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I looked at the door knob turn to open the door and jumped out of sight. Thankfully there was a little gap for me to hide in. I looked down the corridor and saw Felix had hidden away too.

Thank fuck.

The door opened and a few people walked out. One woman - Yunsa and a few boys around our age. I had a glance at some of them. They looked dead. If that was a way to describe them. "Off to your room boys, the fun is over" God how was her voice so sweet?

These boys were hypnotised by her. "Okay Yunsa" They all said in unison. Jesus it was creepy.

Yunsa hummed and walked off down the corridor. She had a weird skip in her step which made her look even more psychotic then before.

I let out a breath I had been holding. I made sure she was gone before I walked out of the hiding spot. Felix had done the same.

He walked up to me and glared. "Don't run off on me!" He whispered. I didn't reply. I went to the door that Yunsa and those boys had just come out of.

I had no idea what was behind here. What I was about to see. I turned the door knob and slightly opened the door. I heard sudden cries as i did. Terrified cries.

I pushed it open completely the moment I could see a bit of Jisung. I rushed over to him without processing how he was in the room.

"Jisung!" I hugged him but he tried to get away. I pulled away quick. That's when I saw him. His eyes were teary, his lips bitten with cuts on them.

His hands were tied to the end of bed frame. He had little burn marks on his arms and his clothes had been the same as the day he left.

There was no ounce of the Jisung I knew in front of me. This was someone who was completely drained of life. This wasn't Jisung.

I shook my head. "What happened?" I asked not wanting a reply. I just said it from complete shock.

Jisung couldn't even speak. He was completely out of it. He just stared at me as if I was a dream. As if I wasn't really here.

"M... Minho... Minho" He cried. He looked over at Felix who stood behind me.

"Felix..." He mumbled with another cry. I looked back at Felix who looked like he was about to burst into tears.

"Lix, help me untie him" I said sternly. Felix nodded and started pulling at the fabric around Jisung's wrists.

I untied the ones at his ankles.

The moment he was freed he threw himself at me for a hug. He felt so weak. He cried onto my shoulder hysterically. I rubbed his back to calm him. I've never seen him so broken.

"Shh, its okay I got you" I whispered into his ear to soothe him. "We should get going" Felix said.

I nodded and helped Jisung up. He nearly fell so that resulted in me carrying him on my back.

".. Please.. Be careful... Please" He mumbled. We had no other choice but to leave out the front door which meant we had a higher chance of running into Yunsa.

Felix lead the way.

Jisung was breathing heavily again. He was nervous.

We walked down the stairs, oddly enough they didn't creak. We got to the bottom of the stairs and we all sighed in relief.

Felix walked to the door and oddly it was easy to open. The moment he pushed the door open, an alarm went off.

We panicked. "RUN!" Felix shouted. We ran out of the door before a gate smashed down in front of it.

We rushed to the gate that was slowly closing. I felt Jisung grip onto me harder. I glanced back and saw Yunsa standing there.

"Run" I heard her shout. "But he'll never be the same" She laughed loudly. "He knows where he belongs.. He knows his place" She roared then she chased after us.

We ran down the lane way until we were met with the bus stop once again.

To our luck, the bus was coming up the road. We rushed down to it and stopped it.
It was the same bus driver from before. He opened the doors and let us on.

"Tickets?" He asked us. "Please just go now" Felix exclaimed. He looked at us. "Sorry?"

"Please we need to go! There's a crazy woman chasing after us for him" Felix pointed to Jisung. The moment the diver met eyes with Jisung he locked the doors.

"Get on boys, time for speed!" He smirked. We rushed to sit down. Felix let Jisung and I sit together. He sat on the other side of Jisung in the opposite two seater.

Jisung leaned onto my shoulder. I held his hand and laced our fingers together. "I'm definitely reporting her" I mumbled. I heard Jisung hum "Good luck with that" He sounded so tired.

"You're stuff.." I mumbled. "I didn't bring anything" He glanced at the driver. "I gave him my phone" He mumbled.

The driver was glancing back at us too. "I thought you told me Yunsa took it?"

"I did.. But that sounded more believable" He said. I didn't understand why he lied about that but I wasn't mad about it.

"I knew something like this would happen" He laughed. "That's why he has my phone" He got up and stumbled over to the bus driver.

They exchanged some words before he got his phone back. He smiled at the driver before sitting back down beside me.

"I'm glad you came" He said. I smiled and leaned my head onto his. "Why wouldn't I?"

Felix cleared his throat. "Sorry to disturb the reunion but like.. Get a room?" He held a face of disgust. We laughed a little. Jisung clutched his stomach a little.

"My stomach hurts" He mumbled. "Have you eaten?" I asked. He shook his head. "No.. She didn't give me anything"

"What why?"

"Can i tell you later?" He asked with big eyes. I nodded and ran my hand through his hair. "Of course" I glanced at Felix who was now drifting off to sleep once again.

"Can you stay with me?" He asked. I hummed "I wasn't going to leave you" I chuckled a little.

"Okay" Jisung didn't laugh at all. He was being dead serious about everything.

I frowned a little. What had happened to him?

Jisung cuddled into me. "Try get some sleep" I whispered. He shook his head. "I just want to be held" His response sounded automatic. Every word and sound was pronounced.

"Alright..." I yawned myself. I was tired. "You can sleep" Jisung mumbled against me. I hummed "Do you mind?" I asked.

I felt him shake his head. "Wake me up the moment you need me okay?" I kissed the top of his head before letting myself drift.

The last thing I felt was Jisung hug me tighter.

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Ello how are youuuu

Yall I was in hospital all day! I'm fine but jesus christ waiting for a doctor for two hours was not a slay

Anyways any tea?

Hope you have a good day or night xx

Don't Delete The Kisses // MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now