. Can I say hot? Yes, I look hot!

Minhee asked if she could come in and when she did she carried some accessories. A pair of heart shaped sunglasses, necklaces, earrings, bracelets.. Like everything.

"Here, put these on" She handed them over. After a little help, I looked in the mirror. Damn, from what I was trying on earlier to now... Minhee was the answer.

"How are you so good at this?"

"Didn't I tell you I'm gonna study fashion in university?" She chuckled. I gasped "Fuck off!"

"It's true!" She replied. "I got really into it when I was like 17" She smiled. "So.. Do you like it?"

I nodded. "I can't wait to see Jisung's face" I laughed thinking about it. She hummed "We're going to a beer garden part in the bar so you will be glowing!!"

Finally we bought the clothes and left the store. I called Jisung to ask where he was and soon enough he came along holding a bag in hand.

"I see you made your purchase" He smirked at me. He smiled lightly at Minhee. "And got some help"

Jisung had slowly but surely been warming up to Minhee. It was better than completly despising her.

"Well I'll see you two tonight then!" She smiled. I nodded "You're bringing Hyejin right?"

She giggled and nodded cutely. Jisung gasped "Yes!!" He exclaimed. I lightly hit his arm. "You're more excited to meet her aren't you?"

He shrugged "Well I already saw you both so" Valid answer, I let it slide.

I couldn't wait to see how tonight went.

+. - +. - +. - +. -


Lads when I say I'm tired. I mean it.

Yesterday I woke up at 4:20 cuz I had to get ready for the festival I was going to and the bus left at 6 (I live in the countryside so gotta wake up earlier yk)


Kid you not spent 8€ on a small basket of fries and sauce AND 7€ ON A CRÊPE I was so disappointed


How are we tell me the Goss xx hope all is well!

Have a great day or night xx

Don't Delete The Kisses // MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now